All Chapters of Seduced for Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
191 Chapters
Seduced for Revenge: 71 - Reunion
Owen surprised Regina early Saturday morning when he headed straight to her place after traveling for almost eight hours. “Did you encounter any disturbance while I was away?” He asked after settling on the couch. “No,” she lied, not wanting to tell him about the letter she received when he left a week ago. It was the only incident, so she thought it was not worth mentioning. If what the letter writer said was true, then he must be out of the country right now, and Owen was safe. He pulled Regina onto his lap, eager to touch their lips together and lick the sweet taste of her skin. She gasped against his mouth as his hand traveled up her thigh to touch the edge of her shorts. Regina could feel her skin prickling as his thumb caressed the crease in her hip. “Owen,” she said breathlessly, as he moved his hand to grab her butt. The doorbell played its sweet melody and at first, Regina ignored it because she thought it was her phone. Nobody ever rang the bell, so she was not used to
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Seduced for Revenge: 72 - Party
Callia and Reana came out of the elevator screaming in delight when they saw her door open. “Auntie Reggie! We’re here for the party!” They both squealed like little pigs in their excitement. Now she was sure her brothers were preventing her from seeing Owen. Why else would they dump their kids at her house on a weekend, when they knew Owen had just returned from a trip and she was eager to see him? ‘Me and my big mouth,’ she shook her head, remembering teasing Raffy about her weekend. She told him about the romantic day she planned for Owen, even insinuating they were having sex. And Raffy just laughed at her, which at the moment didn’t seem odd. But now she knew why he was okay with it. “Are you wearing your bathing suits under your dresses, too?” “Is Uncle Jason here?” Reana asked in anticipation of meeting her favorite. “Not today, sweetie, but Uncle Owen is here, and he’s teaching the boys to swim and go to the deep end without being carried.” Reana’s face fell, but her twi
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Seduced for Revenge: 73 - Speculation
As soon as Owen was back in the office, it seemed like every construction project they had encountered all sorts of anomalies. All of them needed his immediate attention, so even though he was in town, spending time with Regina was delegated to a few stolen kisses and a few minutes of cuddle time before they got interrupted again. Owen thought the universe was conspiring against him and preventing him from being with Regina. But he loved a challenge, so the more he got pulled away, the more he strived for them to be together. Being forbidden to be with her made it more exciting, so he cleared his schedule that weekend and instructed his assistant not to contact him unless something was on fire or crumbling down. He did not believe in superstitions, but Owen knocked on wood anyway, so nothing bad would happen while he spent time with Regina. With a light step, he entered the code to her apartment and was surprised that his mother was sitting on the couch with Regina that morning. Re
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Seduced for Revenge: 74 - Pleasure
“Don’t be absurd. I’m dating nobody else except you, and that’s the truth.” She pushed him away, but he wouldn’t let go.“How many of us are you sleeping with?”“I’m sleeping with no one, not even you.” She sneered at him while he dug his fingers into her arms. Jealousy ate at him like a rapidly breeding virus. It clouded his judgment and sent him to say things he would never say in any given situation.“Don’t you think it’s time to change that? Prove to me I’m the only one. Fuck me, Regina.” Owen pushed her against the door.“Having sex is not the only way to prove my loyalty.”“To me, it is. You keep on teasing me and turning me on. It’s time to deliver.”“Such a pig. Just because your ego got bruised, you want me to have sex to soothe you. Go to your mom and ask her for a hug. You seem deprived.” She pushed at him, but he kept her pinned against the door.“You promised I’m the only one, yet you wouldn’t sleep with me. Why? Are you scared you’d call out their names when I make you co
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Seduced for Revenge: 75 - Pain
Owen had to hold off on spilling his seed as he felt Regina’s tight opening squeeze his shaft multiple times. He wanted her to feel the pleasure of having sex, even though he began to lose control. Regina squirmed against him and asked him to go faster as she felt the beginnings of her orgasm. Her back arched as she drove their hips together for one last push as the electricity vibrated through her pelvis and coursed through her body. When Owen felt her body tremble, he let his passion loose, following Regina in surrender. Worrying that he would crush her with his weight, he rolled over, pulled Regina on top, and covered her with the sheet. He kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers through her hair. At that moment, he realized that for the past few months, the color of her hair had not bothered him. He even liked it and could not imagine Regina wearing any other color. Regina unraveled her entwined legs and arms around Owen when she felt some sticky residue between her t
