All Chapters of Trapped : I can't escape from the Billionaire: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
154 Chapters
there are just a few trees
Letta then stepped out of her room out of boredom. She tried to survey her surroundings, observing several servants cleaning the area."Where's Desi?" Letta asked one of the servants."She was behind Madam, watching the employees tidying up the backyard," the servant replied, prompting Letta to nod."The backyard with the high fence?" Letta asked, making the servant nod."Alright, then I'll go there," Letta said, causing the servant to be slightly startled and stop her mistress."Should I fetch Desi for you, Madam?" the servant asked, but Letta shook her head."No need, I want to find out myself. What's happening in that backyard? All I see is overgrown bushes left neglected, so are they clearing it now?" Letta inquired, making the servant nod slightly."In that case, should I accompany you, Madam?" the servant asked again, and Letta shook her head."No need. I can manage on my own. Besides, you all have a lot of work, don't you? Just continue with your tasks," Letta said, making the
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Just a rumor
Desi glanced at Letta, who was now sitting while watching a large TV in front of her with a variety of fruit snacks and other sweets. Letta looked towards Desi, who was sitting farther away."Desi, sit here, accompany me in watching," Letta said, making Desi just smile."It's okay, Madam. I can stay here with you. Besides, I need to check on the other servants," Desi said, causing Letta to look around."It's almost evening. Besides, they don't need to be supervised. Just let them be; they might be tired from the whole day's work. So, relax here," Letta said, eventually making Desi sit closer to her."Come closer. It's fine here. Don't sit far away like that," Letta said again, making Desi finally sit closer. Desi then looked at the TV show Letta was watching, like romantic dramas that always captivated Letta's attention."Isn't their love story so tragic? I follow every episode," Letta said, making Desi just smile."Yes, I followed it in the early episodes, but not anymore," Desi said
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Good relationship
Marco had just stepped out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, attempting to dry his hair with a small towel. Now, he walked towards the nightstand to grab his phone when Pedro knocked on his door and entered, bowing."Sir, there's important news," Pedro said, causing Marco to pause his hand movements, staring at his subordinate."What news? I hope it's good news because it's still morning, and I don't want my mood to turn sour," Marco said, making Pedro pause momentarily, evident to Marco's sharp eyes."And my guess seems to be correct. Is it something bad?" Marco asked, making Pedro approach."The paparazzi have reported that Sir's relationship with Miss Arabella is back. Some photos of you both leaving the same hotel, though not together, have circulated. Even television stations have covered it, and gossip magazines have published news about you filling the front pages of famous magazines," Pedro said, making Marco sigh deeply."So, it's challenging for us to silence all the widel
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How was their relationship
Desi then reached out to knock on Letta's door with the tray that was now in her hands. Desi tried to assess her mistress's condition because since Letta had seen the news about Marco and Arabella a few days ago, Letta had not left her room except to go to the garden, the library, or watch TV as she usually did. Letta had truly secluded herself in her room. That's why Desi always sent food to Letta, and even had to coax her to finish her meals every time. At this moment, Desi's steps halted as she saw Letta staring at the flat screen in front of her, still filled with news about Marco Jovanka. Not only the television screen, but even newspapers, magazines, and social media were full of Marco and Arabella's names. But what puzzled Desi was why her mistress had not contacted Mr. to explain everything, even though Desi knew that Marco must have already known about the spreading news."Madam, it's better for you to eat your lunch first. You didn't finish your breakfast this morning," De
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Then our agreement is canceled
186.65 Marco then began to swing the long stick to hit the small ball, which now floated far in front of him, making Marco smile as he looked at Arabella, who was now staring at him with a disapproving look. "What is your goal, actually?" Marco asked, looking at Arabella who was now preparing to hit the golf ball in front of her. "I want to know someone's reaction to this news," Arabella said, making Marco look at her with a blank expression. “Who else is currently pursuing you and wanting to test their courage?" Marco asked, making Arabella pause for a moment to focus on her swing, executing it smoothly, then walking followed by Marco. "He's a simple man. He's just a fitness coach, but I find him somewhat attractive, and most importantly, he's not tempted by me,” Arabella said, causing Marco's steps to stop as he gazed at his former lover. "So?" Marco asked again. "That's why I want you not to mess up about the news circulating right now. For the next week, and after that
