All Chapters of Heart over Mind: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
802 Chapters
Chapter 0671
Harmony quickly stepped forward to comfort her. “Why are you crying?” Willow shook her head weakly, then she shrugged off Harmony and walked away. “Willow!” Harmony chased her back to Henry's part of the house. When she entered the room, Willow was sitting on the couch and wiping her tears. Harm
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Chapter 0672
Danielle had to hold back laughter. Previously when Hazel went abroad to visit Danielle, she stayed at Danielle’s place for several days. In that short period, she did some irreversible damage to the young man. Timothy shuddered when he saw Danielle’s smile. On one of those days, he came home fro
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Chapter 0673
Timothy was unconvinced. “What made you think I'd believe you?” Hazel grumbled, “Are you doubting me?” “That's right, that’s what I’m doing.” “Okay, are you trying to challenge me? Do you think I wouldn’t back up my talk? Who’s the girl you’re trying to get rid of? Send me the address and I’ll he
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Chapter 0674
The trio went to the basketball court and took a lap around the court but could not spot Leia anywhere. Danielle suggested, “Maybe she did end up leaving after all.” “What? I was looking forward to putting on a show!” Timothy asked out of curiosity, “What story did you have in mind anyway?” Haze
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Chapter 0675
Hazel turned to Timothy and rolled her eyes at him. Timothy frowned irritably. “What’s with that look?” “Figure it out yourself.” Timothy retorted, “If I could figure it out, why would I ask you? Do you think I like talking to you? I wouldn’t talk to you at all if I could!” Hazel was getting equ
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Chapter 0676
Timothy responded dismissively, “Ridiculous.” Hazel declared proudly, “Listen up, boy, it’s not every day that I would willingly offer to do someone a favor like this. If you miss this chance, then it’s over. Are you sure you don’t want it?” Timothy cast a look at Danielle. “Can she pull it off?”
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Chapter 0677
“A prophet? What's that supposed to mean?” Timothy was confused. Hazel pinched his arm and hissed at him to keep his voice down. Then, she whispered in his ear again, “What I meant is that how is it that as soon as you mentioned your brother showing up, he popped up like a spirit out of nowhere?”
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Chapter 0678
Karl could not help but stare a little longer at Hazel and Timothy. Danielle was speechless. She said to Hazel and Timothy, “You’re really something. You seemed to dislike each other a while ago, but you’re joining hands to troll us now.” Hazel retorted, “You and Karl were torturing us with your P
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Chapter 0679
The man who fell off the bed hissed in pain. Hazel was surprised when she saw his face. “Tim, it’s you.” “Who else did you think it was?” Timothy rubbed his waist. “Why did you kick me?” Hazel asked, “Did I drink too much last night?” “What do you think? I thought you were a good drinker, but yo
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Chapter 0680
Hazel replied, “That’s easy. Doesn’t she want you to show her around on Saturday? Say yes to that, but tell her not to come looking for you at your college these days.” Timothy was displeased. “You want me to take her out? Are you out of your mind, or am I going crazy? What are you thinking?” Haze
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