All Chapters of The Rise of the Half-Rank Wolf: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
102 Chapters
Chapter 71
MaddieI stood up from the floor, my tears flowing like wild streams. Kristoff's words struck and pierced my delicate heart. I walked towards the mirror and saw my pitiful state. "I never thought fate would bring me into this misery."My spirit wolf, Greta, heard my suffering. I continued to cry as I remembered my life choices. "Tell me, Greta. What led me to this? Where did I go wrong to deserve this fate?"All I wanted was to experience love like everybody else. I wanted to feel the loving touch of someone. I wanted to feel safe in someone else’s arms, someone who would stand for me no matter what. "I've been loving him for so long... And yet his eyes were still locked on my sister."I sat on the small chair and cried, reminiscing the past years of my life. Unlike other she-wolves, I wasn't eager to meet my fated mate. For me, it was unnecessary. I was one of the very few wolves who believed that fated mates are not essential to a wolf’s life. As a wolf, we shouldn't be confined
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Chapter 72
AriLife in Skagi continued, and it was my sanctuary, away from those who might have wished me harm. Here, I felt safe, surrounded by people who cherished me. Skagi was my haven, but it also filled me with sadness, for it kept me apart from my own people."I'm sorry, everyone. It was the only way I could protect you," I whispered to myself, a heavy weight on my heart. Despite my longing to see my people, I had heeded Ulric and Lady Aleria's counsel. Avoiding the capital for the time being was the wisest choice, they said. It was to shield my people from the potential cruelty of Maddie and Seraphina, who wouldn't have hesitated to harm them to spite me. As my status had suddenly risen, I had become untouchable, but it only made them more vindictive towards those I cared about. It was a bitter truth, one I wished I hadn't had to accept."I just wished there was a way to reassure them why I had been absent," I murmured, hoping for a solution to bridge the distance between us.As long as
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Chapter 73
MaddieI couldn't take much more of it. Lady Joanna's lectures dragged on like a never-ending nightmare. Each day, her words sliced deeper into my patience, feeling even worse than enduring a flogging or being locked away.As Lady Joanna's lecture droned on, I stared blankly ahead, my mind wandering far from the suffocating lecture hall. Why bother with this training? It's been the same old lessons since I was a child. Greta's silence only added to the weight of boredom pressing down on me. I knew these lectures by heart, thanks to my mother's teachings, but they offered nothing new, only serving as punishment rather than education. The idea of revenge simmered within me, fueled by frustration. Lady Joanna promised to shape me into a future Luna, yet I gained nothing. Was she merely using me to cozy up to the Ironwolf? It felt like she volunteered to teach me to make herself look good in his eyes.Then, her voice cut through my mental fog. "Are you with us, Maddie?" Lady Joanna's qu
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Chapter 74
MaddieOnce prepared, I headed to the ceremony hall, where familiar faces of importance awaited. My attention was drawn to Lady Aleria's family, causing a twinge of discomfort in my stomach.Taking my place beside Kristoff at the front, I felt the weight of all eyes on us. However, I refused to be intimidated. With so many eyes watching my every move, I knew better than to do anything foolish that might compromise my situation again."Unfortunately, the esteemed Ironwolf cannot be with us today," announced the speaker. His words were met with murmurs of disappointment from the crowd. "Nevertheless, the ceremony will proceed, led by the heir to the throne, Jarl Kristoff, and his wife, Lady Maddie."Applause filled the hall, yet Kristoff's demeanor remained distant, a constant reminder of our loveless union. But I had grown accustomed to the ache, resigning myself to my fate.The ceremony dragged on, each moment feeling endless. I could hardly bear it any longer, my mind yearning for es
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Chapter 75
UlricI wrapped Aster in a huge hug. "Congratulations, brother. How are you feeling about your new post?" I noticed the nervous smile on his face. "I'm excited, but there's a touch of nervousness. I'm not sure if I'm worthy enough to lead."Giving his shoulders a firm tap, I enveloped him in my arms. "Listen here, brother. What's running inside your veins isn't ordinary wolf blood. Your blood is more than worthy to lead for you are the son of the great Ironwolf. Heads up, little guy. You are destined for a great destiny."Aster became a little confident to start his first official job in the pack. He was given a post on the borders of the northern territory. Meanwhile, I was beaming with pride for my little brother. But amidst the joy, our mother couldn't hold back her tears and broke down."Mother?" I approached her gently."I'm sorry, Ulric. I just couldn't believe how time flies. My little boy is no longer a baby," she sobbed.Aster went to hug our mother, reassuring her, "I'm go