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Is the plane ready
Before Marco returned home to meet Letta, he went to the hospital where Edward was still being treated. Fortunately, Daddy's condition had also started to improve and he only needed regular care. The same went for his plans and Arabella's. "You've come,” Edward said as Marco entered his hospital room, while Helena didn't even glance at her eldest son, which was evident to Edward. "Actually, is there something that happened that Daddy doesn't know about?" Edward asked, making Marco choose to be on the other side, near Edward, facing his mother who was peeling fruit for her husband. "No, just a misunderstanding among us,” Marco answered, making Helena not respond at all. "Daddy, listen, everything is fine, good job,” Edward said, making Marco just nod. "Daddy doesn't need to worry about this matter anymore because I've resolved everything. What should concern Daddy is how to get out of this hospital quickly and recover,” Marco said, making Edward nod. "Yes, but how can Daddy not t
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dont need to think about it
Letta then gazed at the guards in the main hall of their house, who seemed to be ina hurry, furrowing her brow. “What are you all doing?" Letta asked, pulling her shawl closer as it was pouring rain outside. The cold air seemed to pierce her skin. Desi, hearing Letta’s voice, immediately rushed over to her, then widened her eyes upon seeing the guards still in the process of discarding all the items that Letta was currently examining. "What are you doing with those belongings?" Letta asked, about to approach, before Desi stopped her. "They're just items to be discarded, Madam," Desi replied. Letta noticed several scattered rose petals on the floor. "Open everything. I want to see what those items are,” Letta asked again, making Desi shut her eyes. She had instructed the guards to quickly pack up all the items that had suddenly been sent to their residence. But it turned out Letta had come down first and found out what they were doing. Letta felt even more suspicious when the guard
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Will she be okay?
Marco continued to look at his wristwatch as he exited the airport. He was currently in his black car with Pedro, heading towards their grand house."How much longer until we get there?" Marco asked, making Pedro glance at his master through the front mirror."I'm speeding up,” Pedro said, knowingthat his master was eager to meet Letta. However, during the journey, an accident occurred due to the heavy rain, making the drivers struggle a bit. Not to mention the fog that seemed to come from nowhere, making visibility even worse."Take a turn. Take a route without obstacles like this," Marco said, prompting Pedro to turn the car around, taking a longer route, but at least they wouldn't be stuck on the same road. Somehow, Marco felt his heart pounding. Was it because he would soon meet Letta, he thought with a faint smile. Marco couldn't wait to see Letta's reaction when she looked at him for the first time, as he hadn't told Letta that he would be returning today. Marco wanted to surpr
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birth to their first baby
Marco is currently staying faithfully by Letta's side, who appears to be exhausted. However, at this moment, his wife can close her eyes. The doctor has stated that Letta can give birth naturally, but the timing cannot be estimated yet, and it depends on the frequency of the pain Letta feels to achieve complete dilation. Letta furrows her brow again as she feels a cramp in her stomach, prompting Marco to grasp her hand once more. Letta opens her eyes, looking very weary. "Is it hurting again?” Marco asks, causing Letta to nod her head. Her lips appear dry and pale. "Yes, it's very painful,” Letta replies, and seconds later, Marco can feel Letta's grip tightening on his hand, as she continues to try and endure the pain in her abdomen. Marco then looks towards the nurse with a seemingly normal expression. "Nurse, do something for my wife. She’s in pain,” Marco says, causing the nurse to nod while gently stroking Letta's back. "Will this method alone reduce my wife's pain?" Marco as
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why does she look like you
Marco then fixed his gaze on Letta's pale face, drenched in sweat. She looked exhausted, still fighting for their little one, until Marco was taken aback. His heart raced as he heard their baby's loud cry, now visible and rosy, being brought in by the nurse. Marco then glanced at Letta with teary eyes, and Letta returned the gaze with a melancholic look."Congratulations, it's a girl,” the doctor said, causing Marco to smile, and Letta returned her husband's smile."Our child is born, my love,” Marco said, making Letta nod weakly. Finally, the doctor finished his task, and the nurse took the baby from Marco and Letta. Letta truly felt the exhaustion in her body, not to mention the drained energy. She longed to close her eyes for a moment, but a gentle touch on her face made Letta try to stay conscious."Thank you for all this happiness," Marco said, leaving Letta speechless, finding it hard to utter a word."Thank you for this perfect joy, your presence, and our little one truly compl
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