All Chapters of Rogue's Tale: Carrying The Alpha's Triplets: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
KRISTINA'S POV"If a female werewolf gets pregnant, she tends to get knocked up and turn into a wolf. At least, that's how most of the myths went. There were quite a few who swore there were werewolves with human characteristics. It sounds ridiculous, but I've heard a lot of stories from old people who have lost a child or witnessed one themselves.""Wow. That sounds horrible, Kristina. So it's like when one person becomes depressed after losing their family member. Does that happen to every werewolf? How come people have never heard of any incidents before?" "Well… the research I've done suggests it's not possible for humans to lose a loved one to something like that. You couldn't lose one of your closest friends by simply being bitten by a dog. If they become infected, they die fairly quickly, and their death is painful, if not fatal."After a few months... I am back with Nathan and my children. Until I heard news about my father. While I was busy with what I was doing, my eldest
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KRISTINA'S POVDid someone try to kill this innocent animal? It didn't matter. What really mattered was whether or not I had been hallucinating before or not. As far as I knew, nothing bad ever happened here. At least, nothing harmful. I tried to ignore the fact that I'm still clutching my cell phone tightly in my palm while approaching the carcass. Even though the smell hadn't gotten any stronger. And even if it did get worse, I can handle a dead deer. So much easier than a human. This thought made me pause. But what if there are no humans here after all? I don't know how this world works. I didn't study it much, to begin with. What am I supposed to do now? I looked around again. The woods were unusually quiet and dark. The sounds of crickets and other insects echoed through them, along with birds singing their hearts out in the distance, accompanied by small animals running past me. I heard a twig snapping close to me, followed by a series of sharp grunts. It sounded like it came
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KRISTINA'S POVI tensed in anticipation for whatever crazy thing he would do next, but instead he held out a small white box. It had silver trimming and was sealed with a purple bow. I blinked, confused. This is definitely not Nathan's usual way to give presents to women. Then again, Nathan has always been really good at giving gifts that are unexpected, so maybe this gift is just another one of his surprises. I shrugged, and he opened the lid. A soft gasp escaped me as an array of expensive jewelry spilled onto my lap. I picked up a pendant made of diamonds. It was gorgeous, a simple yet elegant diamond encrusted band that was set into a large emerald. Nathan smiled. "It means 'beloved'." Oh. Well... That's kind of sweet. I couldn't help smiling too. "Thank you!" I said sincerely. He laughed and put his arms around me. "Of course," he murmured against my lips. We stayed like that for a minute before we realized how close our bodies were. I blushed furiously and tried to back aw
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KRISTINA'S POVThen his face brightened with a smile. "That's all I remember too." "You're smiling," I pointed out. "Do you feel okay?" He shook his head. "No, it wasn't like that. It was more like... well I don't really know how to explain it. More like, it was like when the sun rises over the sea, only brighter, like there's nothing else in my world but the sky, and the world has no reason to exist except for that moment." Nathan smiled as if he had just seen some wondrous miracle. "But when you kiss me, my whole body feels as if I'm floating on air and I can see everything." He looked at his hands and smiled wistfully again. "It's like that every time." "I didn't think you felt that way about anything anymore," I commented curiously. The question itself had been rhetorical, since his mood seemed so different from the last few days and weeks. "After all, you were engaged before, you said." Nathan smiled softly as if remembering fond memories. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Y
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KRISTINA'S POV When I got home, I found a visitor in the house who came from the Crimson Snow Pack. This is one of Laurence's men. "What are you doing here?" "Alpha Laurence was losing his patience with you." "What are you trying to say?" "Because of your consistent refusal to help his father, he thought of the cruelest way to make you agree." "I don't understand..." "He wanted to torture Nathan in Crimson without your consent." When I heard this, I couldn't help but to take out my claws. What are you saying? I said out loud. "That… That's not true!" "He wants to give you three days to decide whether or not you want to be there when he tortures him," the man replied with his usual monotone voice. "Three days?" I couldn't believe my ears. "Laurence would never hurt me like that. He doesn't know me, and I'm his mate. No, he can't do it." "Yes, he can. If you won't go, he'll just torture you instead or your children." When I realized what the man said, I started shaking. No,
