All Chapters of Godfather Wants Me: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
122 Chapters
Chapter 91
One week had passed since I last heard from John, my private investigator. He was supposed to report back to me three days ago with information on Greyson’s whereabouts and dealings, but for some inexplicable reason, he had fallen off the radar. What was even more perplexing was the deafening silence from my two other private eyes tasked with keeping tabs on Kimberly. A knot of worry twisted in the pit of my stomach. I knew I had sworn her off after signing over her company, but I couldn’t simply let her existence slip through the cracks. She was the daughter of my late best friend, and I still felt an overwhelming obligation to ensure her safety and well-being.“Sir, should we proceed with disposing of the body?” Tony’s gruff voice broke through my troubled musings. “Yes, go ahead,” I said with a shrug.With a curt nod, he turned on his heel and strode away. I followed a few paces behind, steeling myself for the grim task that lay ahead. Inside the dimly lit room, a man sat bound an
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Chapter 92
Kimberly:The cab pulled up in front of my uncle’s house, and a feeling of dread washed over me. Something wasn’t right—I could sense it deep in my bones. I had to get to the bottom of this.“Are you sure this is a good idea?” John, my private investigator, asked with clear concern etched across his face. Just three nights ago, he had saved my life when Mary tried to murder me in cold blood. I was still reeling from the shock and trauma of that horrific night. “Yes, I need to speak to my uncle and cousin. I need to know if they’re okay.” My voice wavered with a tremor of fear I couldn’t quite conceal. John gave me an Indecipherable look but nodded in acquiescence.With shaky steps, I exited the cab and entered the compound, my heart pounding like a jackhammer in my chest. I knocked firmly on the front door, but there was no answer. Using my keys, I let myself in, calling out for my cousin Rebecca. A memory of that fateful night flashed through my mind—the deafening gunshot that had
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Chapter 93
Kimberly:"John…" I whispered when I saw my private investigator standing in front of us, eyes shooting daggers at Rebecca."And who the fuck are you telling me what to do?" She growled, her grip tightening around my hair."Let her go or face the consequences," he said in response, his voice ice cold."What the fuck is your problem? Has my dad not paid you yet?" Becca snarled at him."If you don't leave her alone, I'll call the police on you!" John said decidedly, ignoring her words altogether.Becca's eyes narrowed at him before she released her grip on my hair and John pulled me over to his side."This isn't over, by the way," she glared at both me and John."And John, I'll take this as a personal betrayal," Becca spat, gave me a dirty look, and stalked off."Are you okay?" John asked as soon as she was a considerable distance away.Too shocked and disoriented, I shook my head absentmindedly, my mind still reeling from the odd and bitter ordeal that I had just experienced.John led
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Chapter 94
Kimberly:My lips quivered at Ethan's words and underneath the weight of his cold stareMy already broken heart shattered into several billion pieces. I hated myself for getting Ethan to the point where he couldn't stand me. I knew I deserved this treatment from him."Ethan…" I trailed off, not sure what to say to gain his forgiveness.Saying sorry to him after all the pain I caused him felt like an insult, like putting a band-aid over a bullet wound."I'm so sorry," I began with the lump in my throat growing bigger. "I'm sorry that I didn't believe you. I'm sorry I let…" I choked on my words, wiping the tears off my face with the back of my palm.Ethan stared at him in silence, his face not giving even a single emotion away I wanted to know what he was thinking."You have every right to hate me but I just want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for doubting your intentions, I'm sorry for pushing you away, I'm sorry for rejecting us… I'm sorry for the accusations…"Ethan's eyes bore in
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Chapter 95
Kimberly:After the revelation from John, I not only felt stupid, I felt like I had spent the last month playing house with vipers.My uncle paying my private investigator to lie to me and separate me from Ethan hurt me more than anything had ever hurt me. They'd tested the fate I had in Ethan and I had failed him even after he tried to convince me that he wasn't my enemy.I knew what it felt like to be betrayed but I never thought being the traitor could hurt this badlyI felt small and stupid for not listening to Ethan and more importantly, I was angry with what Uncle Greyson and Becca had done to me."I'm going to kill all of them!" I growl when John finishes his story, clenching my fists into a ball till my knuckles turn a white color.All this time I thought I was getting information about my father's death, I was just being lied to and played for a fool.The anger in me intensified as I remembered the day John had told me that Ethan was responsible for my parents or at least wa
