All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hired Ex-wife Is A Skilled Doctor: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
124 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
Positioned amidst the towering restaurant which was located at the center of the city, was the luxurious rooftop spot of the restaurant, which was its beacon of elegance. It was accessed through a private elevator, with its outlook exuding an air of exclusivity and a masterpiece of design that was meticulously crafted to create an atmosphere of refined luxury. Sitting at a fine corner at the edge of the terrace which offered an unobstructed view of the cityscape below, was Stacy and Liam, who had agreed to meet that evening after they were done at work. Served on their table were different kinds of scrumptious culinary masterpieces, beautifully presented with vibrant colors and intricate garnishes that were delightful. However, they seemed to drink more from the wines they were served, while dwelling in the peaceful silence of the evening without saying much since they got there. Both were ladened with bother in their hearts that they had barely talked, and Stacy seemed to be the one
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Chapter Thirty Two
Strutting into the hospital grounds on the Monday morning of the next week, was Nadia, looking all gorgeous and radiant as she went to the female locker room to change into her scrub. She took the entire week off after she called in for a few days extra, and spent more time drafting her new book. She and Stacy were able to bond more because they spent minutes FaceTiming during Stacy's break, having only each other to talk to while dealing with so many thoughts by themselves in their closets. And with all smiles, she walked to her office to confirm her schedule for the week and get started with the job for the day. "Oh, Nadia. You are finally here. One week was so long without you," Denver, who was the only one in the office room, grinned happily as soon as he saw her enter through the door. "Really? Or are you teasing me?" She asked him incredulously, not believing that anyone would have missed her absence in the hospital no matter how long she was gone. "I'm totally serious. Juli
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Chapter Thirty Three
The entire week went so slowly and extremely silent between Stacy and Carlton, and even the lifeless objects in the mansion could bear witness to the amplifying isolation amidst them. She had rejected him mercilessly and slapped words against his face, on top of being so angry with him even if she tried not to show it. However, she was still excellent at her job and didn't allow their personal feelings to get in the way of her job. Not Carlton though. He had it the hardest because he was bitter about how everything played between them, and his entire performance for the week was worse than ever. He tried hard to act fine and tough while he took his sessions with her, but he found it hard to cope with it subsequently, as mental fatigue grilled him each day. The weight of sadness pressed upon his chest, and suffocated a part of him every single moment he thought of how everything was. 'He truly wished he could turn back the hands of time.'Standing in front of his house on the Monday
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Chapter Thirty Four
"It is really you," Marilyn said sharply, her prideful demeanor at its peak, as her eyes meandered up and down Stacy's body simultaneously while taking note of every accessory she was donning. Startled and obviously taken aback that she was suddenly recognized, and acknowledged by a person she had always imagined meeting in a one-on-one encounter, Stacy went dumb for words as her stomach contracted into a tight ball. "How is Carlton? I guess that isn't your concern anymore though," her disdainful voice taunted, as she stood before Stacy, who was still thinking of the right way to act. There was just so much she had to say to Marilyn, and had planned to say if they ever met. However, it seemed like her head had blanked out at that point. "I don't know what you are talking about," Stacy answered, after she thought in her head that it was the right thing to do. That it was better to ignore her. 'They were never close to meeting one another, and the only connection that tied them was
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Chapter Thirty Five
With sluggishness and weariness, Stacy made her way into her house and slumped into one of the chairs in the living room instantly. Her mind felt clouded with so many laborious thoughts which were swimming in a hazy fog, as she let out a weary sigh that had accumulated the weight of her exhaustion. 'No matter how hard she tried to act that all was fine, she just couldn't be! Reckoning with herself was the hardest thing to do.' For so long she had thought of herself as not worth anything good and had her self-esteem extremely sunken below ground level, while thinking that she was not good enough and could never be good enough. However, with everything Carlton had told and explained to her over and over again, she didn't know what to believe anymore. When she finally confronted him about the night she saw him and Marilyn together, he blinked rapidly in shock that clouded his mind. He had never thought that there was a possibility of her attending the banquet that night. Or the clos