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KRISTINA'S POVAlpha Laurence reached towards me and undid the ropes holding my hands behind my back. Once they were finally gone, I immediately rubbed my wrists vigorously. I jumped from the ground and quickly sat down, avoiding Laurence's gaze. I didn't dare to even look in his direction. My whole body trembled and I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. "Please forgive me," he said softly. I didn't answer. "Did you really think that I wouldn't notice?" "What do you mean?" "Do you really believe that I wouldn't have been able to sense what's going on between you and Nathan? After everything that we've been through together, why would I miss it? You are my mate, Kristina. You are not meant for him. I don't think you're ready for marriage, and besides–" That was the moment where I realized that I shouldn't have trusted him. "How can I trust you, if you are such a bad person? Why did you lie to me? And why were you so adamant to keep Nathan locked up here? What were you doing with
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KRISTINA'S POVShe looked out of the window behind her chair and then back at us. "Do you guys want anything?" "I'll take some water. Kristina can have whatever she wants, right?" Jack asked me with a grin. Lea nodded. "Yeah. Go ahead. I'm going to finish up here." She glanced at me one last time before focusing on her laptop again. I watched as she logged off from her account, stood up slowly, stretched her arms over her head, then headed back towards the kitchen. I turned back to face Jack, who was watching me carefully. I tried to avoid his gaze by looking around the room instead, but he caught my chin in his fingers and made me look at him. He had a strange expression on his face, like he was trying to read something from my expression. After a while though, he dropped his hands. "I just wanted to make sure you know. We're all ready whenever you say the word, no matter what." The smile on his face was so sincere that I couldn't help but grin back at him. It reminded me of ho
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KRISTINA'S POV She hesitated again. "We were going to leave together… We wanted to go somewhere safe. We didn't want anyone to know where we were. It just happened so fast." She glanced over her shoulder at the man behind her who had been following them, gun raised. Then she turned back to us. "Now the plan needs some change. But everything that happens next, I need you to believe it's my decision, okay?" Jack stepped forward, his face serious. "Who are you?" he asked. His tone matched his expression; he wasn't shouting, but his tone was definitely not friendly either. Lea still gripped the rifle as if ready to fire at any moment. Neither of them relaxed their attention. Jack was obviously uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell what he thought about the woman before us. He stared at her for what felt like a long time without saying anything. The woman seemed frozen in place and stared straight ahead. I could practically hear my own heart pounding. I kept waiting for the gunshot, but
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KRISTINA'S POV I don't know why his goal is to kill me or what he'd even gain by it, but if I had any chance at escaping from here without getting my throat slit, then I had no choice. I could only play this game to its fullest extent. I couldn't afford to give him an opening to harm me. "Why are you here?" I asked again, taking out my wallet and flipping through the small leather notebook inside. "What do you want from me?" "You really should put that gun away, Kristina. You need a better excuse for it than that." When I remained silent, he continued, "If you must know the reason I am here, the reason that brought me to your doorstep, you can call it blackmail... if you will…" His eyes gleamed mischievously as he continued, "Or you can call it 'the truth.' Whatever you wish, I have told you, now you tell me." "I said… What do you want from me?"His eyes were fixed on my chest, and I felt uncomfortable having him so close. Even though I knew it was best that way, the idea of letti
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KRISTINA'S POVI looked him dead in the eyes. I stared into his blue ones that reminded me of the ocean. "Because…" I whispered. "Please… Tell me." He stared at me silently for what seemed like ages before sighing and leaning backwards. "There are many things you don't know about me," he said eventually, avoiding my stare. "Things I haven't even told anyone." My brows furrowed together in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. Nathan met my questioning gaze, almost hesitant to begin. He licked his lips nervously before finally speaking. "When… When we first met." His eyes flickered nervously away from mine. "We fought. I–I tried to kill you, to protect you. To keep you safe–from harm. And, you defended me." "Protecting me from who?" I whispered softly. Nathan's head snapped back up to look at me again, his expression pained. He shook his head lightly. "You won't believe me even if I say it." I sighed at his response but remained silent. It was a conversation best
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