All Chapters of Lustful Desire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
207 Chapters
Chapter 81.
Amelia's POVMom turned to the window, a wistful look in her eyes. "It's been a while since I've been outside. Fresh air would be lovely."We exchanged glances with Blaire, a silent excitement building between us. Turning back to my mother, I gave her a reassuring smile."Alright, then it's settled," I said. "Let's see if we can convince Dr. Williams to let you out for a couple of hours."Blaire was the resident doctor in charge of Mom's treatment, but could not make a decision such as letting my Mom out for a couple of hours on her own. Hence, we had to go talk to her superior and the consultant.We found Dr. Williams in his office, reviewing charts with a frown etched on his forehead. He looked up as we entered, his expression softening when he saw us."Amelia and Blaire" he greeted us, gesturing towards the chairs across his desk. "What can I do for you today? Blaire, you're off today, aren't you? I would think you would choose to spend your day off somewhere else other than the ho
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Chapter 82.
Amelia's POV"We did," I said, unable to help the smile tugging at my lips. "We were quite the terrors.""The best kind of terror," Blaire added, bumping my shoulder playfully.A comfortable silence settled between us, each lost in their own thoughts."Mom," I said gently, "how about we play a little game?"My mother's brow furrowed in curiosity. "What kind of game?""Let's pretend we're children again," I explained. "Just for a little while. Let's chase butterflies and make up stories about the clouds."A hesitant smile spread across my mother's face. "Alright," she agreed, her voice tinged with a hint of childlike wonder. "But you have to promise to go easy on me. My old bones might not be able to keep up with you."***"This is perfect," she said, leaning on Blaire's arm as we walked. "Thank you both for doing this for me.""It was our pleasure, Mom," I replied, squeezing her hand. "We just wanted to give you a break, a chance to feel normal again.""You know," she said thoughtfull
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Chapter 83.
Amelia’s POV As we entered, a woman with a perfectly sculpted pixie cut and a warm smile approached us. This must be the owner, I thought to myself. "Welcome!" she greeted, her voice as charming as her smile. "Are you all booked in?""We're not exactly booked," Blaire admitted sheepishly. "We were hoping you might be able to accommodate a walk-in? My mother, here, would love a haircut and maybe a manicure."The woman's smile faltered slightly. "A walk-in, you say? We are quite busy today…" she trailed off, her gaze flitting between us. I could practically see the gears turning in her head as she assessed the situation.Just as my heart threatened to plummet, Blaire stepped in again, her voice turning persuasive. "We understand if it's not possible," she said, "but my mother is recovering from an illness, and a bit of pampering would mean the world to her. We're flexible on timing, truly."The woman pursed her lips, tapping a perfectly manicured finger against her chin. "Hmm," she p
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Chapter 84.
Amelia's POVOkay," my mom replied, her voice stronger than it had been in weeks. "But first, tell me, doctor, what do you think of this manicure? Do you think it clashes with my new hair style?"Dr. Williams chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "No, Mrs. Thompson," he said, "I think it ties the whole look together beautifully. It's a perfect reminder of the sunshine you carry within yourself."She smiled beautifully. Back in her room, as the nurse helped her get settled, Mom's gaze lingered on the picture in his hand. "You know, Dr. Williams," she said, a playful glint in her eyes, "I think I might need to go back there for one of those manicures. It seems to have magical mood-boosting properties."Dr. Williams chuckled, a genuine laugh that resonated through the sterile room. "I think you can schedule that anytime, Mrs. Thompson," he replied. "Perhaps we can even add it to your treatment plan – weekly sunshine therapy with a side of nails."Mom's laugh filled the room, a sound so beautifu
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Chapter 85.
Amelia's POVI hesitated for a moment. "I don't know, I don't want to. He might be my ex-boyfriend but he is now also my boss. I mean I'm the nanny of his daughter. Getting involved with him at this moment will just make a mess of everything. I just want to focus on my job," I eventually saidMom hummed thoughtfully. "Is that why you pushed him away so harshly?"I nodded my head, feeling so ashamed. Everything I had said to him that night replayed over and over again in my mind. "It's fine, Eddie. You do not have to explain yourself to me. It is not entirely because of your ex-wife that I say that this is a mistake. There are several… no, hundreds of reasons why this was a mistake. I'm sorry if I led you on, but this should have never happened. So please, Eddie, let me go and let's forget that this ever happened." "You are my employer, Eddie. I work for you as a cook and also take care of your daughter. You are paying me a substantial amount to do so. Do you think it is right for us
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Chapter 86.
