All Chapters of The Rise of the Half-Rank Wolf: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
102 Chapters
Chapter 41
Kristoff"Enough, YOU LYING BITCH!"I yelled at her, my body trembling with anger. I glared at Maddie with murderous eyes. But instead of being intimidated, she stood her ground, ready to defend her version of the truth.“Why don’t you ask your spies to verify it? I am certain they all witnessed how my sister went back and forth in your brother’s office. Isn’t it suspicious enough to see an omega assigned to wash dirty linens go to his room? Especially in the middle of the night when omegas aren’t allowed to go out and wander. You’re not stupid to not know the rules. Clearly, she is going there for some private business. My sister is unmated and beautiful. Who knows what type of things she was able to gain because of that leverage.”I growled, feeling my fangs emerge. The color of my eyes changed to a golden yellow. I continued to growl and break things around me. Jealousy consumed me. It was the first time that emotion visited me, and the discomfort in my heart consumed me whole.“Yo
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Chapter 42
KristoffI heaved a sigh, tightened my tie, and fixed my hair. That day had been my wedding day, a day I had never wished for. To me, it had felt more like attending a funeral because it marked the death of a part of me, a thing I would grieve over for the rest of my life. Overwhelming frustration and hopelessness filled me as I faced the unavoidable, something I had to do no matter what.I tried to settle down my feelings as the time for the ceremony drew near. To keep Ari safe, I needed to be in favor of the Ironwolf. I had to obey and please my father to earn his trust and hand over the throne. As long as I remained in my position, as long as my future was to be the most powerful wolf on the continent, Ari would remain safe from possible danger.Without knocking, Rolf entered the room and said, "It’s time." Then, he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It was time to face my nightmare. I took a deep breath and left the room. Bjorn, my spirit wolf, howled in pain, understanding
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Chapter 43
AriI stood at a distance, witnessing the exchanged vows of my sister and my ex-mate. I bit my lip, trying to suppress my emotions as Kristoff finally tied the knot with someone else. It was a sight I never wished to witness, an event I never wanted to attend. But due to the Ironwolf son’s demand, I could do nothing about it. Somehow, with the mate bond finally being severed, I thought things would be less painful for me to watch. I was wrong. It still hurt, even though I knew I no longer had the right to feel this way.It was too late for us. Our love meant nothing now. I had to accept the fact that we could no longer be together. I had to let go of Kristoff. Maybe we weren’t meant to be, just as I thought we were. I promised myself it would be the last time I would be hurt because of him, and I would make sure to keep this promise as long as I live.Unknowingly, my grip on Ulric’s arms tightened. Ulric leaned in and whispered, “Did I make a bad decision bringing you here? Are you ok
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Chapter 44
AriThere was a heavy silence between us, the tension palpable in the air. The constant glare exchanged by the brothers built a wall of discomfort. The challenging stares pierced through me, making my muscles tense. I hadn't anticipated Ulric standing up for me, and, more painfully, I never fathomed that the man who had once been deeply in love with me now regarded me with such disdain. Accepting this harsh truth was a bitter pill to swallow.Ulric and Kristoff continued their locked stares, seemingly oblivious to the weight of the moment. Eventually, unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere any longer, I reached out and softly touched Ulric’s arms, redirecting his attention towards me.“It is okay, Lord Ulric. After all, I’m just a mere omega who dedicated my life to serving the Ironwolf’s family. The honest thought of the Jarl shouldn’t bother me. Compared to you, him, and the rest of the people inside this room, I am nothing.”Kristoff turned to me as I uttered those words yet did
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Chapter 45
AriI was startled by the sudden touch from behind. Turning around, I found Kristoff gripping my waist tightly, pulling me away from the path to keep us unseen. His arms enveloped me, and a nauseating whiff of alcohol hit me as I managed to push him away. I observed him in disarray, still wearing his wedding suit, making it clear he was drunk."Kristoff, what are you doing here?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice.He scoffed, a sarcastic smirk on his face."Do I need permission to wander around? Soon I’m gonna be the most respected wolf inside this pack. No one would dare to oppose me."Something felt off about Kristoff, making me uneasy. His presence and gaze sent shivers down my spine. I took a deep breath, trying not to complicate things further."I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to deal with you. I need to go."Attempting to leave, I took a few steps, but Kristoff swiftly dashed towards me, grabbing my arms tightly."Is it someone influential enough? Is it Ulric? You seemed
