All Chapters of The Alpha king's Saving Grace : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
153 Chapters
Chapter 61
Ares' pov“Why do you attract trouble, Luna?” I asked the woman in my arms but when I looked down, she was already fast asleep.I sighed and increased my pace in a bid to get to the house as soon as possible and get her off my arms.Not because I didn't want to hold her.Far from it.Her soft, feminine body fit perfectly into my arms and her nipples, hard from the cold air pressed against my chest, making me lose control.I increased my pace and soon, my house came in view.I pushed the front door open and rushed upstairs.The maids I passed had their heads bowed but blushed profusely from seeing my naked state.I paid them no mind and rushed up to my room and for the second time that week, I was laying here bloodied body on my bed.I threw on the first pair of shorts I could find in my closet and rushed back to her in seconds.I turned her so I could get a clear view of her back and my chest tightened at the cut.Nobody had the right to hurt her except me!Whoever that was was so luc
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Chapter 62
My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the dim light of the room.It was already dark out and I wondered how long I'd been sleeping for.Soon, my eyes came to focus and I groaned, realizing I was in his room. Again.My eyes widened as a thought crossed my mind.“Please, no,” I mouthed and slowly raised the comforter above my body.I threw my head back to the pillow and groaned loudly.Again.I really needed to stop passing out.Nyx!“Nyx?” I called.I waited for a few seconds but there was no response from her.“Nyx?” I called again, my voice coming out panicked.She's weak and injured and I didn't know what that meant for her.“Nyx?” I tried one more time and just when I was about to go into full panick mode, I heard her small voice.“Tabitha?” She said and I breathed in relief.“How are you feeling?” I asked her.“I'm better now. I healed faster thanks to our mate,” she said.My jaw ticked and I was just about to shun her about calling him our mate but the door burst open, cutting me o
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Chapter 62
“What?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.A million thoughts raced through my mind at once.Does he know?How come?“Who are you?” He asked again, breaking me out of the jumbled mess that was my mind.“I…I don't understand,” I frowned.I was going to feign ignorance till he said whatever he knew.He cocked his head to the side, studying me intently.I almost shrank under his intense gaze but I kept my eyes glued to his, not batting an eyelash.When he saw he couldn't break me with his stare he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.“You're silver-wolfed,” he said.“What?” I asked, still holding my breath.“Your wolf,” he repeated.Nyx.He was just talking about Nyx.I subtly breathed out in relief before turning back to him.“And?” I asked.“I haven't seen one of those in many, many years,” he said, laying emphasis on the ‘many’.His voice was heavy and his eyes were clouded. I could almost tell he had had an encounter with a silver wolf. But what I couldn't tell was whe
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Chapter 62
“What?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.A million thoughts raced through my mind at once.Does he know?How come?“Who are you?” He asked again, breaking me out of the jumbled mess that was my mind.“I…I don't understand,” I frowned.I was going to feign ignorance till he said whatever he knew.He cocked his head to the side, studying me intently.I almost shrank under his intense gaze but I kept my eyes glued to his, not batting an eyelash.When he saw he couldn't break me with his stare he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.“You're silver-wolfed,” he said.“What?” I asked, still holding my breath.“Your wolf,” he repeated.Nyx.He was just talking about Nyx.I subtly breathed out in relief before turning back to him.“And?” I asked.“I haven't seen one of those in many, many years,” he said, laying emphasis on the ‘many’.His voice was heavy and his eyes were clouded. I could almost tell he had had an encounter with a silver wolf. But what I couldn't tell was whe
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Chapter 65
He quirked an eyebrow at my question.“Is that what you really want to know?” He asked.I bit my bottom lips.Was that really what I wanted to know?Without giving it a second thought, I nodded.“Then you're going to be more specific than that, sweetheart,” he said and I ignored the way my heart skipped a beat at the nickname.He was right.I probably wouldn't get a definite answer to that question.“Are the rumors about you true?” I redirected my question to a more important one.“Which one? There are so many of them,” he chuckled and I caught myself smiling at his light-heartedness.It wasn't until he tilted his head to the side that I realized he was waiting for an answer and I'd been staring for longer than was considered appropriate.I thought about the perfect way to put the question that won't bring forth more questions rather, a precise answer and while I was thinking, he stared at me patiently like he had all the time in the world.“That you were cursed with long life by the
