All Chapters of Lustful Desire: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
207 Chapters
Chapter 181.
Amelia’s POVA playful glint lit up Blair's eyes. "Okay, okay, I confess," she said, leaning in conspiratorially. “So when the date started with James, I thought it would not last because he kept on picking up these frequent calls and was getting carried away with those calls, which were apparently from his work. I got pissed and told him off when the same thing kept happening even after we were done with our meal and about to order dessert. I was ready to leave, but he apologized profusely and explained. Apparently, his boss was engrossed in this huge PR scandal and it required a lot of attention. We eventually ended up going to his place after our dinner.”“Oooooh, you naughty girl,” I teased her while winking at her suggestively.She blushed and rolled her eyes. “Will you let me finish my story?” she huffed.I raised my hands up in surrender. “Fine, fine. I'll keep quiet.” I said as I drew a zipping motion across my lips. “But can we make breakfast first?” I asked. “I did not ha
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Chapter 182.
Amelia’s POVWe both let out a laugh, the nervous energy from our conversation dissipating into a comfortable camaraderie. With a newfound sense of purpose, we began to divide the cleaning tasks. I tackled the dishes, filling the sink with soapy water and dunking the cereal bowls and spoons. Blair, meanwhile, wiped down the counter surfaces, humming along to the upbeat music playing on the radio.As we worked, a comfortable silence settled between us, punctuated only by the clinking of dishes and the whoosh of the sponge against the countertop. It was a familiar silence, one that spoke volumes about the depth of our friendship. Even amidst the whirlwind of unexpected romance, the bond we shared remained as strong as ever. Even as we cleaned up, I could not stop thinking about what Blair had said about double dates. I began to imagine it, Eddie and I going on double dates with Blair and James.A giddy feeling bubbled up in my chest as I pictured the scene. We'd find a quaint little res
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Chapter 183.
Eddie’s POVThe ring was a platinum band set with a single, flawless diamond, and in that simplicity resided a universe of elegance and brilliance. The platinum band, cool and smooth to the touch, whispered of quiet strength and unwavering commitment. Its polished surface gleamed with a soft, silvery sheen, reflecting the light in a way that was both understated and luxurious. But it was the diamond that truly stole the show.This wasn't a gaudy, ostentatious display of size. It was a single stone, meticulously chosen for its flawless perfection. The cut, a classic round brilliant, maximized the diamond's inherent fire, transforming it into a tiny kaleidoscope of light. As you tilted the ring ever so slightly, the facets within seemed to catch the light and ignite a mesmerizing dance. It wasn't a cold, harsh sparkle, but a warm, inviting brilliance that seemed to emanate from within the stone itself. It was like a tiny sun, captured and contained, radiating a light that seemed to poss
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Chapter 184.
Eddie’s POVI rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, dude. But right now, I'm just too frustrated to think of all that."James leaned forward. "What's up? What's wrong?""It's Jenna. She suddenly showed up at my house when I was not there and somehow managed to convince Amelia that she and I are getting back together which is most definitely not true. I did not know this, so I had been calling Amelia all day and she was not picking up my calls. She eventually did and explained what had happened with Jenna and she had apparently left my house because she did not want to have deal with Jenna."James let out a slow whistle that let me know that he understood what was happening."I eventually managed to convince Amelia that Jenna had obviously been lying to her and thankfully, she believed me. But now, I have to go home and deal with Jenna and ask her to leave my house. I'm so upset with her right now that I just have to keep reminding myself that she's my ex-wife and the mother of my child o
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Chapter 185.
Eddie's POVAs I pulled into the driveway, I noticed Jenna's car was still there. Great. Stepping out of the car, I took another deep breath, picturing Amelia's calm demeanor and her unwavering support. This wasn't going to break me. I was going to handle this.Reaching the front door, I unlocked it and pushed it open, bracing myself for the storm. The house was eerily quiet. "Jenna?" I called out, my voice surprisingly steady. "Are you here?"No answer. Just the faint sound of the television coming from the living room. I headed in that direction, my hand hovering near my phone, ready to call Amelia if things went south.As I entered the living room, I saw Jenna sprawled out on the couch, a half-eaten bag of chips resting on her lap and a glass of wine precariously balanced on the coffee table. She looked up with a start when she saw me, her eyes widening momentarily before a smirk played on her lips.The smirk – that was the first thing I noticed. It wasn't a genuine smile, not by a
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Chapter 186.
