All Chapters of The Billionaire's Hired Ex-wife Is A Skilled Doctor: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
123 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
It was almost night, and Stacy was just driving back from Ryan's house. She had been bothered ever since she left CARLHILLS neighborhood earlier, that something was wrong with Carlton even if he tried so hard to hide it, ever since he went to check the person at the door. She wondered what was going on with him that he could tell her, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by questioning him endlessly like she had done in the past. She also knew he was not the type to open up about his problems so easily, so she was just going to make him comfortable enough to tell his worries to her. As Stacy navigated towards the last turning that led to her home, she saw a message that popped on her phone with an unknown number, and she wondered who it was. She checked it out after she had pulled into the driveway and alighted, just to see that it was a Hi, message from Evelyn. And the moment she typed Hello back and saved Evelyn's contact, she sent another message to Stacy, which read;
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Chapter Sixty Two
A gasp escaped Nadia's lips as her face turned hard to the side, after being smacked unexpectedly by Evelyn, who had just yelled at her face, "How dare you?!"It suddenly felt like she had lost her hearing for a few seconds, as her eyes spun into mild darkness at that moment. And in the rush of the not foreseen event that had hit her, Nadia slowly turned her head to Evelyn's direction with a glare, and sent a harder slap on her face in an instant. Without giving Evelyn the chance to get over the shock of the retaliation that had just hit her, Nadia sent another hard whack to Evelyn's face with a hardened gaze. "How dare you, Evelyn?! Why would you just hit me in that way?! Are we close enough to even exchange conversations?!" Nadia yelled at Evelyn, whose tongue was still caught up in her throat and unable to speak. Blood had drained from her skin, and her entire body had become impossibly stiff. Never would she have expected Nadia to requite in an instant."You slapped me?!" Evelyn
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Chapter Sixty Three
In a modern conference room of the gigantic company, the atmosphere crackled with tension as the board of shareholders gathered around the luxurious conference table. Seated among the shareholders was a confident and sophisticated woman, who exuded an air of allure and enigma. Dressed in a tailored designer suit that hugged her curves in all the right places, her beauty was mesmerizing, and her eyes sparkled brilliantly. As she sat poised and composed, her gaze swept across the room with a cool, assessing look, as her lips curved into a subtle smirk that hinted at arrogance. The other board members who had noticed her shifted uneasily in their seats under her penetrating gaze, as a sense of unease settled over the room like a heavy shroud. "Now, we shall commence what we are here for today. It is to vote out the current CEO, Carlton Howard, out of his seat, based on long-term negligence and health issues," a loud voice pierced through the air, drawing everyone's attention to the st
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Chapter Sixty Four
"Dad. Why is the disciplinary committee going too far already? I know that it has something to do with your connections to the Garcias!" Liam uttered with anger as he spoke to his father on the phone, right after he heard the punishment they were giving to Nadia for what happened between her and Evelyn, who reported after their fight with her own plans in mind. "My connection to the Garcias?! One of the laws and rules of my own hospital says that doctors cannot assault one another physically, else, they'll face whatever happens after. So what are you saying?! It applies to everyone!" His father retorted from the other side of the phone, already informed that his son would probably call him again after his phone call the previous day to not make an issue about what had happened. "Why is it blowing out of proportion then? Why is the director of the hospital even involved?! In a mere brawl between two female doctors?!" Liam spat as a fiery indignation laced his voice. "And you know it
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Chapter Sixty Five
Stacy drove straight to Carlton's neighborhood after dropping Nadia off at the hospital in the afternoon, and she knew that something had been wrong with her for the past few days. Thinking it was still an issue with Liam, she didn't bother to push forward into getting her to talk too much about what was going on with her. However, she still couldn't help but be distressed over her friend's recent demeanor, and suspected that things might have gone wrong than she predicted. Still, she wanted to give her space to make peace with herself and thoughts. She had also been anxious all morning because she had double texted Carlton hours ago in the morning, and he had not replied to any of the messages even up to the moment she drove on her way to his house, She had tried calling him severely too, but his line had been unreachable, and it bothered her so much in fear that something might be wrong. On getting to his house, she was more disappointed. She pressed the password to the main door
