All Chapters of It Started With One-Night Stand: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
110 Chapters
Chapter 81: Make Love 
Serena POVI gasp as Leopold's tongue licks my clitoris. And his hands were all over my body. This was nothing new. Countless times, Leopold satisfied me with his tongue; there was always a new sensation when he did it. “Daddy, I want more,” I hissed.“Tonight, I'm not using my fingers. You'll feel my cock ripping into your little pussy until you don't have the energy to leave the room,” Leopold said hoarsely.“Yes. I want Daddy's big cock. Now!”“Patience, babe. We have plenty of time. I want to make sure you're really ready for my big cock.”My body struggled as Leopold's suction on my pussy got harder. His kisses became more uncontrollable. He also squeezed my breasts. His fingers twisted my nipples until they were sore. I arched my body to welcome the satisfaction I was receiving.I look up, staring at the ceiling of the room, as my orgasm arrives. “Leo…”Leopold releases me after the tremors in my body subside. I gasp as I watch him take off his blue shirt, rushing.My man looks
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Chapter 82: The Real Face
Serena POV“Honey, are you sure you don't want me to accompany you inside?” asked Leopold with a worried look on his face.I shook my head as I unbuckled my seat belt. I looked at the man I loved, who looked fresh today, wearing casual clothes and his curly hair neatly arranged.“You have to work for our child's future.” I stroked his broad chest and kissed him lightly.Leopold groaned as I broke our kiss. He buried his face in my neck, a habit he had when his spoiled nature came out. “Call me when your business here is done. I don't accept rejection, Serena.”“I understand, sir. I should hurry and pack my things so that I have time to get ready to welcome you.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car. Although my heart was heavy from leaving him, this was only temporary.It seems like the pregnancy hormones have turned me into a spoiled woman who doesn't want to be away from Leopold.“Babe, remember what I said!” His blue eyes sharpened as he pointed at me.I waved my h
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Chapter 83: Can You Trust Me?
Leopold POV As I watched Serena watch the comedy show with a flat expression, my heart trembled. Ever since she returned from her rental house, I have felt an unusual change in her. Every attempt to break the ice ended in failure. I repeatedly approached her with gentle offers of questions but received no satisfactory answers.“Babe, do you want something?” I asked her again today—who knows how many times? I hoped my plea would penetrate her hard heart.A long breath escaped my mouth when there was no answer from Serena. The icy silence created between us made it even more difficult.Eloise, that female demon. I don't know what she said to Serena to make her like this.I tried to understand and tried to force myself to endure the loneliness that was increasingly hanging over us. However, every time I approached, she refused vehemently, as if to emphasize that I could not understand her condition.“Fine, if there's nothing you want,” I said, attempting to mask the disappointment behi
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Chapter 84: The Future of Pequira
Leopold POV“So you're serious about your plan?” Raymond asked after sitting next to me. My best friend chuckled lightly as he read one file piled up on the table.Lunch plus work files are not a delightful combination. But I had to do it for time efficiency.“Wasn't this company born for another purpose? Or did you change your mind because you saw a beautiful future?” I grinned, returning Raymond's mysterious smile. Raymond put the file back on the table and then grabbed the beer can in my hand. He sipped it slowly with a dreamy gaze. “I didn't expect that the Pequira we built could grow this fast. I really didn't have high expectations for this company.”“It's all because of the hard work of the two of us, the employees, and the vendors involved. I never took the job at Pequira seriously, but it turned out to be very profitable,” I said with a loud laugh, laughing at the funny fate of this company.Raymond touched my shoulder with his beer can. A frivolous laugh also graced his ann
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Chapter 85: Pain in Dilemma
Serena POV I saw Leopold cluck, a look of unease on his face that made me feel uneasy. “From whom?” I asked, my soft voice trying to calm the atmosphere. “Amanda,” he replied briefly, but it was enough to evoke memories that were tightly stored in my memory. It was as if a truck had hit me when Leopold said Amanda's name. It hurt, like an old wound that had suddenly reopened. Maybe I never really healed from that wound. I tried to keep my composure, even though my heart was breaking at the mention of his ex-wife's name. “Sir, are you leaving?” Leopold looked hesitant, his gaze wandering, searching for the right words. I went over to him, stroking his shoulder gently, trying to channel the calmness I felt. “Amanda needs help to get to the hospital. Her five-month pregnancy is making it difficult for her to move,” Leopold explained, his voice trembling with deep concern. “But can't she ask someone else for help?” I asked, attempting to find a way out of this situation. Leopold