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Chapter 96
Ethan:After the night I had spent at Crystal's place, I had been nothing short of restless and angry with myself.We'd not had sex but we had done other intimate, sexually charged activities that had left her begging for my cock. I had bolted out of her house when things started to become more intense , giving her a flimsy excuse that I had a meeting.It had literally been 8pm.It wasn't that I didn't want to have sex with her, it was that I simply couldn't. I had depraved tastes that I didn't think was a good idea to introduce her to. She'd just gotten out of a divorce, there was no reason to show her another world she wasn't probably ready for–at least that was what I was telling myself.Since then I had spoken to her only once which was the day Kimberly had come running to me.I had been so joyful when I had opened my door five days ago and Kimberly was standing there looking at me with those eyes she used to stare at me with- helplessly–but I had also been resentful of her since
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Chapter 97
Kimberly: I stormed into my uncle's office, my heart pounding with a volatile mixture of rage and trepidation. This was it—the moment I had both dreaded and anticipated. No more games, no more deception. I was here to take back what was rightfully mine.Greyson looked up from his desk, his reptilian eyes narrowing as they took in my disheveled appearance. A slow, insidious smile spread across his thin lips—the smile of a predator who had caught the scent of prey."Well, well, if it isn't my darling niece," he crooned, leaning back in his chair with an air of nonchalant arrogance. "To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"I clenched my fists, anchoring myself in the burning anger that had propelled me here. "You know exactly why I'm here," I spat through gritted teeth. "I want my company back."A sinister chuckle slithered from his throat as he regarded me with patent amusement. "Is that what you think?" He rose from his seat in one fluid motion and rounded the desk, circling me li
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Chapter 98
Ethan:My heart pounded as I raced down the hallway towards Greyson's office, dread coiling like a serpent in the pit of my stomach. When I got the call that Kimberly had shown up here alone, every instinct warned me that she was in grave danger. That twisted bastard was capable of anything.As I neared the door, a commotion reached my ears—the sickening crack of glass followed by a muffled thud. Adrenaline spiked through my veins as I pictured the worst, my strides lengthening with urgency.I didn't bother knocking.Planting my feet, I drove my shoulder squarely into the door, the lock buckling under the force of my entry. My eyes instantly found Kimberly, huddled on the floor beside the shattered window, shards of glass glittering in her hair like fragmented diamonds. But she was alive.Relief washed over me in a dizzying wave, only to be consumed by a scorching blaze of fury as I took in the crumpled form of Greyson lying in a heap several feet away. The depraved look of malicious
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Chapter 99
Ethan:After we broke apart from the intense kiss, I gently sat her down on the plush couch in my penthouse's living room. I knelt before her, taking her soft hands in mine. Her amber eyes were wide with a swirl of emotions - fear, relief, love. I stroked her knuckles soothingly with my thumb."Kimberly, you have to promise me you'll never take such an insane risk again," I said, my voice low but intense. "When I got the call that you were at Greyson's alone...I've never been more terrified."She opened her mouth, likely to protest, but I placed a finger over her lips to silence her. "No, let me finish. That deranged bastard already tried to have you killed once. I won't let him or anyone else endanger your life again. You mean..." I swallowed hard, struggling against the lump of emotion in my throat. "You mean everything to me, Kim. I can't lose you. I've lost way too much in this world. I won't lose you too." Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she nodded slowly in understanding.
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Chapter 100
Kimberly:I paced anxiously around my bedroom, my mind consumed with worry for my friend Vanessa. Ever since my harrowing ordeal with that monster Mary, I had been desperate to track her down and ensure her safety. The thought of her being caught up in my uncle Greyson's web of deceit filled me with dread.Ethan had given me a new, secure phone to use, understanding the importance of keeping certain communications private. With trembling fingers, I dialed Vanessa's number, my heart pounding as it rang. Please pick up, please pick up, I silently pleaded."Hello?" her familiar voice crackled through the line.Relief washed over me. "Vanessa! Oh my god, I've been trying to reach you for days. Are you okay? Where are you?""Kim? Yeah, I'm fine, just staying low for a bit after everything that went down," she replied cryptically. "How are you holding up?""I'm hanging in there," I assured her, though the trauma still lingered like a dark cloud. "Listen, we need to meet up somewhere safe. I
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