All Chapters of The billionaire's dangerous love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
*The Steele's Manor**Green City*Her mother had wanted her to be a healer and it was one of the reasons why she had named her Erada, she had raised her to be loving, kind, compassionate and to always forgive even when anyone had hurt her.' Erada, you'll always be mother's precious angel, mother wants you to grow up into a kind young lady, promise mother that you won't let the world change you'Even with her last breath, mother had made her promise, it was a promise she couldn't keep, after her mother's death, she had stopped using the name, mother wouldn't have wanted her Erada to become a mercenary and now, he was the first person she was mentioning the name to." Draco.. I am not Olivia, I'm Erada "She watched the display of emotions on his face, shock, confusion, disbelief and it gradually morphed into an accusation." You're not Olivia?"Erada nodded slowly"I'm Erada, Erada Kingston, I'm sorry for lying to you, Draco, I didn't mean to"She moistened her lips "I'm the other tw
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* The Camp Of The Undead** Devil's lane*The next morning... Olivia fiddled with the crystal watch on her wrist, thankfully she didn't wake up with an headache , the pill was really effective,Venom walked in with a tray of food and a mirror.She arched her brows" What's the mirror for?"" To see how beautiful you look"He said with a straight face.He had never complimented her and she wondered what brought about the sudden change. Olivia took the mirror from his hands and she gasped in shock, her eyes were swollen and puffy, she hadn't bothered to wash off her makeup and the smeared eye liner made her look like the female lead of an horror movie." I look terrible "Venom shook his head" Terrible is an understatement, pampered heiress, are there any more tears this morning? "Olivia shook her head slowly, even if she tried so hard, she didn't think she would be able to shed a single tear." No, no more tears"Venom heaved a sigh of relief. " Master.Olivia mumbled quietly" Tha
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*The Steele's Manor** Green City*Two days had passed and Erada hadn't heard from Olivia, Draco had stopped her from leaving his side, even when she told him she wanted to get her things at home , he had refused, he had invited the best fashion designer in Green city, Midas Gold to the manor, any dress she touched, he would end up buying it.Erada stared at the huge pile of clothes and she wondered what she was going to do with them. " Eldest miss, this is my business card"Midas said with a smile, his eyes didn't stray away from hers as he held out the business card.She was currently putting on his newest design, a light grey dinner gown, it was exquisitely cut and it molded her slender figure, most people were usually selective when it came to the color grey but the colour suited her perfectly.She took it from his hands, ignoring the frown on Draco's face." Eldest miss, this is a VIP ticket, with this, you'll be given a ten percent discount whenever you visit my store , you can
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*The Steele's Manor**Green City* For the first time in his life, he had acted without reason, there should have been a logical explanation for him kissing the pampered heiress but as hard as he racked his brains, there was none, he had simply acted out of impulse. He could still remember the taste of her lips and the faint taste of chocolates she had been eating still lingered in his mouth, he pushed the thoughts out of his mind, he loved Daera and it was impossible for him to suddenly develop feelings for her twin sister. Even though he was surrounded by a huge number of guards, he didn't feel the slightest bit of intimidation as he stood imposingly in front the manor,he had to see Daera. " The second master says you may come in"The guard said as he returned.Venom walked in with the guard and the others heaved a sigh of relief.' he seemed ready to blow up the manor if we didn't let him in'' I wonder why he's here'Even as Venom strolled into the manor, the scowl didn't lea
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Erada smiled wryly, after her mother's death, Venom was the one that had took care of her, she hadn't spoke for months and the word 'big brother' was the first words to leave her lips. " Venom, you'll always be my big brother, at the darkest point of my life, you were there for me, you were my greatest shield, my greatest strength and you're one of the few people I genuinely trust, I had no idea you have feelings for me "" Forget about him, Daera, I've waited all these years and I can't afford to lose you to him "Erada shook her head slowly." I can't.. you don't understand.. I feel nothing for you, I. just can't, you're my big brother, nothing more and I can't afford to jeopardize our relationship, you deserve someone that'll truly love you and sadly that person isn't me, I don't want to hurt you Venom" Venom struggled to accept the words." What if. What if I had told you earlier ,before you met him.. what if he was out of the picture "" I still wouldn't have said yes"Erada si
