All Chapters of Under the Dragon's Protection: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
102 Chapters
Chapter 31
The majestic dragon flew marvelously above the clouds, out of sight of ground dwellers, over the lakes and rivers, villages and cities, plains and fields, hills and mountains. Dom hadn't stopped to rest even once, since he had left his castle yesterday after giving the order about Immunity protocol. He was getting tired but his rage and need for a solution hadn't subsided. The weather was rainy most of the day, so it was a safe journey. Dom flapped his magnificent wings and flew ahead towards the mountains hidden in the ranges. His anger was a little in control, but the feeling of his unconscious mate in his arms and her look as she lay limp on his bed was still haunting him. That was not how he wanted her in his bed when they had discussed her staying in the morning. He had a plan. He just wasn't sure if it was going to work. He desperately needed it to work through. His life, his Iris' life, and their life together depended on him succeeding. He flew until his wings ached, but kep
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Chapter 32
The flight back home was tiring and tedious and full of anxiety, but his father's presence beside him gave Dom a new form of energy boost that he had started to lose. Elder McBlaze was finding flight harder after all those centuries of sleeping like stones, which is why their way back took them three days rather than two due to Dom's earlier desperate speed. The news upon their arrival was not what either of them could have expected to hear at all. Elder McBlaze realized the matters were more dire than either of them could have predicted, but Dom felt unhinged, on the verge of exploding. Instead of how Lady Marie wanted to say it, a frantic Freddie broke it to the arriving party, that when Dom was gone, on his fourth day of absence, Iris was kidnapped! No one could understand how a person could be kidnapped from such a highly fortified castle under so many watchful eyes. On one side, there was excitement throughout the castle at the return of the sleeping predecessor, ex-Alpha of th
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Chapter 33
>> The Oakwood table was gone. In its place was a well-built beechwood table, not as big but doing the job just fine. Dom sat at the head of the table and the rest of the family members took their places just like they had on the night Iris had her first dinner with them. Elijah took Iris' seat in the meantime. Dom sat with his chin on his hands with intertwined fingers, elbows on the table, waiting patiently for everyone to be seated and silent before he started, "You all know why we are here. Iris, my fated mate, was first poisoned and then kidnapped behind my back, under all your noses. You failed to protect your Alpha Queen. It doesn't matter if you are a traitor or not, Iris is in the hands of the one person who hates her the most on this planet. And I am going to devise a plan to g
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Chapter 34
The plan was simple and effective with the least possible risks and chances of casualties. Dom had decided to lead the extraction team because if he couldn't put his life on the line for his mate, how could he expect his family members to do so? He decided to keep the company small so it is undetectable, only including Freddie, Gideon, Nathaniel (Clara's husband and delta of the family), Clara, and Lily (to be someone on the outside, ready for the take-off once the job is done.) Lily might not be a very strong dragon-shifter because of their mother's human state while conceiving and birthing her, but she was still a smart girl with many other amazing points to her personality. She may be a little unhinged sometimes due to the imbalance between her dragon and herself, but her brother valued her opinion and trusted her with his life and that of his mate. That is why when she volunteered, despite some protests from family members, Dom allowed her to be a part of the extraction team. N
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Chapter 35
Everything was a blur. The sights were wavy and the sounds were like random noises in his ears. Dominic McBlaze tried to focus on one of the waving lights in his vision but failed, as his hearing had failed to focus on any single sound and make some sense out of it. He didn't know how long it had been but it seemed like almost a week had passed since Y had captured him. Dom had spent most of his time unconscious under the effects of severe drugs. He was always awake enough to feel every cut on his skin and every tissue being ripped apart before allowing him to heal himself and then repeat. Y was always there in times of his consciousness, to remind him of how he had starved him in his dungeons, and Iris was always left bleeding on the opposite side of the magical transparent wall, as a spectacle for him to agonize over and for Y to mock his defeat. This time was like all the rest. He was barely able to see through hazed eyes, as his Iris lay almost lifeless, barely breathing and con
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Chapter 36