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Chapter 66
Morning rolled in quickly and my eyes fluttered open.I looked out the window and it was still dark out.I turned to check the time on the bedside table and it was still 3:11.I took in my surroundings but a frown soon made its way to my face as I saw Ares laying on the couch.I could easily see in the dark now because Nyx was awakened, which aided my werewolf vision.I had no memory of laying on the bed last night.The last thing I remembered was us moving from the work table to the couch.I brought my wandering mind back to reality and stared at the man sleeping opposite me.For the first time, I saw him sleeping. I almost thought he didn't sleep.I sat up on the bed to have a better look at him and a smile I couldn't control formed on my lips.He looked so peaceful.No frown.No creases on his forehead.No glare.Just as peaceful as the babies that he so much disliked.I giggled softly at the thought of comparing him to a baby to his face. He would probably have my head.I couldn't
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Chapter 67
Ares' povThe rays of sunlight peeked in through the curtains and hit me, causing a frown to mar my forehead.I turned around a bit to shield my face from the su mn and possibly get more sleep and that was when I felt it.Her warm, bare leg thrown over my torso with her hand on my chest and my own hand on the other side of her, holding her close.“Shit,” I muttered and snapped my eyes closed to control myself and my dick.Controlling myself wasn't easy but it wasn't as difficult as controlling my dick because it was already fully erect.Seeing her sprawled out of me had to be the sexiest thing I'd seen in a long, long time.She was sleeping peacefully and when I could finally look at her without feeling the primal urge to have her beneath me and rock into her, I turned to look at her.She was so beautiful this close.Her long lashes rested above her cheekbones and I took in every freckle on her cheek.A small smile played on my lips at her attempt to comforting my last night.I hadn't
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Chapter 68
Ares' povStaring out the window of my penthouse and taking in the skyline view, I didn't get the satisfaction I was expecting.I sipped on my cup of coffee and it was made just the way I liked it but even that didn't bring the comfort I was expecting.Nothing brought me the peace that being around Tabitha brought me.I sighed at the realization and ran my fingers through my hair.She always had a way of creeping into my mind even when I was doing the most mundane things.I had caught myself more times than can count comparing her smile to that of other beautiful ladies I met on a daily basis.Comparing the effortless sway in her hips and comparing the way her eyes lit up whenever she was feeding her curiousity or talking about a topic she enjoyed to other women.The more I tried to stay away from her, the more impossible it got and she clawed her way into my mind.Taking another sip of the hot coffee, I let my mind wander.There was really more to her than meets the eye.Each time I
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Chapter 69
I jerked from how hard he had slammed the door and I closed my eyes tightly.I turned to the nearest wall and hit my head repeatedly on it.I've fucked up first hand.I cringed at how horrible and sour the whole situation had become and I walked into my room with slumped shoulders.I hated this feeling.I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and repeatedly stormed on.I had never had anyone look at me with a such intensity as he'd done few minutes ago.He hadn't said anything but his eyes said everything his lips didn't.Though blank, there were a lot of emotions behind those dark eyes of his and I felt weak to my knees.Unable to stand on my own feet anymore, I sat on the bed as I weighed the situation.Jason was my boyfriend and I'd made it clear that I didn't want anything with Ares, so technically, I didn't cheat on anyone.But why then was I feeling like the worst, most slimy cheat that ever walked the surface of the earth?I wished Ares had said something.I wishe
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Chapter 70
His shoulders were hunched and his eyes were fixed on the screen of his laptop.His hair stuck out in every direction like he had been running his fingers through it all day.I swallowed the lump that had formed at the back of my throat, not knowing whether to go further or remain there till he permits me.He was already very angry and I didn't want to step on his toes even more.Although he never raised his head from the table, he was fully aware of my presence because his body stiffened and his jaw was clenched.Nevertheless, I cleared my throat, announcing my presence.He remained quiet and the only sound in the room was the sound of his fingers gliding across the keyboard.Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and walked into the study.I dropped the tray on the table, maintaining as much distance between us as possible.He still remained quiet and I stood upright.His silence was unnerving and I subtly wiped my sweaty hands down the length of the leggings I had changed int
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