All Chapters of The Alpha king's Saving Grace : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
153 Chapters
Chapter 21
He stared at me like I had grown a horn on my forehead but I kept my lips pressed in a thin line, waiting for a response.“If you can't speak in English then you have no business speaking to me at all,” he said.I gawked at how rude he could be and he moved to stand up.“Wait, wait,” I rushed out and got to his side in seconds, holding his upper arm to keep him from moving.I ignored the small flutters of butterflies in my stomach at the feeling of his hard arm under my soft hands.His scent was intoxicating and the power that radiated off him was intimidating but somehow, pulled me closer to him and I wished this moment would last a little longer as we both drank in the each other's eyes.His eyes left mine and fell on my hand that held his and he clenched his jaw.Realization struck me like a moving truck and with the speed of someone that had been burned by hot coal, I immediately removed my hand from him.“Sorry about that,” I apologized and scratched the back of my neck, feeling
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Chapter 22
I watched as tears slid down her cheeks after her rant.For some reason, heart tears pulled the strings of my black heart.Yes, I had a heart but it was cold and empty.I hated it.I hated seeing her tears.I had to resist the primal urge to wipe her tears and pull her into my arms but clenching my fists on my sides and my eyes darkened.“I'm not going for the funeral. Neither are you,” I said firmly and turned around and walked straight to the door without looking back, resisting the urge to go back and pull her into my arms.It was just the mating bond and nothing else and I wasn't going to let a stupid thing as a mating bond make me get attached to a some girl.“Our girl!” my wolf, Pellar, who had been clawing at me to let him free as we took in her scent, growled at me.“Fuck that!” I growled back and hit my fist violently on the wall.I pulled my hand back and scowled at the fist-sized hole that now dainted the wall outside the dining hall and walked away.I didn't need a mate!I
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Chapter 23
I folded the clothes harshly and piled them on one another, trying to find an outlet for my anger but nothing I did seemed to quell my anger because I had spent the whole night trying not to let my heart burst out of my chest with how mad I was.Who did he think he was to tell me what to do and what not to do?“He's the Alpha. You live under his roof and you can't get away from here if you want to,” my subconscious so gracefully reminded me.“Alpha my ass,” I said through gritted teeth and threw the dress shirt in my hand on the pile.It was the way he could conveniently brush my request off and make it look like a trivial matter. I wouldn't lie but it hurt. It hurt real bad to see that all of my sacrifices, all the years I lost to the army, was just nothing in his eyes and I wouldn't admit it to anyone but a part of me, a small part of me wanted to see the pride in his eyes as he talked about the best soldier in his army.But there was nothing but indifference and I was forced to ge
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Chapter 24
Once again, time stopped and I got enthralled with his deep ocean eyes that were capable of making any woman in the world swoon.“Except me,” I mentally convinced myself.I always wondered what thoughts and emotions and stories those eyes held.If there was anyone that was very good at hiding their emotions, it had to be him.He cleared his throat once and something snapped inside of me, making me to immediately pull my hand with the sword down and correct my stance.From the way he stared at me, I knew I was in trouble.I knew for sure that we weren't allowed to go upstairs unless explicitly asked by him but I had gotten lost in my tour that I took the stairs without realizing.Plus, he caught me in his sword, which I wasn't entirely sure was forbidden but I could tell that even though it wasn't, he wouldn't let it slide easily just because it was me.The man obviously had a problem with me and….“I didn't see you at breakfast today,” he said, breaking me out if my thoughts and I cou
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Chapter 25
Ares' povSexy.Fierce.Daring.Smart.Those were the few words to describe Tabitha. For someone as small as she was, she sure had a lot to say and she didn't mind saying them.Her firm grip on the sword, her unwavering stance and the way she effortlessly stroke the sword in the air was hypnotizing and only made me realize there was still a lot to know about the interesting woman.I had barely scratched the surface.She moved with such grace that only years of swordsmanship could bring, making me wonder where she learnt that from.I was just about to commend her skills but as soon as her captivating eyes landed on me, I knew I had to address a more important issue.I hadn't realized how into my skin she had gotten until I didn't see her at breakfast and the food tasted bland in my mouth, making me leave it, barely eating anything.I tried to shake it off but after a few hours of staring at my laptop screen and reading a line over and over again without comprehending, I knew there was t