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*The Kingston's Mansion**Green City* Venom woke up feeling as though his skull had been cracked open, he wondered what kind of alcohol the bartender had mixed up together, he shielded his eyes at the bright ray of sunlight that filtered into the room, his head felt heavy, his eyes darted around the unfamiliar room and he wondered how he had ended up here." Big brother, you're finally awake"His eyes settled on the elegant figure framed across the doorway and the memories of the previous night rushed into his head, the alcohol had helped him forget about the pain but now he was reminded of everything, Daera would never be his." Little bird, I.Im sorry"Raven huffed" You can save your apologies for later, it's time for breakfast, the master and mistress wants to meet you"It was not the kind of first impression he had hoped to make and he hoped they wouldn't misunderstand him because of it, he wasn't a reckless drunkard that frequently passed out in people's homes.Viola stood timi
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Draco sighed" I'm not sending you away, we're going there for the competitions and we'll be back once it ends "Little Zephyr breathed a sigh of relief but it still didn't take away her uneasiness" You can't go running around when we get there and you can't do anything reckless "Draco said with seriousness, he had taken her away from that place for her own safety and now that he was returning there, if he left her here, it would be the perfect opportunity for his brother to strike." Little Zephyr understands"Little Zephyr mumbled quietly, she hated that place, she sighed as she watched him leave for work. ****Nightfall..Palm Springs beach.The entire beach had been restricted to strangers, and close to the cabin, Declan and his team were setting everything to perfection.Even though it was a cool evening, sweat was dripping from Declan's brows, if anything should go wrong, he was dead meat." Make sure everything is perfect"He instructed the team again as they set up the roma
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" P..pampered heiress, you. Should.. l. Leave while you still can" Even in his drunken state, he was warning her not to do something she would end up regretting. He had warned her and yet she couldn't leave, not when he was a broken mess, she wanted to wipe that look of pain away from his face, she wanted to take away all the pains in his heart, she cared for him, even though she didn't want to admit it.She deepened the kiss and he kissed her with a sense of urgency that frightened her and at the same time, it made her pulse quicken.She had always thought the fabric of the robes were durable but all it took was one slight tug and it came undone, she watched his eyes darken with lust as it raked over her body." Mmm.. beautiful" He murmured against her ear as he unhooked her white lacy bra.His hands settled on her breasts and her taut nipples hardened under his touch, she was driving him crazy and he knew that was exactly what she wanted, to drive him crazy until he couldn't thi
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* The Camp Of The Undead** Devil's Lane* Even as Venom searched the entire camp, there was no sign of Olivia, his head was aching terribly as he scoured everywhere, he was trying to remember everything that happened the previous night but all he could recall were vague fragments of his memory, he had a feeling that something important happened the previous night but as hard as he tried, he couldn't piece it together. After a fruitless search, he decided to look for Meek. " Have you seen the pampered heiress?" Meek frowned slightly, trying to control his boiling temper." She's gone, I dropped her off last night"" There's no way she would have left without telling me, why did she suddenly leave ?"Meek slanted his brows." Maybe because you're a dickhead and she would rather stay far away from you"Venom's eyes widened " I'm a what?"" A dickhead, a brute!! That's exactly what you are!!!, she's gone now and you should be happy, if you'll excuse me, I'm going with Eight to Havi
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*The Kingston's Mansion** Green City* Venom was pacing back and forth in the waiting room and Olivia had the feeling that Rivera had kept him waiting even before she informed her that he was here. He looked disheveled, almost as if he had drove here in haste, she almost pitied him, almost. " Ma. She shook her head at the last minute" Venom, what brings you here?"She sat on one of the sofa and she crossed her legs, eyeing him. " Pampered heiress, I.. I'm sorry" Even as she spoke, she tried so hard to keep her voice cold and aloof without showing any of the emotions she was feeling." What exactly are you sorry about Venom? Are you sorry because we had s*x or you're sorry because you were calling Daera's name while we were at it? "She watched the display of shock in his eyes." I . . We did what?!"Olivia winced slightly, was it so bad that he was horrified at the thought." It's alright, it doesn't matter, at least you don't remember any of it and I think it's better that w
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