All Chapters of Sinful Twins For The Billionaire Brothers: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
Ixora Crystabella Moores quickly withdrew her leg from the woman's handkerchief as she noticed the fear in the woman's reaction. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the way Jerald was looking at her, and it made her heart tighten.He's looking at me as if I'm just another stranger, like everyone else. Surprisingly, the only person who still clung to her hand tightly was his daughter, Zira.Ixora knelt down beside the woman, took out her own handkerchief, and began wiping the woman's sweat-filled face. "It's alright, please stop apologizing."The woman regarded her with suspicion but continued, "I'm truly sorry—""I'm Ixora, not Cherry," she interjected with a warm smile.Relieved, the woman let out a sigh. "Oh, thank God. It's good Bella. Thank God!" She said emphatically and hugged Ixora tightly. "Thank God it's you, good Bella. I thought I had stepped on Cherry!"Ixora nodded in understanding, waved off the woman's thanks, and walked away.Turning to face Jerald, she couldn't h
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Cherry Silverbella Moores despised the beach, and even more so, she loathed the water. However, after spending half the day sleeping, she felt a growing urge to explore. Glancing down from her hotel room, she observed the lively crowd at the beach, ready for some fun. This curiosity lured her out of her room.She strolled down to the beach, carrying a bottle of red wine in one hand, a glass cup, a cigarette, and a lighter in the other. The evening breeze kissed her skin, and she relished in its embrace, her hair swaying in the wind. Dressed in just a bikini and sunglasses, she made her way towards the bustling beach.The shore was teeming with activity - women in bikinis and swimsuits, men in shorts, some already frolicking in the water, while others basked on the sandy shores. Couples played and ran around, families enjoyed quality time, and individuals lounged on reclining chairs.Nonchalantly chewing her gum, she used her keen eyes to scan every male figure on the beach, well aware
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He couldn't tear his gaze away from her as she strolled along the beach, her hips swaying rhythmically, akin to a slow dancer. Her dark hair cascaded like a waterfall, framing her like a moon goddess. Although many women graced the beach in bikinis, hers redefined the term. She was a breathtaking beauty, her body so perfectly contoured it seemed otherworldly. Jake Brown instantly sensed she would bring trouble.Jake couldn't divert his eyes from her, not even when she caught him looking, and their gazes locked. She didn't shy away; instead, she removed her sunglasses, meeting his gaze head-on. Yes, trouble indeed.Beyond her striking appearance, she exuded a fiery spirit. He had witnessed the entire scene: how she swiftly handled two women and sent the third one fleeing within seconds, all while maintaining a smile. She seemed efficient, the kind of person trained fighters needed to be cautious of if they ever crossed paths. She might lack formal training, but she knew how to exploit
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Ixora Crystabella Moores was preparing to retire for the night. After taking her shower and donning her nightie, she began the process of locking up the house when an unexpected knock echoed through the front door.Startled, she paused and wondered who could be visiting at this hour. Leaving the backdoor she had already secured, she headed toward the front door. Peering through the peephole, she was taken aback when she spotted Zira standing on the other side."Oh my, Zira..." she gasped, hastily unlocking the door. Troubled eyes met hers immediately, and that familiar, sorrowful expression in the girl's eyes seemed even more intense, as though she were on the brink of tears. Her lower lip quivered violently."Oh my God, what's wrong, Zira? Is everything okay?" Ixora inquired with concern, attempting to usher the girl inside the house. Instead, Zira took her hand."Please," she choked out, "Please, Ma'am Ixora, save Good Master, he is dying!"Ixora felt her confusion deepen. "Who is '
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Cherry regarded him with narrowed eyes. She was well aware of his desire, and she didn't need another look to confirm it. She couldn't quite understand why he was delaying their physical encounter, but she decided to go along with it. After all, he was meant to be just a one-night stand; there was no rush to get to the main event. The night was still young, and there was plenty of time."Alright, dinner first. But I want a kiss," she whispered seductively as she approached him.He smiled once more and leaned closer, his lips just inches from hers. "What will a single kiss accomplish?" he teased, his eyes filled with playful curiosity."Everything," Cherry murmured, her anticipation clear as she traced the tip of her own tongue along the seam of her lips."Are you always this talkative?" she inquired instead, her voice laced with playful teasing."No," Jake replied automatically, his eyes locked onto her.She grinned devilishly, her desire unmistakable. "Then, kiss me."Jake hesitated
