All Chapters of A Water Nymph for the Billionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
73 Chapters
Kara caught a reflection of herself in the mirror inside the wardrobe door and wished she had brought the long dressing gown instead of this one that barely came to her knees.  She remembered the hanger she still held and curiously opened it only to catch her breath.  He wanted her to wear this?Slowly she took it out of the protective cover and stared at it in shock.  The dress he had bought her would stop well above her knee and it had a tie over the right shoulder leaving the other bare.  It was black and tastefully sexy and she wondered if she should really wear this outfit.  But then, he had left her no choice in the matter.With a sigh, she hung the dress against the wardrobe door and started putting on make-up and doing her hair.  With her hair tied up in a style that kept it out of her face, but allowed delicate curls to hang around her face and to her back she finally turned to the dress with a sigh.  Staring at it for a few
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Kara was sure she had calmed down and sorted through the strange emotions that ran through her by the time they headed to the venue for the party after the beautifully emotional ceremony.  She was sure it was the champagne that had got to her.  And she promised herself that she would not drink champagne again tonight.  It was a romantic setting with paper lanterns and flowers everywhere, all of it enhanced with fairy lights. It turned out that it was very close to the home of the Connors.  There was even a pool with a water feature that was reminiscent of the little waterfall where they had met the first time.  And the tables were small and intimate.  It was a quiet wedding, not many people were invited, since they wanted to keep it romantic. Kara glanced around her and realized that they had indeed succeeded in their plan.  Another glass of champagne was pushed into her hand before they made the toasts and she had to drin
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Kara awoke somewhat, but even before she was fully awake, she became aware of a pounding headache.  She groaned as she pushed her face against the warmth in front of her.  For some reason the scent that came to her nostrils calmed her slightly, but the headache still lingered. With a shock she realized that she was snuggling against someone.  She bolted upright in bed and regretted it almost instantly when a wave of nausea came over her. Jumping from the bed she ran to the bathroom across the hall and threw up in the toilet.  With a groan she glanced down at what she was wearing and gasped.  What did she do last night?  She didn’t…?  The moment her stomach stopped its antics, she slowly got up and washed out her mouth and rinsed her face.  Gingerly she made her way back to the room, grateful that no one else seemed to be awake to see her.  Her head was pounding and she wished she could remember what she had done th
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Kara breathed a sigh of relief when she closed her front door behind her.  This weekend had tired her out and she hoped that she could get the painting now.  Somewhere during the weekend, she had forgotten her vow that she would make the weekend hell for him.  She had actually enjoyed herself, though she was not sure if it was the alcohol and then the hangover that had relaxed her.  And he had been rather kind about the fact that she had managed to embarrass herself in his presence again. When they had been ready to leave, his mother had secretly handed her a piece of paper with the Blueberry Pancake recipe on.  “So you can treat him,” she had explained with a wink.  Kara had nodded and quietly sneaked it into her jacket pocket.  She doubted she would ever consider treating him with blueberry pancakes but she did not want to insult or upset his mother since she was sure it was a coveted recipe. Kara had to admit that she loved his p
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Kara was up early the next morning, even before the men while she poured over her books to see if she could make much sense of what her granddad had left her.  She had finished four cups of coffee and several cookies while she worked, before Brad even showed up.  The knock on the door brought her back to the present and she raised her eyes and realized that the sun had risen.  She left her office to answer the door and found a disheveled looking Brad standing in the living room while Thelma headed towards her study.  Kara had a moment of confusion, since she had not even heard Thelma come in that morning.  Had she been so consumed in what she was doing that she had not only lost time but also did not hear Thelma come in?  But she was quick to shake herself into the present as she smiled and stepped forward to welcome Brad after she greeted and thanked Thelma.  “Good morning, Brad.  Would you like some coffee?”  She
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Kara was busy training the foal; she was now used to people and she was learning about the lead rope.  Kara had named her Scarlet, since she was reddish brown and she seemed to have the perfect disposition to work on the ranch.  She was eager to please and loved the attention, not to mention that she was a fast learner, all of those were good traits for a good working horse.It had been a week since she had had the idea for the pigsty.  James was currently busy with that and his son, who had showed up the next day, was out working with the cattle.  She could not wait to get things started for that idea.  She had already ordered the food for the pigs and even had two pigs that she had paid for already.  The farmer whom she had bought them from was keeping them until the pigsty was finished.  This would be another day or so. The shell for the mill had already been started, so things would soon be settled and hopefully running smoo
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Seven o’clock Saturday evening, Kara was ready and just as she came into the living room, she heard Brad’s car pull up outside.  She had been a little late with getting ready, since she had lost track of time while training the horse and letting her mind wander on Matthew.  Something she just could not seem to stop doing for some reason. Kara opened the door and smiled welcoming at Brad as he came up the stairs in casual jeans, which was new to her.  She had always seen him in a suit, except at her welcoming party, but that had been a more formal look.  His gray eyes sparkled with humor, like they always did. He looked comfortable in the jeans and the checked beige button-up shirt he wore.  As he came to stand in front of her, he planted a confident kiss on her cheek, startling her slightly with the ease of the action; she was still not used to the ease with which people tended to touch others.  Then he glanced over her outfit with a smi
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When she had watched his car disappear into the night, she turned and went to her room.  Changing out of her clothes, she got into bed to get some sleep, but sleep eluded her.  Kara finally dressed in irritation and went outside.  The moon was full and bright and the evening still warm and she saddled her horse to ride to the little waterfall. The water would help her to ease her mind so she could get some sleep.  Perhaps once the ranch was running well she ought to consider getting a pool, but somehow she did not think it would match the magic of the waterfall that kept calling to her.She still felt rather lightheaded from the night’s glass of wine, but it was not enough to make her sleep or drunk like she had been with the champagne.  She rode slowly across the field and soon found herself in the shelter of the trees.  Impulsively, Kara undressed and walked into the water without even bothering to look around. D
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He was glad that this year was still warm at this time in autumn.  Matthew had gone riding when he could not get the picture of Kara kissing Brad’s cheek out of his mind.  He had wanted to shove Brad away and pull her possessively into his arms.  She was his.  In her anger and passion, in her laughter and tears; he wanted her to belong to him and no one else.Business on the ranch had kept him from visiting her, though he had wanted to before now, but he had forced himself to stay away when he walked into the house late in the evenings.  This time of year they all worked until late to get everything done for the winter.  She had things keeping her busy too and undoubtedly she was also exhausted when she walked into her house in the evenings. He knew with her situation she probably had more to do and more on her mind than he did.  And though he had considered offering her help he was not sure if she would accept it; she was
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Spurring his horse into a gallop again, he charged at the cougar, yelling and waving his arms.  The terrified horse was throwing its head up in terror and neighing desperately before it reared.The commotion set the cougar to flee and he dismounted the petrified horse and held it for a minute to soothe it, before he moved fearfully towards the still figure.Matthew hesitated before he reached out.  Was he prepared to see her dead?  Was he prepared to see the damage the cougar had done to her?  But he had to see if she was still alive.Gently, he brushed the wet strands from her cheek and looked down at her.  She was white as snow in the moonlight and he worriedly put his fingertips to the weak pulse in her throat.  Leaning over he sighed with strained relief when he heard her faint breathing. Matthew methodically checked her over for any and all her injuries.  There were cuts on her face and his hand came away stic
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