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Chapter Thirty Six
The atmosphere at the hospital felt a little different as Stacy made her way in, and she had forgotten that she was also a licensed doctor working at the hospital that she barely got to spend much time at. She had been called in by Brown, the head of the department that morning, and she wondered what it was about. 'Perhaps, Carlton has figured out that things can not work between us and is ready to let me go?''But no, it cannot be that. He didn't seem to look like that yesterday. And he has even made a spontaneous recovery ever since she became his doctor. He wouldn't make a foolish mistake,' her mind countered. 'Even if he was willing, she wasn't going to agree to leave like that. She had to accompany her mission to avoid becoming a subject for mockery, when she had tried her utmost to avoid that for all these days.''Just why was Brown calling her?!'"Good morning, Brown," Stacy exchanged a warm pleasantry as she made her way into his office. "Morning, Stacy. Please take your se
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Chapter Thirty Seven
Can I invite you to dinner after our shift?' Nadia read the message again and again and checked who had sent it to be sure that she was not mistaken, as he tried to ponder on why Liam had sent her the message. As she stood in front of the hospital, she wondered what she should reply to among the two available options. To avoid unnecessary gossip that might lead to gossip for her when people would later find out how he was connected to the hospital, she sent him a message that she would meet him wherever he wished instead of going together in his car. Liam chose a classy, but simple five-star restaurant, and drove there minutes after they were done for the day. He had waited a few minutes across the road inside his car, to wait for her to send an answer while looking at her, before driving off. He had been unable to concentrate much, and was getting lost in thought more often for reasons he couldn't even decipher. Even if he had decided to forget everything while relating normally w
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Chapter Thirty Eight
"How are you doing today, Mr. Howard?" Stacy asked Carlton as he came before her, looking so good-looking and gorgeous to an eyesore. He held a charming and striking smile as he looked straight at Stacy's eyes, feeling so good only because of her impeccably groomed presence. "Great. Better than usual," he answered charismatically. "You look like you didn't sleep the entire night," Stacy made an observation, as she slipped her eyes away from his face and checked her work bag for his chart to take her usual record. "I did sleep a little. There was a lot to do regarding several companies at the same time," he told her truthfully, and she nodded meaningfully to confirm that she knew that would be his excuse as usual. "Mr. Howard. You should care about your health. It is not everytime you burn yourself out the entire night by working. Work will continue without you, so please, take care of yourself," Stacy spoke to Carlton in a low tone like she was casually speaking to him, but it wa
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Chapter Thirty Nine
Since Carlton's most recent confession again, Stacy had been put in a bit of a spot on what to do. It was really stressful for her to know that Carlton seemed like he was not ready to give up, but she couldn't show as much anger towards him as she did in the past anymore, which would have made him give up. She now understood his point of view through his explanation, even if she still couldn't come to full terms with comprehending it in application to his genuinity. She believed he should have gone for what he wanted, instead of leaving both of them in the pain of an estranged relationship. Still, Stacy acted like she had not heard what Carlton said to her on their day out, and stood up from where she was sitting to pack up everything they came with. Though it was shorter than the time she intended that they would spend, she made them leave earlier because she didn't want to give any chance to hear any further from him. The journey back was as silent as it could be too, and she did
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Chapter Forty
Nadia's mood seemed over the top on the bright morning at work as she radiated bright energy while getting ready to go for her patient's usual morning checkup. Her face glowed as she beamed blissfully from ear to ear, as she made her way to the wards of the patients. Seeing Liam, the broad smile that split her lips made her heart swell with contentment, as her breath caught in her throat as she watched him move with grace. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he saw her as he beckoned her to come, and a rush of warmth rushed through her veins as excitement bubbled giddily within her. 'Wait, why am I smiling?!' Nadia questioned herself as she shunned herself instantly. 'Because you li…..' 'Shut up!' she cut off her thoughts instantly, and pushed them off her mind. 'I am just confused. I refuse to be confused! Stacy's words are just trying to get into my head,' Nadia affirmed strongly in her mind, as she walked closer to where he was standing. "Morning, Doctor Liam," Nadia
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