All Chapters of Mother, May I: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81 - Amelia
“That’s it, Ryder! Get inside her guard and then jump back. Don’t give her access to your flank!” I yell as I watch the two wolves spar. While Arya was here, I thought it was a good time to work on Ryder fighting in wolf form. He had recently graduated from the obstacle to wolf combat. All pups are trained in self defense starting at age five, but they continue to do biweekly classes to learn how to fight until they hit double digits. Then classes increase one day every year until they have training every day but Mondays. All that to say, Ryder knows how to fight and how to defend himself. Now he has to learn how to incorporate his wolf into the fight. Arya’s wolf is huge, since she is alpha blood and a demi-god to boot. But Ryder’s wolf is only a few inches shorter. It is going to make it a little bit easier for him to learn how to get his wolf to move with someone his size there. Kennedy and I are both good fighters, but we’re smaller than his wolf. Our advantage is s
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Chapter 82 - Kennedy
Arya moves forward to greet her mate. It brings Amelia to my side and I see Ryder watching them, a strange longing quality in his gaze. The act of seeing two mates so happy does something to those in the same pack. We want to share in the happiness. Those that are mated will often touch their mates. Those without mates will often have that same longing look as Ryder has in his eyes right now. Though, that look doesn’t usually show up until a wolf is closer to mating age, typically around 19 or 20. It’s odd to see that look on a 13 year old. When he looks over at Amelia and me and catches my eye, that longing doesn’t go away. If anything, it intensifies. Is it because Amelia has pulled me close to her and is kissing my hair? Before I can think about it too hard, Ryder trots off to the tree where his clothes are so that he can shift and get dressed. He’s kind of followed our lead when it comes to shifting and being naked. I know that he’s used to being around other wolves
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Chapter 83 - Nathan
It’s been about three weeks since Freya and I became handfasted. It’s weirdly calm and happy with her. Everything with Nyx was so dramatic. I’m not saying that she was, but there was a lot of stuff going on while we were together. Rejections every day. Finding out that I wanted to try to be with her. Looking for the Riding Hoods. And then her kidnapping. Nothing got to be calm. With Freya, yeah we’re in the middle of a war and yeah, our parents had some trouble with it at first, but now everything seems…great. Just easy. I’m not saying that I’m glad that I’m not having this with Nyx. Far from it. I love Freya, but Nyx was made for me. It’s a different kind of love. Like…ok, so I’ve heard humans talk about their first love. How they never truly get over them. That they’ll always have feelings for that person. That’s kind of how I feel about Freya. She’s my first love. Ok, not for real, but go with the metaphor. She’s like my first love would be if I was a human.
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Chapter 84 - Hermes
“I really don’t like this,” Josefina says, stroking my cheek with her hand and pulling me into her by my waist. “I know, asteráki mu (my little star). Believe me, if we thought there was any other way of doing it, I wouldn’t be going to the Underworld either,” I tell my female mate. Yeah, you heard that right. I’m being sent on a reconnaissance mission to the Underworld. I’m not supposed to go anywhere near the palace or any of the main gods and demons that Lucifer has in charge. More, I’m supposed to do a fly over and see what things are looking like: number of soldiers, how the troops are split, and if things are looking copacetic between the soldiers, the generals, and Lucifer. If I can see Persephone or Nyx, try to get some words with them, but don’t blow my cover just to do that. It’s safe to say that Lucifer is pretty damn pissed at me right now. You know that whole turning traitor and beating the shit out of his army when I came back above ground seems to have pissed
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Chapter 85 - Rowen
“This is going to be fuckign insane,” I whisper to my parents. We’re seated in the large amphitheater where the gods convene and the archangels have been training. It’s my first time coming here, mostly because this is Valhalla. We are surrounded by all of the healers in the different supernatural races that we are allied with. Fairies, elves, pixies, brownies, selkies, shifters, shaaman, witches, and so many more. Add to that the handful of demi-gods and godlings that are here and there are literally a fuck ton of healers in this space. It was sort of a family reunion for me, my parents, my brothers, and our mates. We haven’t seen each other since Hermes had to go into hiding after betraying Lucier. It’s understandable that my brothers want to be with their mates, but that doesn’t make us miss them any less. And then to see Jacob’s transformation for the first time! He’s still our Jacob, but he’s not at the same time. His features are basically the same, but there are seve
