All Chapters of Seduced for Revenge: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
191 Chapters
Seduced for Revenge: 121 - Close
Owen took a paper plate and poured out some of the contents, and he stopped when a few candy wrappers rolled out. “I thought Regina was smoking and hiding this in the hedges.” “Regina never smokes. Are you insane?” One of the women defended their sister-in-law. But Owen did not care. “Something about the color of the contents reminded me of the candy wrapper the detective took from the bottom of my shoe earlier.” “Owen, nobody can understand what you are saying.” Richie interrupted his mumbling. “I found this bottle among the hedges, along with four cameras, and I just show someone has been up here watching us.” “How are you so sure?” “We were on the couch, I was—and she was—” Owen turned red, remembering the day they got interrupted while Regina was giving him head. “What? Speak up,” Ronnie frowned. “Someone threw dead birds at the windows while we were kissing on the couch, but I found nothing outside, so we forgot about it.” “This happened, and you just shrugged and forgot
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Seduced for Revenge: 122 - Rescue
Nobody suspected Arthur of being a stalker or kidnapper because of his shy and friendly personality. From an onlooker’s perspective, he seemed very likable with his easygoing smile, the dimple that always attracted women, and the grey eyes that drew people in, making them want to trust him. He was what everyone assumed a nice, respectable man would look like. There were only a few short-term living accommodations in the area, so the group easily narrowed Arthur’s hiding place down to one building. And because of the data they uncovered about him, nobody flinched when they found him hiding in a hotel that was not so reputable. The hotel was known as a themed hotel, where each room had its individual style and decoration. This establishment was frequented by individuals who hired their partners for the night and had fetishes that normal women, their wives, or girlfriends would frown upon. So they hired experts in their fields to give them their pleasure. The townspeople did not like h
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Seduced for Revenge: 123 - Alive
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Owen struck Arthur against his jaw. “Who tied you up? Do you have a partner?” “Please, you have to save Ginny. I tried my best, and he almost overpowered me.” “I’m not stupid. You did this to Regina. I thought you loved her?” “I love her so much, but you filthy bastard tarnished her body by fucking her.” Arthur’s demeanor changed from playing innocent to vengeful lover as he strained against the cuffs on his hands and feet. “Shut up! You’re the filthy bastard. You’re going to rot in jail for this.” “This is all your fault, Owen. I was there the first time you had sex in her apartment. That was supposed to be me. I was supposed to surprise her, but you came along. My pure Ginny turned out to be a whore like everyone else. Now she got what she deserved.” Owen slapped Arthur across the face to shut him up. “So you admit you did this to her?” “No, why would I hurt her? I love her.” When his feigned innocence did not work, Arthur began laughing
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Seduced for Revenge: 124 - Revelation
The group rode the elevator in silence as Raffy carried Regina close to his body protectively. Seeing her legs exposed, the men got all their button-down shirts and wrapped Regina from neck to toe to prevent revealing any part of her body. They wanted to escape that sordid room immediately, so they arranged to meet the first responders downstairs. It was so quiet that they got startled when Richie’s phone rang. It was the chief of police calling Richie to let him know Regina might be on benzodiazepine, a drug commonly known as the date-rape drug “roofie.” Given her unconscious state, it was the first thing her brothers speculated she was on, but they did not want to jump to conclusions, as misdiagnosing an unconscious patient could lead to their death. Doctors usually prescribed the drug to people with sleep disorders, but it was not produced in the country, as people could easily abuse it and handle it illegally. It acts as a sedative, knocking out people within fifteen to twenty
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Seduced for Revenge: 125 - Hospital
The Albright siblings took over the care of their sister as soon as she arrived at the local hospital. They did not have the top-of-the-line equipment at this location, which is why Richie wanted to transfer Regina to Grace Medical as soon as possible. He wanted to take care of her injuries and make sure they didn’t leave scars behind.“That son of a bitch!” Richie cursed as he inspected the wounds and bruises on Regina’s body. There were lacerations on her ankles and wrists where the rope dug into her skin. She had bruises around her neck that gave the impression of a hand, which made him hiss as he matched it with his own.Raffy did the initial inspection and applied medicine on every abrasion on her body, but he stood close by as Richie and Ronnie inspected his work. He knew it was not to criticize the job he did, but it was to find out what happened to their sister without saying it aloud.“That asshole bit Ginny everywhere.” Ronnie clenched his hand as he saw the U-shaped and ova