Amelia's POV"You'll be fine, Amelia," she said, her voice firm yet gentle. "Just be honest, be sincere, and everything will work out.""Thanks, Mom," I replied, a wave of gratitude washing over me. "I really appreciate your support."Blaire leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "And remember, Amelia," she said in a conspiratorial whisper, "if things don't go as planned with the apology, always resort to Plan B.""Plan B?" I repeated, an eyebrow raised."Distraction, my dear," she declared with a dramatic flourish. "Charm him with your wit, mesmerize him with your cooking skills, and before he knows it, he'll be completely smitten and all thoughts of the apology will vanish."I couldn't help but laugh at her audacity. Blaire always had a way of lightening the mood, no matter how tense the situation.Just then, my phone buzzed. Eddie's POVMy gaze drifted to the holographic display hovering in the center of the table, a complex financial breakdown of the Crawford acquisiti
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Chapter 87.
Eddie's POVMy cheeks flushed slightly. "Alright, alright," I conceded, throwing my hands up in mock surrender. "Maybe I was thinking of getting Amelia something nice. It's been a tough week for her, and…""And you want to show her you care," James finished my sentence with a knowing nod."Something like that," I mumbled, feeling strangely self-conscious about my sudden urge for chivalry. I briefly wondered if it would be too much. Showing up with flowers especially after the tense atmosphere that would undoubtedly be between us. After that night, I had avoided Amelia the following morning, only corresponding through notes in the house and through John, the driver. He must have thought the two of us were loony for passing messages to each other through him rather than just talking to each other, especially since we lived in the same house. James clapped me on the shoulder, his grin widening. "Go for it, Eddie," he said, his voice filled with encouragement. "A little gesture like that
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Chapter 88.
Eddie's POVMy heart pounded against my ribs as I waited for Amelia's response. Did she think it was strange, me wanting to meet her mom? Maybe it was too forward, especially considering our current situation.Finally, her voice came back over the phone, a hint of surprise laced with hesitation. "Are you sure, Eddie? You don't have to do that.""Absolutely sure," I affirmed, my voice more confident than I felt. "I'd like to see how Mrs. Johnson is doing myself. Besides, wouldn't it be easier for everyone if we just met upstairs?"There was another small pause, then a sigh. "Alright, fine," she conceded. "We're in room 312."Relief washed over me. "Great! I'll be up there in a sec."Hanging up, I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Meeting Amelia's mom felt like a big step, a step towards something more than just employer and employee. But it also felt like the right thing to do.I parked the car, grabbed the flowers, chocolates, and gif
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Chapter 89.
Amelia's POVMy mom, propped up in bed and sporting a mischievous glint in her eyes, piped up, "Amelia, is this the Eddie you were telling us about? The one with the…interesting…cooking skills?"A groan escaped my lips. Of course, Mom would latch onto that particular detail. I shot her a playful glare, which she only met with a wider grin. Eddie, however, looked mortified."Oh, no," he stammered, a blush creeping up his neck. "That was…that was a one-time thing. I promise I'm a much better businessman than a chef."Blair, ever the instigator, chimed in with a mischievous giggle. "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, Eddie. A little kitchen mishap adds to the charm, wouldn't you say, Amelia?"I swatted playfully at her arm, mortified by her teasing. "Shut up, Blair," I muttered.Eddie, however, seemed to relax a little at Blair's comment. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He cleared his throat and offered the flowers to me. "These are for you," he said, his voice regaining a
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Chapter 90.
Amelia's POV"I used to be a financial analyst myself, you know," Mom revealed, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. "Before, well, before all this happened."Eddie's eyes widened with genuine interest. "Really? That's fascinating! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the potential merger."Mom seemed pleased at his interest. "Well, I may be a bit rusty, but I still follow the market trends," she admitted with a small laugh.And just like that, they were off.I watched in amusement as the conversation between Mom and Eddie shifted to a lively discussion about the intricacies of the acquisition. Jargon like "synergy" and "market share" flew back and forth, and I couldn't help but be impressed by Mom's sharp wit and insightful observations, even though she hadn't worked in the field for years. Eddie was clearly captivated, hanging onto her every word and asking insightful questions.Time seemed to slip away as they dissected the potential impact of the merger, their enthusiasm for
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