All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hired Ex-wife Is A Skilled Doctor: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
123 Chapters
Chapter One hundred and eleven
Liam had been thrown into the cold hands of despair ever since he crashed his wedding, and had been unable to switch on his phone or go on social media because of the countless tests, emails, and DMs asking him where he was. He had been desperate to search for Nadia while working together with the investigators tirelessly for hours, which turned into days. However, his hope seemed to be wearing thin already, and the strong armor of strength he had put on not to break down wore away very quickly. It was the evening of the third day of searching for her, and he was sitting in a rented car which was parked at the last town they visited to investigate, disheartened and broken. The pain in his chest was a constant, gnawing ache that grew larger with every passing second of every disappointing news. He had not slept at all. The dark circles under his eyes had become more pronounced, and he saw her face anything he wanted to close his eyes. His head couldn’t stop replaying their last conv
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Chapter One hundred and twelve
Days had turned into weeks, and life had not remained the same for Carlton, whose existence had been disrupted after the most painful truth about Marilyn's entanglement and how she succeeded in messing with his life and happiness. After she was arrested at the airport while trying to leave the airport, she was detained and investigated concerning the sudden death of the child she had claimed belonged to Carlton. “I cremated her already!” She claimed repeatedly no matter how many times she was questioned by the prosecutor in charge of her. “Why?” “There is no use in keeping a dead child and breaking my heart more,” she responded, without remorse or sense of guilt, her eyes darting uncontrollably to every corner of the room like she was looking for something. “Where are the medical reports that confirmed she died and have her bio-data?!” The prosecutor, whose patience was already wearing thin, questioned, seeing how unstable and restless she had been since she entered to question M
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Chapter One hundred and thirteen
Grounded amidst the beautiful scenery with a large crystal-clear pool, was a vacation house that exuded an air of opulence and luxury standing on the cliff top. The majestic mountains which seemed to be at a distance seemed to touch the sky, and the beautiful mountain wildflower seemed to paint the landscape like a kaleidoscope of colors. Standing by the ceiling-to-floor glass expansive windows that allowed natural light to flood the spacious living room, adorned with plush furnishings, was Liam, who had a cup of coffee in his right hand, his left tucked into his pocket. He was staring at the beautiful view of the surroundings with a smile playing on his lips, his heart fluttering with a happiness that felt almost surreal. Slowly and carefully, he tilted the cup to his lips and took a sip, savoring the rich and aromatic flavor of it. He had been just too happy these days. His mind drifted to the recent changes in his life in just a few days, and it seemed like he had gotten everyth
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Chapter One hundred and fourteen
Carlton walked through the hallway of the hospital, his footsteps clacking against the floor in the somber silence that dwelt deeply in him. His face masked the grief that was storming heavily within him, as he struggled to keep himself from breaking down finally after coming to claim Alison's body. Seeing her lie on the cold steel in the morgue covered in a white sheet, her face white and her body cold and lifeless, pain gnawed in his heart so much that he found it hard to breathe. His heart ached so much with a swelling knot that stuck to his throat, as he watched them close her back into the drawer. ‘It was definitely his fault that she ended up this way. He should have been more kind to her. “We are sorry to inform you that Miss Alison Cooper has been an addict for a long time now. It just went wrong this time, and she overdosed,” those words, crumbled Carlton even more, with tears struggling to contain their pool in his heavy eyelids. It was also that moment he learned th
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Chapter One hundred and fifteen
‘What?! That was it?!’ Nadia scoffed in deep anger, the more she remembered how her frolic moment was cut off by Liam in an instant when he stopped his hand from going further than it had done, and just kissed her forehead. ‘He might hurt her? They should stay away because she was still recuperating? Ah! Why would he decide that for her?! She knew her body the most. Why would he care about something she doesn't even care about?! Did he know how long she waited?!’ All morning, while he prepared Egg Benedict for breakfast, and she made the table, she continued frowning endlessly each minute, punctuated by an incredulous scoff, which Liam thought was so cute, even if he didn't know why she was doing that. “Are you fine?” He touched her forehead, when he realized that she seemed to be sneaking side glares at him even if he didn't catch her in the act as they ate. “Of course. Why would I not be?” Her lips curved into a feigned smile when he looked at her, and immediately relapsed when
