All Chapters of Heart over Mind: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
802 Chapters
Chapter 0141
She walked out of the canteen, and when she was at the administrative building, Max happened to walk out.She stopped in her tracks.Max glanced at her before indifferently looking away, brushing past her.Danielle raised her eyebrow slightly before walking up the steps into the building.Only after
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Chapter 0142
”Wow… Ms. Wendell has appeared!”The chat immediately started bursting with replies.“Ms. Wendell, hurry up and tell us!”“I’m begging for the truth.”Danielle laughed and started recording a voice note.“Before I answer that, I have a small request. From now on, everyone in this group chat is forbi
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Chapter 0143
Danielle’s face was as red as a tomato.Karl felt somewhat pleased when he saw her looking so bashful.He leaned down to peck her on the lips.Just as the elevator doors were about to close, someone suddenly appeared at the door, pressing for the doors to open back up.When they saw the couple flirt
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Chapter 0144
Such an impressive deduction… Danielle had to yield. “I never said that.” “Just because you never said it doesn't mean that’s not what you were thinking.” Karl put down his spoon. “So, Ms. Wendell, what exactly do you think my problem is? Is it because I haven’t been persistent enough for you? Or
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Chapter 0145
Lying on the couch, Danielle was so nervous her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She could tell that he was very serious about that. “Are you going to answer?” His voice rang out again. She quickly nodded. However, he continued staring down at her luscious and red lips. He knew that he
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Chapter 0146
Noticing Max's icy glare at her from inside the car, Danielle clenched her fists. She wondered how he found the place.However, they continued staring at each other through the windshield. Max did not attempt to get out of the car, and Danielle did not greet him either. After a moment, Danielle t
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Chapter 0147
Then, she threw the report at him before turning to leave. As she drew near the door, Max spoke scornfully, his voice emotionless.“Don't worry. Other teachers may get fired, but it won’t happen to you. After all, you’re Mr. Burt’s woman. All you need to do is to go up to him and start pleading. Ma
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Chapter 0148
All Timothy did was send a brief text. “I need everyone to be quiet for a moment.” Just like that, everyone stopped talking, including Danielle. The silence lasted for a full minute before Timothy sent another message. “We’re all humans at the end of the day, so let’s be understanding. Miss Wendel
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Chapter 0149
However, if all the pigs were as good-looking as his family, who would have the heart to eat them?Karl asked nonchalantly while focusing on the road, “What happened today anyway?” “Nothing major. One of my students was having diarrhea all night last night, so I had to take her to the hospital this
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Chapter 0150
Danielle's arrival plunged the kitchen into a state of chaos. She felt very guilty about it. After all, it was already getting late. Karl, on the other hand, sat comfortably with his legs crossed and was watching television without a care. The housemaid brought some berries over to them. Karl ha
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