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Chapter 46
AriThe next day, I woke up with the gentle warmth of the light touching my cheeks. Slowly getting up from my bed, I opened the windows to feel the breeze of the morning wind. The trees outside danced in harmony along with the good weather to start the day. But despite the pleasant surroundings, I wasn't feeling motivated to begin my day.As I stared outside, memories of the horrors Kristoff inflicted on my heart flooded back. It was a night I wished had never come. The flashbacks of Kristoff forcing himself onto me kept visiting my mind. A tear flowed from my eyes, which I quickly wiped away. I couldn't believe what had happened. It felt like a horrible nightmare that I never saw coming. But the worst part was the fact that everything was real.Walking away from the window, I fixed my hair in front of the mirror. My reflection revealed puffy eyes, probably caused by relentless crying the night before. My eyes looked dead enough to see my own miseries. In my mind, the sweet and loving
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Chapter 47
AriAs the day went by, I couldn't shake off the sinking feeling in my chest. The plant, my pride and joy, was withering away before my eyes. Its leaves were falling off, and despite my meticulous inspection of every corner, branch, and leaf, there was no sign of improvement. The situation seemed hopeless. Both Jackie and I knew we couldn't keep this truth to ourselves any longer.The weight of the revelation was too much for me to bear. I lacked the courage to face our people, so Jackie took on the responsibility of sharing the heartbreaking news with the former Moonshadow pack. The shock and worry on everyone's faces mirrored my own internal turmoil. Their sympathy was palpable, and it only deepened my sense of failure. All my efforts appeared futile.However, amidst the prevailing despair, some held onto hope. A suggestion surfaced that perhaps the plant's sensitivity required a precise amount of water each day. Maybe measuring the water given could offer a glimmer of a solution. E
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Chapter 48
AriI sat there, enduring Aslaug's never-ending opening rites, but nothing registered in my mind. All I wanted was for the ceremony to be over and the embarrassment to end. Aslaug droned on in front of us, but I couldn't focus. My only desire was to return to my chores and put this exam behind me. Defeat had already settled in, and I just wanted to spare myself any further humiliation. The lengthy opening rites only intensified my eagerness to escape the exam hall. I silently hoped Aslaug would announce the winners soon so I could make a swift exit.After Aslaug finished the opening rites, she began inspecting the plants. Pride beamed from the other participants as their plants stood tall and healthy. Meanwhile, I kept my head down, trying to avoid attention. Aslaug meticulously examined each plant until she reached the 20th – mine. Taking a deep breath, I tried to summon courage to face the examiner. Aslaug stared at my plant and questioned, "What happened to your plant?"Before I co
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Chapter 49
KristoffI sat there in the council hall, surrounded by my fellow members, as Aslaug summoned us for a meeting regarding the annual slave exam candidates in the scholarly division. It was a crucial discussion about the omega we would promote this year, and everyone had complied with the call, except for the Ironwolf himself. He had entrusted this important task to the remaining members of his council as he had something else equally pressing to attend to. Seraphina, too, was present among us as the newest member of the council.As Aslaug presented the candidates and their detailed information, the atmosphere in the council hall grew serious. She spoke about the two remaining contestants in the scholarly division, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.“Good day, gentlemen. Let’s not waste time here and proceed to our goal for today. As you have heard, the two remaining candidates from the scholarly division exam were Randall Leifson and Arianna Lynn Rosenberg. One step
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Chapter 50
SeraphinaAs I recounted the details of the recent council meeting to Maddie, her reaction unfolded like a storm within the confines of my room. Disbelief widened her eyes, mirroring the shock that had initially rippled through me upon realizing Ari's unexpected advantage."How can that be? It’s impossible that Ari even has a slight chance of winning," Maddie's voice quivered with desperation and fear. Her pacing back and forth, along with nail-biting, physically manifested the turmoil gripping her, and it was driving me crazy."Would you please stop acting like a distressed child and calm yourself? You are the future Luna of the pack. Start to act like one," I scolded her, disappointment evident in my tone.Reluctantly, Maddie finally took a seat, but my growing headache betrayed the increasing tension in the room. Trying to maintain composure, I continued updating her on the council meeting. "Those bastards were easily persuaded. Clearly, the perfect candidate should be Randall for
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