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"Jerald, please stay awake, please," the sweet voice implored, but it sounded distant to him.Ixora was gripped by icy fear when she saw Jerald's eyes gradually closing, his labored breathing slowing down. She felt utterly helpless. Unlocking her cellphone, she dialed Small Mark's number. She had the doctor's contact because of Cherry, who often got into fights. Despite her sister's disdain for doctors, Ixora had always called Small Mark whenever there was a serious injury."Hello?" a gruff voice answered on the other end."Good evening, doctor. I need your help, please," Ixora pleaded.The old man sighed, "You know how much your sister hates me, good Bella. I really don't think I want to be facing her tonight.""It's not about Cherry, Small Mark. Please, can you come over to Old Marion's? The new owner... he needs a doctor right now." Her voice trembled. "Please, Small Mark, please.""What's the matter with him?" Small Mark inquired.Ixora bit her lip, choosing not to mention that it
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"You did a great job in there, Bella," Small Mark praised as we left the room. "I don't know how you knew what each drug was for, but they were already making progress on him before I arrived." Ixora closed the door behind her and asked, "Will he be okay, Small Mark?" "If he takes the medication I left properly and redresses the wound every night, he should be just fine," Small Mark assured her. Ixora sighed in relief, realizing she had been holding her breath until this diagnosis. "Thank you, Small Mark." As Small Mark was about to leave, he paused and looked at her with concern. "Do you know anything about him? Those scars on his body aren't normal. Is he a fugitive or running from the law?" His voice carried suspicion and fear. She thought to herself that she had no more information than he did. "No, he's not a wanted man. He used to be in the Army," she added to ease the doctor's suspicions. "Ah, that makes sense," Small Mark replied as he left. "One of my boys joined the Arm
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Jake was delighted that she was initiating a conversation between them. "Let me think," he mused.Then, he snapped his fingers as a memory resurfaced. "Ah, there was this street boy named Jude. He was fourteen at the time, while Jerald and I were both eleven and from wealthy families. He used to taunt us, calling us spoiled brats and always causing trouble. We usually ignored him, understanding that his hatred came from our wealth. But one day, he pushed us too far. We tied him up, naked, to a pole and had all the street kids he'd bullied throw eggs and oranges at him," Jake recounted with a dramatic sigh. "Even his own gang members were laughing at him. It was incredibly humiliating for him. After that, he learned a bit of humility."Cherry burst into laughter. "Wow, you two must have been quite the troublemakers together. That's actually pretty cool," she said, thoroughly enjoying herself."What about you? Tell me about a memorable experience you were involved in."Cherry took a sip
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After Ixora had put Zira to bed, she returned to Jerald's room. His breathing remained steady as he lay motionless in the bed, his wound carefully bandaged. She lowered herself beside the bed and simply watched him. Now that he was asleep, she allowed herself to gaze at him, to take in his features.Should she help him shave his beard? No, she thought better of it. He might be quite angry when he woke up. She took a closer look at his chest, noticing numerous scars marring his skin. How had he come to be a canvas for a weapons field day?She was so engrossed in studying him that she didn't notice when his breathing changed, becoming heavier and more uneven. It wasn't until he started gasping out words in his sleep that she realized something was wrong."No! No, don't go with them! No, please!?" he pleaded, shaking his head violently from side to side."Jerald, what's wrong?" Ixora shook him fearfully, but he wouldn't wake."What about mother!? She can't lose both of us!? Go! Go! pleas
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Ixora sat on the chair in Jerald's room when she heard a scream coming from Berezira's room. She sprang up from the chair and rushed to the girl's room. However, she didn't see anything unusual in the room except for Berezira turning restlessly on the bed, caught in the throes of a nightmare. She screamed again, clearly disturbed by her dream.Ixora walked over to the bed and gently touched Berezira, whispering, "Zira?"The girl's reaction was one of fear and distress. "Don't touch me...please... don't touch me," she cried out, recoiling from Ixora's touch.Undeterred, Ixora continued to soothe her, rubbing her shoulders until Berezira gradually calmed down. It struck her how similar this was to her twin, Cherry's behavior during nightmares. The only difference was that Cherry never spoke during her subconscious episodes; she only made inarticulate sounds.Once Berezira had settled back into sleep, Ixora quietly returned to Jerald's room. He lay there exactly as she had left him, and
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