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Chapter 76
AriI was working late, buried in an important report, seeking solace downstairs. Nestled in a chair by the main door, I delved into the text, trying to focus despite the late hour. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Ulric's distraught face."Oh, it’s late. Where have you been, Ulric?" I inquired, my concern evident.Ulric barely acknowledged me, his gaze distant as he passed by. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I watched him go, pondering his unusual behavior. Concern gnawed at me, wondering what could be troubling him.Returning to my desk, I found myself unable to shake off the distraction. My mind wandered as I attempted to work. What's wrong with him? I asked myself. The next day arrived, bringing with it another critical meeting at Skagi. Among the attendees, I sat, my attention occasionally drifting towards Ulric, who seemed lost in his own thoughts. Lady Aleria led the discussion, her authoritative presence commanding the room.“Glad each one has some great ideas to sh
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Chapter 77
MaddieInside my room, I stood facing the giant wooden mirror in front of me, surrounded by the omegas who swarmed around, always ready to provide humble service. They looked terrified, some shaking, others just bowing their heads and staring at the floor. Not a single word escaped their lips. The atmosphere felt heavy and serious, casting an awkward and strange feeling, as if I were alone in the room.“What’s wrong with your faces? Why do you all seem down in such beautiful weather? Your feelings don't match how good the day was.”The omegas timidly raised their chins slightly, their eyes wide with fear as they exchanged meaningful glances. I could sense their trembling beneath their composed facades.“Is there any problem?” I asked gently.Their response came together, their voices quivering with trepidation, “No, Lady Maddie. We all agree with you. Forgive us for spoiling your mood with our down spirits.”I smiled and replied, "I'll forgive you for today. But next time, it won't be
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Chapter 78
MaddieAs I made my way to where we were supposed to meet, my feelings were all mixed up. I was excited to see Jaxon again but my spirit wolf was pushing me with urgency. Time was running out, and Jaxon needed help. However, at that moment, all I wanted was to feel his comforting embrace and ease the turmoil in my mind.Finally arriving at the end of the trail, I saw Jaxon standing by the riverside. His face lit up with joy as he spotted me. Seeing his happiness mirrored my own, and my heart swelled with joy.“MADDIE!!!”Jaxon’s voice rang out as he dashed towards me, enveloping me in a tight hug.“Hello, my love,” I murmured, feeling my worries melt away in the warmth of his embrace.With a smile, Jaxon cupped my face in his hands and whispered, “I got something for you.”Curious, I followed his gaze as he led me to the riverside, where he picked up a bouquet tied together with dried grass.“In my culture, each flower holds a meaning,” he explained, pointing to the vibrant yellow blo
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Chapter 79
KristoffAfter the incident, I kept myself busy, drowning my thoughts in work and tasks to avoid the embarrassment my wife had caused me. It was unbearable, the thought of facing my own family, especially Ari. I couldn't bring myself to do it properly.I looked out of my window and saw the sun setting high already. The heat was suffocating. I rose from my seat and made my way to the balcony. The hot wind brushed against my face as I heaved a deep sigh.“That woman...”I was seething with anger toward my own wife. If only I could act on my impulses and inner thoughts, I would surely teach Maddie a lesson in a way that would satisfy me and strip her of her high rank.“Oh, how I wish I could make these impossible fantasies a reality.”I grit my teeth, feeling the frustration boil inside me. I knew I couldn't act on these impulses towards Maddie and her conniving mother. If I were to confront them directly, they'd find a way to use Ari against me, twisting the truth to their advantage. Ju
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Chapter 80
AriAs Ulric and I prepared to leave Skagi for the capital, urgency gripped us. We both wanted to meet Maddie as soon as possible. Time was of the essence for our mission to save Jaxon.“Let’s go, Ari. There’s no time to waste. I’ll handle the sudden meeting with the Jarl’s wife. I’m Kristoff’s brother, so meeting Maddie will not be suspicious and can be seen as normal,” Ulric urged.I agreed, and we rushed out of the door. But to our surprise, Jaxon was about to enter.“Oh guys, how have you been?” Jaxon asked, eyeing our belongings with curiosity. “Are you going somewhere, Ulric? Why didn't you inform me?”Ulric was caught off guard by Jaxon’s sudden visit. “There’s no place to go aside from the capital.”“Really? What’s the reason behind the visit?” Jaxon inquired.Ulric didn’t know what to say, and heaved a sigh, smiling awkwardly. Luckily, I was quick to think.“To the omega quarters of the Alpha mansion, Delta Jaxon,” I interjected.I never uttered a word about my people from th
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