All Chapters of Godfather Wants Me: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
122 Chapters
Chapter 61
Kimberly:As soon as I got home, I discarded my bag and plopped down on my bed, my hand on my head.What on earth had the private investigator been talking about? Nothing he'd said throughout the meeting made any sense no matter how I looked at it.How can Ethan be responsible for my parents' car crash? That made no sense. This wasn't some action movie, wouldn't the truck driver be in danger too if he had orchestrated the accident?Why was he even thinking about this? It didn't make any sense not just because I knew Ethan would never do such a thing but because the evidence my investigator had was more than negligible.He didn't expect me to just believe whatever bullshit he had to say, did he?Was I supposed to believe that a man wearing a hoodie and talking to the truck driver was Ethan?Granted, he had more or less the same build as Ethan from behind but that was not enough evidence, it wasn't nearly enough proof.I let out a frustrated sigh. I had thought he'd found something only
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Chapter 62
Ethan:The weight of the day's labor dragged at my heels as I stepped into the dimly lit foyer of our home. My eyes, heavy with fatigue, scanned the familiar surroundings, searching for a sign of Kimberly. Her absence was a gaping hole in the usual hustle of our home, and I was met with an unsettling silence in response to my call to her.I made my way to the security desk, where the guard's eyes lifted in acknowledgment. 'Has Kimberly returned yet?' I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, hoping for a different answer than the one I expected. The guard shook his head, his expression a mix of sympathy and bewilderment.'No, sir. She left earlier today and hasn't come back.'My heart sank as I reached for my phone, the screen's glow casting an eerie light on my worried face. I dialed Kimberly's number, but it went straight to voicemail. Her phone was off, and I couldn't track her location through the app we used. Panic began to claw at my insides as I realized she was truly missing.I
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Chapter 63
Kimberly:"Murderer? What one bloody earth are you talking about Kimberly?" Ethan asked, a confused look on his face."You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't fucking pretend. I know you murdered my parents, Ethan."I spat, anger and bitterness spilling from every part of my body.I hated him so much at that moment, It was almost tangible."What on earth?... How on earth did you get information like that?" He asked, a surprised look on his chiseled face."Why does it matter? So you can kill that person too?" I asked, staring him down.Several kinds of expressions crossed his face as he tried to figure out what I was talking about.I knew he was doing all of this for the show.There was no way he didn't know what I was talking about. He murdered my parents in cold blood and he just didn't want me to know about it."Look Kimberly, I have no idea who's filling your head with all of this nonsense but I assure you what you are saying is complete nonsense. The fact that we are having
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Chapter 64
Ethan:I watched her drive out of the driveway and I could do nothing about it. Who fucking gave her that information and why would she believe them.I put a call through Axel as I walked into the mansion, he picked up the first ring and I went ahead sending my orders.“The man Kimberly has been meeting for a while, at the cafe downtown? I want you to find him and bring him to me.” I ordered angrily. My body was tense and I was in no way happy about my new findings and Kimberly leaving the house like she hadn’t known me all her life. Fuck everything thing was getting messed up. I got into my room, changed, and got ready to leave for the creed. I had a lot of things to do there and I also needed to understand what was happening.As I ascended the stairs, my phone rang out loud and I got a call from Axel.“Sir, he’s a private investigator and detective. I have sent a file regarding his history and information to you.”“Okay. Send it to Tony, I want him to fetch him for me.” I ordered.