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Chapter Sixty Six
“Why have you asked to see me?” Nadia asked Liam, who had taken her to the farthest part of the rooftop of the hospital, as she forcefully snatched her hand out of his grip immediately they got there. “Why are you not telling the truth about what truly happened between you and Evelyn? It is unfair that only you are getting suspended!” Liam demanded, his voice a low growl that reverberated in the air, trying to control the endless anger that had refused to shake over his body.“What is it to you? It is not as if anyone believes me anyway. Where we stood in the supply room was a blind spot, so the CCTV cameras in there captured nothing. There were marks on Evelyn's cheeks and not on mine. So what is there to defend again?” Nadia questioned, her voice trembling with hurt and sadness. Her eyes focused on the ground as he spoke, not meeting his eyes because of how tired and sick she was of everything. And because of how embarrassed she was losing a battle that she had not even started. “
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Chapter Sixty Seven
Stacy and Carlton left his home less than an hour later after he arrived for their unplanned trip, and they took the Howard conglomerate's private jet to their destination- Bali. They arrived later that evening at a luxurious suite, had a wonderful dinner after a long rest, and ended the day at a bon fire event which was going on near the luxurious villa they reserved. The next morning, they had a sumptuous and top-notch breakfast on the terrace of their lavish villa, overlooking the the ocean stretched out before them as a focal point, ready to enjoy the experience the island had to offer. Carlton took Stacy to one of the top malls in the city, and they shopped for hours buying luxurious items according to her taste and preference till afternoon. They had lunch at a top restaurant before they returned to the villa and had different tasty dishes. Afterward, they were toured to a tourist spot, where they swam in a crystal-clear lagoon of cool water which offered solace for their su
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Chapter Sixty Eight
Stacy and Carlton awakened the next morning, cuddling each other tightly, with a smile gracing their faces the more the memories of the previous night came flooding into their heads, causing them to chuckle in shyness and equal happiness too.And with the heat of the moment coupled with the vibrant morning sun that permeated every corner of the outdoor bed, they took another chance for another episode of foreplay, pleasure and excitement. “I love you, Carlton,” Stacy confessed softly like they would steal her breath away, finally saying those words back to him, her heart hitched with adoration as they kissed endearingly again and again. The both of them had breakfast afterward at their private villa, visited one last place, before the private jet that brought them came back to pick them up. Though they would have wished to stay longer, Stacy could not leave her job unattended for days without prior notice. With a broad smile and flutters of happiness in Stacy's heart, she returned
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Chapter Sixty Nine
“So, care to enlighten me as to why you felt the need to call me here?” Stacy leaned in slightly, her voice edged with a hint of sarcasm, as she sat poised and elegantly in front of Liam, at the plush restaurant he had asked to meet. “Are you mad too? It has been a while since we have seen one another. Please, don't be like this too. It would make me feel very terrible,” Liam implored to Stacy with pitiful eyes as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a weary sigh escaping his lips. “You know it is not possible that I wouldn't be like this with what you have done to my friend. What happened between you and Nadia?” Stacy questioned, wanting to hear his side of the story since he had requested an audience anyway. She had been trying to ignore him all this while because she didn't want to get too nosy. “Gosh! I do not even know where to start,” Liam muttered with an exhausted expression on his face. “And you never told me you had a girlfriend?” Stacy cut in sarcastically, giving him
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Chapter Seventy
Carlton sat nestled in the plush embrace of his favorite armchair, at his study desk at home, reminiscing about the good moments he had with Stacy, with happiness fluttering in his heart. With a wistful smile playing on his lips, he pulled out his phone and began to scroll through the gallery of pictures from their vacation. He allowed the evergreen memories to wash over his mind like a gentle tide, feeling so much happiness from every meaningful moment they spent together. He felt so much happiness thinking about how their lives had played out in the beginning, and how she came back to his life so unexpectedly, even when he thought it was never possible. It made him realize how lucky he was in his life. As he dropped text messages with so much love for her while waiting for her to reply to them, his mind suddenly traveled to the issue he had left on the ground before they went for their unplanned vacation. His mind went back in time to the first time he saw Alison when they were b
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