All Chapters of Trapped : I can't escape from the Billionaire: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
154 Chapters
Find them.
Two years later.Pedro extended his hand to open Marco's office door. Inside, his boss sat in his oversized chair, gazing out the large window. It seemed that over the past two years, Marco's boss had increasingly engaged in this activity, looking into the distance as if seeing a shattered future. No more laughter echoed, no more softness in a woman's voice that could touch his tender heart.Pedro felt concerned about Marco's current life. Marco was no longer the arrogant figure; he appeared like a lonely lion. For these two years, Marco seldom returned to their grand house. Most of his time was spent in the office, resembling a small home, where he tried to forget the sweet memories with his wife and daughter. Up to this point, Marco hadn't heard any news, no matter how small, about them.Pedro then sighed deeply."Sir," Pedro uttered, making Marco mumble without intending to turn and look in his direction."I've finally located them," Pedro said, making Marco immediately jerk. The n
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Do you still love him?
Letta gazed at her young daughter, who was now running around the grapevines on both sides. "Freya, be careful while running, you might fall," Letta exclaimed as she saw her daughter chasing a butterfly that seemed to elude her, causing Letta to only tug at the corner of her lips. "I won't, Mom. Freya is strong," Freya replied in a slightly annoyed tone, making Letta shake her head. "If you keep running like that, you might trip over a stone," Letta said again, not hearing a response from Freya, who was once again focused on the butterfly, now perched on a leaf. Letta then looked towards the ripe grapes, but her movement stopped as Abian approached her. "It seems this harvest will be bountiful," Abian said, prompting Letta to nod. "Thanks to your help. If I hadn't learned from past mistakes, this harvest wouldn't be as plentiful," Letta said, making Abian smile."That's because I didn't want to see Mother Freya look sad during the harvest season,” Abian said with a smile. Letta t
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Where could she be? 
Letta chose to end her debate with Abian, as she was too tired to think about everything related to Marco at the moment. Somehow, when she had to remember all the memories with Marco, there was something that felt suffocating in her heart. Letta fell silent as Abian left. Of course, Letta was very grateful for the help Abian had given her. Since leaving Marco, Abian had always been by her side, finding a place to live, helping with the business that now helped manage her vineyard, and staying in the same place, just to protect her and Freya. But for some reason, even though she and Abian had almost had a beautiful past, Letta still questioned why accepting him back felt so difficult. Letta questioned this to herself. Was Abian right in saying that she didn't dare to forget Marco in her life? Yet, with all her heart, Letta insisted that Marco was a problem that she needed to forget in her life. Eventually, Letta chose to let out a long breath. It was enough for today to think about t
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don't go 
Letta is currently accompanying Freya, who is being treated by a nurse. Freya winced slightly, gazing in her mother's direction. "Freya, the nurse is treating your wound right now. After this, you'll get better,” said Letta, who was now with her daughter ina small hospital in the small town. Freya, who could only cry softly, nodded her head after the nurse finished bandaging the wounds on her knees and elbows, causing Freya to look up at Letta. "What about Uncle earlier?" Freya asked with a whimper, causing Letta to fall silent for a moment, making Freya gaze at her mother. "Will Uncle die?" Freya asked again, making Letta smile and shake her head. "No, Uncle won't die. He's just injured and resting now,” said Letta, making Freya nod her head. "Uncle saved Freya, right?" Freya asked again, making Letta nod."That means Freya has to thank him. Can Freya meet Uncle?" Freya asked again, making Letta reach out, wiping the tears from her little daughter's cheeks. "You'll meet him af
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my biggest sin 
Marco gazed at the small back that now seemed to turn back, wanting to leave him again, but Marco didn't want that to happen. This time, Marco would do anything to make Letta stay by his side. "I beg you, don't go. Don't leave me,” said Marco, still making Letta silent. "Let go," said Letta. It was only that word that was uttered for the first time after their separation for 2 years, making Marco more convinced that Letta really didn't want him in their lives. "The doctor said you're fine. You only have external injuries, and tomorrow I can be discharged from the hospital. You can contact your family or Pedro directly," Letta said without looking at Marco, making Marco finally release his grip. "Is your hatred for me so great that you don't want to look at me, don't want to ask if I'm okay, don't ask about my life while you all left me?" Marco said, making Letta fall silent and only clench her fists. "I'm going to go," Letta said, about to step forward. But once again, Marco spok
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accept me back into your life 
Letta then hurriedly walked out of the hospital after having finished whatever business would bring her back to meet Marco, and seeing Letta in a hurry finally made Abian approach. "Have you seen him?" Abian asked, making Letta fall silent. Abian could see how her eyes were reddened, whether from holding back tears or perhaps because she had shed them earlier. But Abian seemed reluctant to ask. "Can we go back now?" Letta whispered, her voice sounding strained. Letta seemed to force her voice out, making Abian finally nod. They then walked towards the van that Abian was driving. Even on the way, not a single word was spoken by Letta. She just stared out the window, passing through the darkened plantations, passing through the road that had previously been the place where Marco and Freya were injured. Letta then immediately got out of the car when they were right in front of the simple house that she had lived in for the past 2 years."Thank you, I have troubled you,” Letta said, m
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Marco was slowly falling apart.
