All Chapters of Engaged To The Royal Playboy : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
158 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
I stared at my phone one last time and smashed it as I did it. My heart shattered too…I was too determined and not even my parents would change my mind. They would understand me if I explained my redemption.As the days turned into weeks, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The pain in my heart was still raw, and the weight of my shattered dreams felt unbearable at times. But I knew that I had made the right decision to leave the city and start anew.One evening, as I stood behind the counter of the coffee shop, serving customers with a smile, I noticed a familiar face in the crowd. A man, with kind eyes and a gentle smile, would come in every day, ordering the same cup of coffee. He seemed drawn to me, always choosing a seat near the window where he could catch a glimpse of me.At first, I didn't pay much attention to his presence. I was still healing from the wounds of my past, and the thought of opening my heart to someone new felt daunting. But as the days went by, I
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Chapter Ninety Two
I turned around, my heart pounding in my chest, and looked up at the television screen. There, in front of me, was the image of Rueben, my past love, speaking about my disappearance. My breath caught in my throat as I listened to his words."I am here today to make a plea," Rueben's voice echoed through the coffee shop. "My dear Naomi, the love of my life, has gone missing. I am offering a substantial reward to anyone who can provide information about her whereabouts. Please, if you have any information, contact the authorities or reach out to me directly."Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched Rueben's genuine concern and desperation. He truly believed that I was missing, that I had vanished without a trace. But little did he know, I had chosen to leave, to start a new life away from the pain and heartbreak.Oliver's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the news alongside me. He turned to me, his voice filled with confusion. "Naomi, what is this? Why is Rueben saying you're missi
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Chapter Ninety Three
The weeks went by, the symptoms of my pregnancy began to intensify. Nausea plagued me throughout the day, and even the smell of certain foods made me queasy. Fatigue weighed me down, making it difficult to find the energy to do even the simplest tasks. And to top it all off, my belly started to show a visible sign of life growing within me.Sarah had been my constant companion during this time, taking care of me and ensuring that I had everything I needed. She even took time off work to be by my side, knowing that this was my first pregnancy and that I needed extra support. Her presence brought me comfort and reassurance in the midst of the uncertainty that surrounded me.One day, as I sat on the couch, trying to find some relief from the constant nausea, I heard a knock on the door. Sarah glanced at me, concern evident in her eyes, before getting up to answer it. I watched as she opened the door, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Oliver standing there.There was something about
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Chapter Ninety Four
I retraced my steps, my mind racing with a mix of fear and determination. I had to find Sandra and make sure she was safe. As I approached the last place I had seen Oliver, I spotted a note on the ground. I picked it up, my hands trembling as I read the words scrawled across the paper."If you want to see your friend again, come alone to the abandoned warehouse on Elm Street. Don't involve the police or anyone else. This is your only chance."My heart sank as I realized the gravity of the situation. Oliver had taken Sandra hostage, and he was using her as leverage to get to me. I stood there, clutching the note in my hand, my mind racing with fear and desperation. I knew I had to call the police, but a part of me hesitated. What if involving them only put Sandra's life in more danger? Oliver had specifically warned me not to involve anyone else. But I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I had to try and save Sandra.With trembling hands, I dialed the emergency number and explained
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Chapter Ninety Five
She looked shaken and scared, but physically unharmed. I rushed to her side, embracing her tightly."I'm so sorry, Sandra," I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "I should have protected you. I should have never let this happen."Sandra held onto me, her voice filled with forgiveness. "It's not your fault, Naomi. You did everything you could to save me. I'm just glad we're both safe now."We stayed there, in each other's arms, finding solace in the fact that the nightmare was finally over. The police assured us that Oliver would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that they would do everything they could to ensure our safety.In the days and weeks that followed, Sandra and I leaned on each other for support. We attended therapy sessions together, As the days passed, the weight of guilt and fear continued to bear down on me. Despite Oliver being apprehended, I couldn't shake off the feeling that danger was still lurking around every corner. Reuben's ransom was st