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Chapter 86: The Bitch
Serena POV I don't know what sins I've committed, so my life feels like walking on burning coals.Not to mention my unfinished business with Leopold. Now I had to meet with Eloise at the supermarket.After the minor argument a while ago, I chose not to exchange messages with her anymore. Her obviously insulting behavior still hurt me, and flirting with Leopold in front of my eyes.As I stepped into the snack area, I accidentally bumped into Eloise, who seemed to have the same destination as me. She adorned her pretty face with a sweet smile, but I could feel the emotion behind that smile. I decided to avoid her gaze and rushed towards the shelves that served healthy snacks.However, it seemed like Eloise had no intention of letting me go so easily. She walked up to me with graceful steps; her smile widening as she approached me. “Hi, Serena! Long time no see, huh?” I felt the tension fill the air between us. I tried to maintain my composure, even though I wanted so badly to push her
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Chapter 87: Liar
Serena POVAfter loading the groceries into the car, my stomach growled for a filling. My mind immediately went to the delicious steak at the French restaurant not far from here. I couldn't help but smile as I imagined the opportunity to enjoy my favorite dish.However, when I stepped into the restaurant, the cold air that had been soothing instantly turned into a fire that burned my heart. Right before my eyes, I saw Leopold sitting at a table by the window with Amanda. They looked so intimate, even more so than they should have. Amanda's gentle touches on Leopold's hand made me feel even hotter.It was too much for an ex-wife who cheated on her husband.I clenched my fists tightly, trying to hold back the emotions that overflowed inside me. My blood was rushing, and my stomach ached.My breath hitched as I watched Leopold gently wipe the sauce stain off Amanda's lips. His piercing blue eyes gazed tenderly at his ex-wife. And I swear, I saw a look of affection in his eyes.Without t
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Chapter 88: Suicide
Serena POVIn a building that looked worn out like a former armory, I initially felt a little hesitant when I first stepped inside. However, Maximus confirmed that a transformation had occurred, turning this place into a comfortable residence.I had never really gotten to know him well, even though he had been my father's personal bodyguard for some time.“It's quite nice, isn't it?” he asked as he gestured around. “I did some renovations myself.” I nodded, trying to show appreciation for his hard work. I silently watched the transformation of the old weapons building, which was now transformed into a warm and simple residence.The evening sunlight streamed in through the large windows, filling the room with soft light. While the high ceilings gave a sense of spaciousness and free-flowing fresh air.The walls that were once made of bricks are now decorated in a bright beige color, giving them a warm and friendly feel. An enormous stone fireplace in the corner adds to the warmth. And
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Chapter 89: Trapped
Serena's POVI sat on the sand with a blank look, lost in an endless sea of thoughts. My body was tired, filled with a burden of thoughts that wouldn't subside.After considering everything related to us, I decided to return to Maximus' house. There was no way I could continue to stay at his house, becoming a burden to him. I knew he didn't come from a rich family, so bearing the cost of my food must be very hard for him.“I have to say goodbye to him, and thereafter, I have to find a solution.” Despite trying to encourage myself, my chest was still tight from the pressing pile of problems.The sound of gunfire in the air stopped me in my tracks, sending panic through my veins. I hid behind a bush as I saw many people in police uniforms surrounding Maximus's house on all sides.“What's going on?” I whispered in fear. There was no way Dad would do this, right? He didn't care about me anymore.In my confusion and fear, a heavy, familiar voice broke the silence. My body stiffened, and I
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Chapter 90: The Golden Cage
Serena POVIn the darkness of this luxurious penthouse, my space felt increasingly narrowed, as if I were a bird trapped in a golden cage. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the large window, which displayed the sparkling city of Santa Clara at night. However, the moonlight was unable to disturb the darkness that ruled my heart.“Sir, why are you doing this to me?” I hissed, my weak voice breaking in the quiet room.He just looked at me coldly; his blue eyes, which used to look at me warmly, now looked cold. “You know why I'm doing this, Serena,” he replied simply, without any expression on his handsome face.I took a deep breath, trying to hold back the emotions creeping up inside my chest. “But this isn't fair to me. I am not your prisoner, and I also have the right to know Maximus's news.” Leopold averted his eyes, as if bothered by my question. “Maximus is fine. You don't need to worry about him,” he blurted, as if to end the conversation.But I wasn't going to just give up. I loo
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