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Chapter 26
Ares' povWith fury rolling out of her in waves, she glared at me one more time to punctuate her words before stomping out.“What the fuck was I thinking?” I muttered to myself and ran a finger through my hair.My first instinct was to pull her back and kiss her plump luscious lips while muttering apologies but I shoved my hands into my pockets and watched her leave instead.Watching her leave was good.I wasn't supposed to be having those thoughts about her and apologizing wasn't my strongest fort. In fact, I never apologized to anyone but I found myself wanting to do that for her.“Goddamit! Why can't things be simple with this girl?” I groaned.“Alpha Ares, do…do you need anything?” One of the maids asked, standing a very good distance from me.I scoffed inwardly before doing a U-turn and marching back to my study, secretly hoping I would catch her eye but my luck ran out there.Just before I got to the last stairs, something clicked in my mind and I turned to see the maid still st
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Chapter 27
“What?” I spat and all the smile disappeared from my face.He sat there staring at me emotionlessly.Why was it always this way?And for a moment, I already had my head in the clouds, thinking he would let me go with him and now this.How on earth was I supposed to do that?In five hours?Has he seen this house?!Under his supervision my foot.“Ares….”His eyes darkened and a low growl vibrated through his chest but something told me it wasn't a warning growl. Anyway, I corrected myself.“I mean Alpha Ares, how am I supposed to do that?” I asked with bewilderment.His eyes returned to normal but something flashed through them before disappearing again.“With your hands,” he said and I held back an eye roll at his obvious response.“I mean….”“That's my only condition. If you can't do it, then I'm sorry you can't go,” he said with a shrug.I bit the inside of my cheeks.He hated me and my guts, I get it.But asking me to clean the whole mansion alone and in five hours too was just down
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Chapter 28
A shadow loomed over me as I stirred in my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and almost lept out of my skin when I saw that I wasn't dreaming and someone was actually standing over me.“What the fuck?” I whisper-yelled as I covered the comforter over my pajamas-clad body. “Get up,” he said nonchalantly.“It's not even 4 am,” I groaned, wanting nothing more than to sink deeper into my mattress and going back to sleep.I could barely see his face with the dim light of the lamp above my bedstand but the pointed look on his face stood out in the dark as he glanced between me and the alarm clock.3:58.“You've got to be kidding me,” I muttered under my breath.“You have two minutes to meet me outside,” he said coldly and left in three long strides without waiting for my response.Someone remind me why I agreed to this in the first place.I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to quell the headache that was beginning to form on that spot before sighing deeply and standing up from the bed.I
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Chapter 29
I couldn't move.It felt like a magnet was pulling me closer to him and before I knew it, we were breathing the same air. Literally.Maybe I didn't want to move.He looked even more charming up close. His blue eyes had flecks of grey which I hadn't noticed before and I just realized how spotless his skin was.His minty breath fanned my face and time seemed to stop as he stared at me, switching between my eyes and my lips.I could almost see the wheels turning in his head as he weighed between what was right and wrong and in less than a second, he made his choice and leaned even closer.But just before our lips could touch, I moved to the side, placing my lips a few centimeters from his ear.He had made his choice but I hadn't made mine.“You don't affect me,” I said, even though the slight tremble in my voice betrayed me because being this close to him and inhaling his sweet musky scent made my brain fuzzy.I pulled away and he had a dark look in his eyes and his Adam's apple bobbed.
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Chapter 30
I watched as their tongues lapped against each other and I felt like hunching over and emptying all the food I had eaten this morning, which was literally nothing.The sight of them kissing with her moaning into his mouth irritated me to no end but more than that, I felt a slight burning sensation in my chest but I kept a straight face.They exchanged saliva for about two minutes before he pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes.“Aww, Alpha, I missed you too,” Karla purred breathlessly and traced circles around his biceps. “Maybe we could take things further after breakfast?” She asked, batting her faux-lashes.He made a non-committal sound at the back of his throat before tearing his gaze away from me and turning back to his food.The fact that whatever they were displaying was affecting me so much made me even angrier than any kiss they would ever share.I wasn't supposed to be feeling this way.My heart, body and soul belonged to only one person so I wasn't supposed to care wha
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