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Seduced for Revenge: 126 - Recovery
Based on the level of drugs in Regina’s blood tests and the amount of time she had been with Arthur, they injected her with so much benzodiazepine that was harmful to any human being. A few more doses could have led to her death.As the days went by, Regina began to exhibit withdrawal symptoms. Her temperature fluctuated so much that the nurses did not know if she needed ice packs to keep the heat down or more blankets to keep her warm.Tremors wracked her body so often that someone needed to watch her monitors every time it made a beeping sound. In her sickened state, Regina often called out for Owen, but he never came.Although he pledged to be there for Regina, Owen had to break his promise yet again. It was because at another part of the hospital, in the room they called the Intensive Care Unit, Owen was fighting to stay alive after his doctor administered surgery to stop his brain from hemorrhaging.Leaving the hospital earlier than was necessary after Arthur bashed him in the h
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Seduced for Revenge: 127 - Confrontation
Owen looked at Raffy to ask if he could tell Regina about his accident, and Raffy nodded his assent. They discussed this issue before and agreed they should not mention Arthur’s name as his perpetrator until she recalled his involvement. Owen was concerned that Regina would think he was lying to her again, but her brothers had a point. He just needed to omit his name to stop triggering any horrible memory. Regina had already mentioned Arthur’s name, but recalled nothing. “I couldn’t come because I was in the hospital the entire time. Someone hit my head multiple times with a hard object as I got into my car that night. It caused me to be in a coma.” He heard Regina gasp and caught her scared reaction, but he kept going. “I fought back, but he had the upper hand when he surprised me with the first blow. I got lucky because someone called out and stopped the masked figure from doing more damage. They called an ambulance, but I was too far gone to give them any information.” “Why wou
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Seduced for Revenge: 128 - Visitors
As soon as Regina’s family heard she woke up, they came flocking to her private room at the hospital, bearing all sorts of gifts. They brought her favorite flowers, her favorite pastries, and lots of food to feed her visitors. She was tired as the last of them got shooed out of the room when Raffy needed to do another check-up. She appreciated their well-meaning gestures, but it was the main reason she lived alone. It was to escape the coddling from her mother. Regina was waiting for her mother and father to scold her every time they were left alone, but her parents uttered nothing about her disappearance and her condition. Her mother would constantly tear up, but would always pretend nothing happened as she straightened Regina’s bedding and touched her daughter’s hair lovingly. After Stephen scolded her siblings for leaving the hospital without telling anybody where they were, they all agreed not to mention anything about the incident to Regina. They were to act as if she had gott
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Seduced for Revenge: 129 - Cake
Jason shyly knocked at the door of the hospital, afraid that he was intruding on Regina’s solitude. She was wrapped in a shawl with a book in her hand, but she was gazing out the window.“Oh, Jason. What are you doing here?” She looked at her outfit, conscious that Jason found her in a vulnerable state, wearing her pajamas, her face red. Had he come a few minutes early, then he would have found her throwing up her lunch.“A friend of yours called the cafe and told me you were here. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.”Regina smiled. “You’re so sweet. Thanks.” She shook her head, avoiding his remark. She remembered kissing him back the last time they saw each other, and she did not know what that meant.“I wanted to cheer you up, so I brought you some of your favorites.”“Tell me you brought me a chocolate slice.”“I did better. I brought you the entire cake.” He said, revealing the bag he carried with his other hand. “I thought that if you had guests, maybe they’d want some
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Seduced for Revenge: 130 - Party
“I know who you are.” Owen had visited the prisoner known as Jacob Shipman. He wanted to uncover the truth about why he would harm Regina. They speculated Jacob took revenge on Regina when she rejected him, but Owen felt there was something else behind Jacob’s seduction. Bulletproof glass separated the two individuals, but Owen could feel Jacob’s hatred behind the glass. Nobody was allowed to visit Jacob, but Owen got special authorization from the chief of police.“You know nothing, Owen Bennet. You think you’re smart, but you’re just as stupid as everyone else,” Jacob taunted.“Your name is not Arthur Johnson, but Jacob Shipman. You stole the identity of a dead man.”Jacob ignored his statement. “I know everybody thinks she’s the most perfect individual. Ginny is genuinely nice and cares for others, but she rejected me and chose you. I knew it would eventually happen. I told him he was grasping at straws. He could never be with Regina, but he was insistent. He kept saying Regina wa
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