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Chapter 65
Kimberly:I arrived at Uncle Greyson’s house and at first he was shocked to see me but he welcomed me and my bags were taken to the guest room.Rebecca was all over me apologizing for the other night.“I’m sorry for the other night.” she folded her lips as she had my hand in her hand.“I forgive you, Becca.” I smiled. She pulled me into a very big hug.“I have a lot of things to show you. Please join me.” She began to pull me up the stairs while her parents stared at us widely.We got to her room and although she had shown me her room the last time I had dinner in her room, it was the first time I was getting to look at it for a long time.She had almost the same taste as Vanessa, was loud like Vanessa, and was so full of life, while I on the other hand was a very quirky teenager with a very cringe and old-fashioned taste.“We could do some podcasts together.” She said and I nodded. I was in no mood for all her talks and I just wanted to be on my resting.“Rebecca, I’m really tired, I
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Chapter 66
Ethan:I got back to my empty house at about 10 pm.I hated how quiet it was without Kimberly.She was stubborn as fuck but I couldn't lie that I enjoyed hearing her voice and hearing her moans and feeling her soft, plump body against mine.I went into the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets, took out a Martel bottle of whiskey, and poured myself a glass.I took two quick swigs before slamming the glass on the table and just taking the bottle to the living room.After taking in an ungodly amount of Martel whiskey, I moved back to the kitchen to make myself a snack. I was hungry. The day had been hectic.First, Kimberly moved out and then I find out she was talking to her fucking private investigator behind my back who happened to also be working for Greyson.Kimberly had no idea what she was getting herself into and it scared me.She was all I had in this world and well, it hurt me that she didn't feel the same way.Greyson was feeding her head with lies and I knew he must have been
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Chapter 67
Kimberly:I woke up the next day upset and moody. Why had Ethan even bothered to call?Did he think he could talk me into coming back?He must be insane to even think about it.He'd done such terrible things and he expected me to just be cool with it.Did he think I was a fool?Was I so easy to manipulate? Did he think that low of me?I let out a sigh and marched lazily to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth.After brushing my teeth, I proceeded to wash my hair, blow dry it, comb it, and put it into a bun.I stepped into the shower and let the true hot water soothe me…Done with showering fifteen minutes later, I dried myself up and was about to start dressing up when a knock sounded on my door."It's Rebecca, open up!" I opened the door to find Rebecca already dressed. She was wearing blue bell button jeans that showed her curves and I was loving it.She had a Black crop top on and she was styled up. She was also holding a basket."Ready?" She asked."Clearly not," I said and tu
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Chapter 68
Kimberly:As soon as I got to my room, I fell to the ground and slept off, Rebecca following shortly after all.I woke up to several missed calls from Vanessa on my phone.Worry clutched me and I decided to call her back.A loud knock was suddenly placed on the door.Lazily, I dragged myself out of bed and went straight to open the door.As I opened the door, I found Uncle Greyson standing at the door, a sweet smile on his face."Hey, were you asleep?" He asked."Yes," I yawned and Rebecca walked up from behind me."Hey Dad," she said, walking past me to hug him."I'm so tired," She said, dragging her words."I'm sure you are. Both of you missed breakfast today. Stephen told me y'all went to go get some things very early.""Yes, Daddy. I told you we were going to get things for Kim's room. We want her to feel welcome, don't we?""Yeah, that will do. Well, I came to inform you that dinner is ready. I don't expect the both of you to miss it," Uncle Greyson said."Nah, we are both fa
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Chapter 69
Kimberly:"Is everything okay?" Rebecca came down the stairs as Stephen, the security guard and I dragged Vanessa into the house.I glanced up at Rebecca, grunting heavily at Vanessa's weight on my shoulders, She was wearing a Hello Kitty nighty and her hair was up in a bun. She looked disoriented like she'd just been woken up from sleep."Help me take my friend upstairs please," I begged her."Of course," she said, running down the stairs towards me to grab onto her shoulders.Vanessa groaned and stirred in her sleep but she immediately went back to sleep."What happened to her?" Rebecca whispered, trying not to wake her up."Seems like she had a little too much to drink."We both paused as we neared the bottom of the stairs and glanced at each other, wondering how on earth we were going to carry Vanessa up the stairs."I'll carry her up," Stephen said and carried her bridal style from our hands and took her upstairs."Thanks Stephen…" Rebecca and I said simultaneously, letting out a
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Chapter 70
Vanessa:I woke up in a strange bedroom, my head banging like I had been hit multiple times with a brick in my sleep.Dragging myself off the incredibly soft bed, I almost lost my footing and crashed to the ground.Groaning out in pain and feeling like I was about to puke out my future, I forced myself up and quickly ran to the bathroom to puke all the drinks from my last night.Come to think of it, what happened last night? I pondered as I trudged to the vanity to wash my face and mouth.The last thing I remembered was going out to a club with some random guy I met.I filled my mouth with water, rinsed, and spat out the water.Slowly, I walked out of the bathroom after cleaning my face and out of the room. Once in the hallway, I scanned my environment and it seemed that I wasn't in a hotel room like I had initially thought. I wasn't in Kimberly's house either even though I now remembered Kimberly coming to get me last night but nothing after."Shit," I groaned, clutching my head i
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