Eddie's POVThis was it. The manipulation tactic I knew was coming. She was playing the concerned mother card, trying to guilt me into letting her stay. I wouldn't fall for it."Of course you can see Chloe," I countered, my voice steady. "We can work out a visitation schedule, but that doesn't mean you can just camp out here. You need to make other arrangements."Her face contorted in fury. The glass of wine she precariously balanced on the coffee table teetered precariously, threatening to spill."I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere. This is my home," she stubbornly said in reply, each word punctuated by a stab of her fingers in the air towards my direction.My insides clenched. "This isn't your home, Jenna," I said, my voice dangerously calm. "You haven't lived here for years. And besides, remember why you left in the first place?"Her eyes widened for a split second, a flicker of fear momentarily replacing the anger contorting her face. It was gone as quickly as it came, replaced by a forc
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Chapter 187.
Eddie's POV"Look, Jenna," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "This changes things. But listen, crashing at my place with Amelia here isn't exactly ideal.""I know, I know," she interrupted, wiping away a stray tear. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't have my back against the wall. Maybe… maybe I could stay in the guest wing? Just until I get back on my feet. I can find a new agent, a new job…"The guest wing. It was a self-contained suite in my mansion, a comfortable space that had mostly sat unused since Chloe had gotten older. It could work… temporarily."The guest wing," I repeated slowly, considering the ramifications. "Look, I can't promise anything long-term, but for a little while… maybe. But there are ground rules."Her eyes lit up with a flicker of hope. "Ground rules? I can do ground rules, Eddie. Anything.""First," I said, holding up a finger, "no drama. No more arguments, no more fights. If things get out of hand, you're out. Second, you respect Amelia. She's part of our
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Chapter 188.
Jenna's POVI watched the door close behind me as Eddie left the guest suite. I listened to his footsteps and waited until they faded away before I wiped away the fake tears that I had allowed to roll down my cheeks with my fingers. A smile spread across my face and I let out a small laugh as I walked over to the bed and plopped down on it. I could not believe that he fell for my act. But then, despite the fact that the whole world knew him as a cold, rigid, wealthy billionaire, I knew from years of being married to him that he was a softie when it came to women crying. I rolled over on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what I had to do next. Nothing I had told Eddie was true. The truth was a meticulously crafted web of lies, designed to snag Eddie back into my orbit.Pathetic, really. The man who built a financial empire couldn't sniff out a sob story as transparent as a Tiffany window.This guest wing was more than comfortable; it was decadent.My gaze swept ac
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Chapter 189.
Eddie’s POVTaking a deep breath, I launched into a hurried explanation. The story Jenna had concocted about a bad investment, and my reluctant agreement to let her stay. I left out the part about my suspicions of her motives, not wanting to give James more ammunition to question my judgment.James listened patiently, the only sound his occasional "uh-huh" or a low whistle. Finally, when I finished, a long silence stretched between us."You sure about this, Eddie?" James finally asked, his voice laced with concern."Honestly? No," I admitted, frustration creeping into my voice. "It feels like a bad idea, but I couldn't just leave her on the street."“Hmm..” His disapproval was quite clear from over the phone. I huffed in annoyance, knowing he was right."It wasn't that simple," I countered. "The bigger issue is Amelia. How am I supposed to explain this to her? We just… confessed our feelings for each other, and now I have to drop this bombshell on her?""Well, that changes things," Ja
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Chapter 190.
Eddie’s POVThe weight of her words settled on me like a lead blanket. "It wasn't that simple, Amelia," I pleaded. "She said she had nowhere else to go, and…" I hesitated, searching for the right words."And what?" she challenged, her voice laced with a bitterness I hadn't heard before."And seeing her with Chloe again…" I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.Amelia scoffed. "So you caved? Out of some misplaced guilt or… what? Are you hoping to rekindle your old flame?""No!" I exclaimed, the indignation burning in my chest. "Of course not. It's just… complicated.""It seems like you have a talent for making things complicated, Eddie," Amelia said, her voice shaking. "And dragging me into the middle of your mess."Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill. My heart ached at the sight."Amelia, please," I reached out for her hand, but she pulled away instinctively."Don't," she said, her voice tight. "I need some time to process this. This changes everything."With that,
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