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Chapter One hundred and sixteen
Carried away by her happy tears, Liam had to do the work of bringing her down the mountain again, with so much strength and vigor coursing through his body. After they arrived back in the afternoon, they quickly went inside to change into their swimsuits. It took Nadia a few seconds to think about the perfect swimsuit to wear because of how conscious she was of her body, but remembering Liam's affirming words brought back strength and motivation to her, “Your body is so beautiful, Naddy. It does not need to be perfect. Nothing is perfect.” Liam was sprawled on a deck chair beside the pool, his eyes half-closed while waiting for Nadia to come out. When she opened his eyes to see her approaching, he was caught in a daze and lost in a trance about how gorgeous she looked in the perfect neon-colored swimsuit, which made her oil-splattered skin glow with a sun-kissed radiance. Every step she took made his heart beat even faster like it was the first time he had seen her, and Nadia
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Chapter One hundred and seventeen
The sunlight rays from the morning filtered softly through the curtains of the bedroom in the vacation house, as Nadia suddenly stirred awake, her lashes slowly flickering open. And her eyes fixed on the white ceiling of the room, she soon realized that she was wrapped in the arms of someone, whose breathing rhythm she could feel behind her. Turning her head slightly, her gaze fell upon Liam's sleeping face, and a shy smile graced her lips as soon the memories from the previous night they shared came rushing to her head like a film. A wave of happiness washed over her, filling her heart to the brim with delight, and it felt as if she might burst from the abundant joy coursing through her. A more childish grin curved her lips, crinkling the edges around her eyes, as her hand began to slightly trace the contours on his face, from his eyelashes to his nose, to his lips. Feeling movements in his face, Liam's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, he seemed disoriented at first, but a
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Chapter One hundred and eighteen
TWO MONTHS LATER It had been the longest days of Carlton's life, and he could not even remember how long it had been because he was back to the same pathetic state Stacy met him months ago, when he had just silently lived the saddest and most pathetic life without her. He had begun working from a tiny space in a suffocating and tight space where he separated himself from the world and the world of his own mind, which haunted him with sadness and a pressing weight of depression with which he had no idea when it would end. Though the company was back on track because he had distracted himself by working restlessly to surpass his goals for the remaining half of the year in just a few weeks, he had been like a ghost, haunting the light of the deep darkness that had taken over his happiness. After Alison's cremation, he had sent a lot of emails to Hudson to talk to him, and had even journeyed to his company on several occasions to see him, but every one of his efforts to get through
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Chapter One hundred and nineteen
“I am sorry it took this long to come back,” Stacy whispered softly, her heart aching terribly the more she saw the sullen expression etched upon his face as he gazed incredulously at her. He was finding it so hard to believe that it was truly her. Tears streamed down Carlton's face as he slowly buried his head in her shoulder, when he could finally comprehend in his head that it was truly her, “I thought I lost you forever, Stace,” he choked out, his voice laced with so much angst, breaking, “Where have you been? I… I searched for you everywhere.” She sobbed softly, clutching at him with her arms wrapped around his back as if her life depended on it, “I… am so sorry,” she whispered, “I ... .just lost my mind, you know. The truth was too much for me to bear.” “I am so sorry, Stace,” Carlton's voice was heavy as he apologized, “I am so sorry for making you go through a lot by yourself. Please forgive me,” he implored her deeply. “I am more sorry, Carlton. I shouldn't have been sel
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Chapter One hundred and Twenty
It had been almost two weeks since Stacy came back into Carlton's life, and their most torrid glow of love had been rekindled countless times so that they couldn't even keep a record anymore. They could not stop snuggling into each other at every moment like young puppies. He was spending his vacation time with her as he had planned to do before, as they caught up with everything they had missed, while he had to spend time with her, and accompanied her to the hospital for her medical checkup. Stacy asked him to keep the house and not move out as he planned, since the entire estate belonged to him, because every memory that they had cherished together was made in the house. It was a beautiful moment when she talked about starting a family together with him in that same house. It was no old news anymore that he was seen spotted with a pregnant woman in a facecap at different places, as media houses blew up with headlines, wondering who the strange lady he was seen with was. It broug
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