Pedro immediately went to one of the small hospitals in the small town, mostly surrounded by plantations, after Marco had called him earlier, saying that he needed something. Pedro didn't sit idly by and immediately prepared everything. Pedro hurried to a small room after asking one of the nurses where Marco was. Pedro stopped in his tracks when he saw Marco, who was silent, staring towards a small window that pierced the garden with the sunlight shining through. "Sir," Pedro said, making Marco not budge an inch. "I have brought everything you asked for, and earlier when I was about to finish all the business at the hospital, the hospital staff said everything was already taken care of,” Pedro said, finally making Marco turn to look at him. "That must have been Letta,” Marco said, making Pedro fall silent for a moment. "Does that mean you have met the Lady?" Pedro asked, making Marco nod. Marco then walked towards the side of the bed, then reached out his hand and took a worn
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Never refer to Freya as our daughter
Letta then stopped in her tracks, having left Marco with Freya to talk. She had some business with the grapes that needed to be checked. After she finished her business, Letta returned inside and saw a scene that had only existed in her imagination. Seeing how Freya played with Marco without any burden, Letta pondered, "Could it be that the emotional bond between them makes them not even need much time to get close like they are now?” Letta remained silent at the door, continuing to observe their every move. How Marco treated their daughter, until her reverie was interrupted when Freya called her. "Is Mom's business done?" Freya asked, making Marco look towards Letta. Letta nodded, then walked closer, reaching out her hand, and cradling Freya to sit beside her. "Haven't you been keeping this Uncle for too long?" Letta said as she looked at the dark Sky outside. "Really, but I still want to play with my uncle," Freya replied with a pleading look at Letta, who shook her head. “T
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Uncle Abian 
As promised earlier, Freya really woke up very early. She even ran in her pajamas into Letta's room, who was still wrapped in a thick blanket. The weather today was noticeably colder than before, making it difficult for Letta to get out of bed. "Mom, wake up, it's already morning. Aren't we going to the city?" Freya said as she climbed onto the bed and shook Letta's body, still curled up in the thick blanket. "It's still too early, dear. We can leave ina few hours. So, can you let me sleep a little longer?” Letta said, causing Freya to shake her head. "No, Mom, we will need time to get ready. I don't want Uncle to wait too long. He'll definitely be cold out there after waiting for an hour," Freya said, finally making Letta open her eyes wide. "What?" Letta asked to make sure. “Uncle has been on our porch for about an hour. I heard his car when he arrived. After waking up, I thought it was just the wine truck, but it turned out that after waiting for an hour, I saw someone standi
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superhero or a Prince
Marco could only remain silent as he watched Freya run straight towards Abian and embrace him tightly. Abian, in turn, accepted the hug from his little princess. "Hey, you smell nice and look beautiful. It seems like you're ready,” Abian's words made Freya nod her head. "Of course, I can't wait to go to the city," Freya replied, making Abian smile again. Freya then shifted her gaze towards Marco, who was still standing not far from them. "Oh, I forgot to mention. Uncle will also be joining us in the city. Won't it be more fun with more people, Uncle?" Freya's remark made Abian look towards Marco with a hardened jaw. Though not explicitly, Marco showed his anger. However, Abian knew very well that the arrogant man was currently trying his best to contain his anger. "Yes, that's a great idea. Where is your mother?" Abian asked, making Freya look towards Letta's bedroom door. "It seems like Mom is just finishing getting ready. We can wait," Freya's words made Abian nod. Freya then g
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