The day had started peacefully. He might even say he felt a little ecstasy swimming in his veins when he reminded himself of his ultimate plans for the day. He hummed to the tune 'A Hymn to God the Father' by John Donne and his gait got a skip in the step and a few snapping of fingers here and there when he reached,"I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun My last thread, I shall perish on the shore; But swear by thyself, that at my death thy Son Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore; And, having done that, thou hast done; I fear no more."Akuma Waai Archaíos felt elated, like walking on the clouds, as he chose his favorite suit from his leisure collection for the very special occasion and took his time matching wolf-head studs for the cuffs with diamonds for wolf-eyes. Y danced, having given an altogether different meaning to Donne's metaphysical poetry, and picked up the little female dog he had named 'Mrs. Poodles' simply because Iris had always hated that title fo
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Chapter 37
The lights blinked as dust fell from the ceiling and cables shook, probably a result of something heavy falling on the roof. Dom blinked a couple of times to bring his eyes to focus. He could feel surges of adrenaline that he hadn't felt in a few days. His body was repairing itself and pushing him into the fight-or-flight response. Something was different, there were noises in the usually silent room, where only Y's mockery used to be heard whenever Dom became even the slightest conscious. This time, though it felt like he was alone and there seemed to be a battle of sorts going on outside. 'Had the final war already begun?', Dom thought to himself and tried to pick his battered body from the bloody steel operation table on which he had been lying for who knows how long. As soon as his bare feet touched the cold floor and tried to carry his body's weight, the first thing he heard was a screech. A maddening screech that he knew too well and wanted to never have heard again. The secon
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Chapter 38
Bright white light in the eyes, the sand-paper-ish throat, and an aching body were the first things Iris felt when she regained consciousness from her eternal dark nightmare of isolation in mind and nothingness. Mesmerizing brown eyes looking directly into his steely ones and the fading of everything in the world other than them were the first things Dom noticed when he regained consciousness from his overdose of magical potions when dueling with Y. Elijah and Dom needed immediate medical attention as they returned from the successful rescue mission, Dom more than Elijah. Just like the immediate medical attention Freddie and Iris had needed when they had returned from the island. Freddie had reached around twilight time and the first thing he did was follow his Alpha's orders to seek the Mage Master and hand him the antidote before collapsing. Everyone knew Dom would want to be there for his mate's waking but there wasn't enough time to wait for his arrival. So Master Aikis prepared
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Chapter 39
The sun shone so brightly, the cool Hawaiian breeze rustled the tree leaves and iced fresh fruit drinks were simply the cherry on top. One week ago, Dom gave official orders for the wedding rituals to begin after the official announcement of his wedding, which was supposed to span over a whole month. They needed to get it all done and over with because when Freddie had led a team back to Y's island to scavenge what was left and get a better idea of what he had been doing for centuries, he revealed that Y, as expected, hadn't died of the wound Dom had given him and had succeeded to escape along with most of the valuable stuff. This meant Y was at large and very vengeful. No one could predict what was going on in that psychopath's head but they knew that since his plan of killing Dom and Iris didn't go as planned, he was doubtlessly quite vindictive and malicious. They decided to tighten the security and quicken the wedding, thus quickening their crowning. Thus they had mutually decid
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Chapter 40
Iris sat re-thinking about her conversation with Lily, just a few hours ago, that had brought her to Dom's room that night. "Nobody's going to tell you anything, Iris, no matter how hard you try!" said Lily to Iris that evening as a troubled Iris was walking barefoot on the beach sand. Iris sighed, "What am I supposed to do? Lily, I am so confused, and seriously, I am a little hurt! Why won't anybody just tell me the whole truth? I am not made of clay, I won't crumble under the weight of the truth! I have survived Y. There isn't much else that can faze me anymore. And I believe the truth is what I deserve at this point. I mean, I am about to be a member of this family. How am I supposed to be a part of this family whose members don't even trust me with the truth? I feel like an outsider with all these secrets." Lily nodded understandingly and rubbed her back in a soothing manner, just like her therapist used to do when Lily felt chaotic due to her un-synced Dragon. "I know how you
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