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Chapter 86 - Nathan
Wolves have been pouring into Arcadia all week. Warriors. Medical professionals. Trainers. Mates. They are all here to participate in the war. A few days ago, the healers had all met in Valhalla to figure out what the plan would be. Those who were natural healers would be going into battle, fighting alongside the other warriors and healing as they went by, as much as they could quickly. And then there would be those who were set up behind our lines, doing surgery, treating wounds, and saving as many of our people as they could. Shifters, who were harder to hurt and kill would be in charge of getting the wounded to the doctors from the battlefield. Seemed like a good plan to me, but I wasn’t really being asked. In this, I’m just a soldier. Though I am an important one. Because I have a mission all my own. While the Thrones and angels are going after Lucifer and the others are taking out as many of the other baddies as they can, I have to go for Nyx. Each war god is g
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Chapter 87 - Josefina
“We’re ready. The fight will begin tomorrow. Be ready at first light.” That was the message that Selene and Thor mindlinked to us earlier today. The Thrones are ready. The battleplans are made. All of the supplies and pack members are here. It’s time. So Arya, Dev, Alexander, Rowen, and I decided to make a big meal for our families. Dev and the boys man the grill. I whip up a cake, a sweet potato pie, and an apple pie. And Arya ropes Summer, Jared, and Hermes into helping her make all the sides. Let me tell you, you have not lived until you have been a part of a Vegter barbeque. The food is amazing, the company is hilarious, and the feeling of being part of something even bigger than a family settles firmly in your heart. Even the coldness that has settled over Jake since he became a Throne seems to thaw somewhat. Hermes seems to relax into the time together and I can feel through the bond how happy Alex is to be with his family again. It makes me miss my family some
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Chapter 88 - Hermes
The second that Alexander stills after his orgasm, I teleport all of us to the bedroom. Though our positions are a bit altered. Jacob is on his back with Josefina straddling him. I’m behind her, between Jacob’s legs and prepared to take our girl from behind. Alexander is laying on the bed beside Jacob, able to have time to recover from his orgasm. Alexander turns to me, a mocking smile on his face. “How do you know that I was done inside of our girl?” “I didn’t. But I figured you could take it out on me by fucking Jacob’s mouth while Josefina rides his dick and I get inside that sweet ass of hers,” I tell him with a smile. Alexander lets out a growl of lust and he moves so that he’s kneeling by Jacob’s head. I look down to see the lewd scene of Josefina rubbing her pussy dripping with her slick and Alexander’s cum all over Jacob’s hard cock. And then I see his ass flexing as he tries to get enough of an angle to single into her pussy. “I might just have to get into
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Chapter 89 - Jacob
This is it. The day that the war starts. The day that we either kill Lucifer or he kills us. I should say that I’m nervous, but I’m not. Nerves, anxiety, fear. They don’t have a place in the emotions of a Throne. Honestly, that’s not really a great thing. A lot of people think that bravery is the absence of fear. It’s not. It’s taking fear and making it work for you. Pushing through it and doing what needs to be done. But it also makes you cautious. Not just about you, but also about the people that are with you. If you don’t have a healthy fear of dying, then you aren’t careful about plans. Yeah, you do crazy ass plan that sometimes pay off in spectacular ways. But it also can fuck shit up pretty badly as well. If you aren’t worried or even a little scared about what might happen to you or your team, then you’re going to get someone killed and pretty damn quickly.But what I can’t bring myself to dwell on it too much, mainly because I don’t really worry about it too
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Chapter 90 - Jared
Did you know that Charon’s boat can change size to accommodate the load of people that he’s ferrying across the Styx? Yeah, me either. I’ve only ever seen those pictures where it looks like he’s moving a raft or a gondola looking thing. But when he takes us over, the boat he’s manning is the size of the Staten Island Ferry. Eat your heart out Colin Jost and Pete Davidson. Anyway, with his boat being so big and able to carry so many wolves, fae, elves, gods, and whatnot, it only takes a few trips for him to get all of us to the other side. Cerberus is there, waiting for us. You ever seen a three headed Rottweiler? Yeah, I hadn’t either until today. If it weren’t for the fact that we were getting ready to go into battle, I might think today was well worth the visit just for the cool shit that I’m seeing. Summer smacks my shoulder as she catches me gazing awestruck up at the big ass dog that’s guarding the way into the Underworld. “Get your head into the game, Beta,” sh
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