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Seduced for Revenge: 76 - Apology
“Stop with this nonsense, Owen. I get breakfast every morning at the cafe just in case you have memory loss.” He bit his tongue. Regina was right. Jealousy had made him speculate she had been with Jason when it was routine for her to go there every morning since she loved their pastries and to check on Jason’s employees while he was away. Regina was Owen’s priority, and he did not come to pick another fight. “I wanted to apologize for what I said. Will you forgive me?” Owen did not hesitate to ask for penance right in the lobby. He did not care that people were listening. All he needed was for Regina to take him back. It was more his pride that was driving him to beg because he did not want to be the main reason Regina turned into the arms of another man. “Jeffrey, did you not tell him I was out and not to wait for me?” “I did, Miss Regina, but he was insistent and said he had something important to tell you. Do you want me to kick him out?” Regina winked at Jeffrey. She was havi
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Seduced for Revenge: 77 - Communication
Regina could have dragged their fight and ignored him for a few days to prove her point. But she didn’t, so he promised to stop thinking about what happened in the past with his ex and would do everything to keep an open mind. There were things he did deliberately to get to where they were, but now, hurting Regina was not on his list. Regina sat on the carpet in front of the center table. She nibbled on a cracker, then a piece of cheese, took a grape, and peeled the skin before consuming it. In the silence, Owen realized he’s never seen Regina eat anything substantial than the pastries he brought for breakfast. He kicked himself silently when it dawned on him that they’d never been to dinner for a proper date before. “Regina, would you like to go on a date tonight? I’ll pick you up at seven?” “Aren’t we trying to hide our relationship? Going out means people will see us.” “I don’t mind. I just feel that you’re missing out on doing the regular stuff dating couples do.” “So, is this
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Seduced for Revenge: 78 - Miscommunication
Mrs. Bennet smiled at Regina when she entered the room with the Dior bag on her arm because it meant Owen and Regina made up, and accepted his apology. She did not doubt that Regina would forgive him, but she hoped he meant his apology. Mrs. Bennet always thought if she had a chance, she would introduce Regina to either Myles or Yvan, as they had similar personalities. She did not think it was Owen, her heartless son, that would get attracted to Regina’s bubbly personality. She loved him, but his stubborn personality made her think he would never find someone to attract his attention. And now that he was Regina, maybe he deserved to be with someone as kind and sweet as her. Mrs. Bennet hoped Regina’s loving nature would rub off on her son or open his heart to the possibility of falling in love. “I see you decided to be brave and face everyone’s wrath?” Regina grinned. “I did. Thank you for giving me this purse again, Mrs. Bennet. I love it.” Regina set the bag on the vanity and ten
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Seduced for Revenge: 79 - Vacation
Now that they reconciled, Owen did not want to get separated from Regina, so instead of driving to the airport separately, he had the chauffeur drive him to her place, so they could pick up her luggage and make sure she won’t change her mind. “Jeffrey, I’m going on a trip with my boyfriend. Isn’t that romantic?” The doorman needed to escort Owen up the elevator to fetch Regina, and he waited for the couple, since he knew they were coming right back down. “I wish you get your heart’s desire wherever you’re going.” He looked at Owen and hoped he would give Regina everything she deserved. His affection for the young madam was that of a father figure, and he did not care if people say she was his favorite. Jeffrey had become fond of Regina and would protect her in every way he could. “You are so sweet. Thank you. Will you keep an eye out for my apartment and let me know if something is amiss?” “Definitely, Miss Regina. Mister Bennet. Enjoy your trip.” He nodded to both before they left
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Seduced for Revenge: 80 - Romance
Regina brought a few evening dresses, so she had several choices. The woman who unpacked her suitcase put all her dresses away, so she’d have to go through her closet to choose one. She glanced around, not believing that a team of women helped her get ready earlier, and now it was all quiet, as if nothing happened. If it wasn’t for her lack of an outfit, Regina would think it was all just a dream. When she scanned the room, her eyes landed on a big box on the bed, and as she drew closer, she found a letter on top. Regina, I know you brought a lot of beautiful dresses from home, but I hope you’d agree to wear something I chose. I’m not the most romantic person, but I hope this makes up for my flaw. Owen, P.S. I won’t get offended if you disliked my gift. Regina grinned at his thoughtfulness. Now she knew why her underwear needed to be solid and plain. On the bed was the almost sheer lace sleeveless dress featured in the magazine she was reading on the plane, and beside it wa
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