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Chapter Ninety Six
We arrived in our new country with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Everything was unfamiliar, from the language to the culture, but we were determined to start afresh and build a better life for ourselves and our unborn child.Finding a job proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated. The language barrier and my pregnancy made it difficult for me to secure employment. I spent hours searching online, sending out resumes, and attending interviews, but I faced rejection after rejection.Each rejection felt like a blow to my self-esteem. I couldn't help but feel discouraged and frustrated. I had always been independent and hardworking, and now I felt like I was letting Sandra down.But Sandra never wavered in her support. She reassured me that finding a job would take time and that our main focus should be on our well-being and the health of my baby. She took on the responsibility of providing for us, working tirelessly to make ends meet.I couldn't thank Sandra enough for h
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Chapter Ninety Seven
I took a deep breath and wiped away my tears, determined to compose myself before stepping out of the bathroom. I didn't want Reuben to see me in such a vulnerable state. I splashed some water on my face, trying to wash away the pain and sadness that still lingered.As I walked back to the dining area, I kept a close eye on Reuben, making sure to avoid any direct contact. I didn't want him to notice me and potentially ruin my already fragile emotional state.I continued to serve customers, forcing a smile and pushing aside my own heartache. I focused on providing excellent service, distracting myself from the thoughts of Reuben and the woman he was with.Time seemed to pass slowly as I anxiously waited for my nanny to arrive from the daycare with my baby. I knew that once my baby arrived, I would have a reason to smile and find solace in the love I had for my child.Just as Reuben was about to leave, the nanny arrived with the baby in her arms. My heart skipped a beat as I realized th
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Chapter Ninety Eight
I returned home to Sandra. As I walked through the door, I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. This was my safe haven, a place where I could let my guard down and be myself.Sandra greeted me with a warm smile, immediately sensing that something was wrong. I tried to hold back my tears, not wanting to burden Sandra with my pain. But she knew me too well, and she gently pulled me into a comforting embrace.As we sat on the couch, I played with my baby Liam, marveling at how much he had grown in the two years I had been away from Reuben. I couldn't believe that I had managed to stay away from him for so long, but now I couldn't ignore the burning desire for revenge that consumed me.Sandra, sensing my inner turmoil, tried to calm me down. She reminded me of the progress I had made in building a new life for myself and Liam. She urged me to focus on the present and the future, rather than dwelling on the past.But I couldn't shake the anger and resentment that had built
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Chapter Ninety Nine
As I stepped out of the car, holding Liam's hand tightly, my heart raced with anticipation. Returning to the city after two long years, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The bakery, the place where I had grown up and where my passion for baking had flourished, held a special place in my heart. I had hoped to find solace and familiarity within its walls, but as I approached, my heart sank.The bakery, once bustling with life and the delicious aroma of freshly baked goods, now stood dark and empty. The sign that had proudly displayed the name "Naomi's Bakery" was gone, replaced by a plain, nondescript board. My breath caught in my throat, and a wave of agony washed over me.I couldn't understand why the bakery had been closed down. Had it fallen into disrepair during my absence? Or had the royal families, angered by my disappearance, taken it away from my family as retribution? Questions swirled in my mind, but the answers eluded me.Desperate for answers, I
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Chapter Hundred
As I followed the guard through the grand halls of the palace, my heart pounded in my chest. It had been years since I last saw Reuben, and now he was the king. The thought of facing him, of confronting the person who had broken my heart and allowed my family to suffer, filled me with a mix of fear and anger.As we entered the throne room, I couldn't help but notice the opulence and grandeur that surrounded me. The room was adorned with gold and jewels, a stark contrast to the empty darkness of Naomi's Bakery. But I refused to be swayed by the extravagant display. I was here for my family, for justice.As I walked further into the room, the maids and servants nearby whispered amongst themselves. I could hear snippets of their conversations, words of how my baby Liam looked so much like Reuben. It sent a pang of both joy and sadness through my heart. Joy at the resemblance that connected Liam to his father, and sadness at the reminder of what we had lost.Finally, I stood before the th
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