All Chapters of THE WRONG TWIN FOR THE RIGHT ALPHA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
193 Chapters
Inside a majestic meeting dome, King Lycan occupied an imperial throne of grand proportions, exuding majesty and power. As they entered the room, the Beta and the other advisors took their seats with palpable trepidation, eager to meet their esteemed leader.“I allow everyone to resume their human forms,” the Alpha declared authoritatively, and everyone promptly complied under the penetrating gaze of their king.“Update me on the current state of the pack,” he commanded with determination.“Our food supplies have grown considerably, thanks to the blessings of the moon. We are well supplied,” an older wolf commented with elegance.“Our females are showing remarkable fertility, just as Your Majesty predicted. The pups born are of great virtue and promise to be exceptional warriors for our pack in the future,” a dark gray wolf added calmly.“As for the war, have we taken possession of the Crescent Moon camp near the spring where we used to fish?” King Lycan inquired imperiously.A solemn
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“Harvey?” I whispered, uncertain.“Hmm?” His soft moan was tempting.“I've waited for so long. Please, I beg you, let me see Conan.”The predatory gleam in the Alpha's eyes had softened, and he took a step back, as if trying to regain control. His breath was heavier and uneven.“Is everything okay?” I asked, suspicious.“I will have Conan brought to you soon. You'll have a few hours with him!” Harvey declared, visibly irritated.“Hours? Can't he stay with us?” I asked, longing to have my nephew by my side all the time.“Not for now. There's still much to be done, and it will all depend on your behavior.”“I've done everything you asked since we left the cabin!” I exclaimed, annoyed.“Something I don't even know myself,” I replied, looking at him with determination. “So when can I finally see my nephew?”“Human, it's not just your soul I want to take!” The gleam of audacity in his domineering eyes was clear.His gaze remained fixed on mine, and he gently stroked my hair, tucking a stra
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“That, my dear, is between you and me!” I smiled affectionately at Conan as I watched his hands, which seemed stronger since the last time I had seen them. Victoria approached slowly, like a waiting vulture.“Sophie, it's his nap time… I have to take him!” She said.“I can help you put him down and hold him until he wakes up, I don't mind!” I shrugged.“Your time with him today was enough, human. Now the pup has a routine, and we'll take care of everything!” Lycan replied in a sour mood.“Harvey, please…” I raised my eyes to him, my voice faltering at the end, conveying a deep plea. “Let me stay with my nephew!”Alpha examined me with a piercing gaze, and I could feel the malice in his expression as well as his excitement and desire for control. It was clear that he resented being interrupted in his attempts, whatever they were, to satisfy his desires.“All right, put him to sleep.” The Alpha allowedVictoria looked puzzled but said nothing.I thanked Harvey with a half-smile, and he
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I struggled to get away from the room, but he held me tightly, shoving me against the wall. I was facing him, powerless, with one of his hands gripping my arms above his head.He pushed his legs against mine and entered my body. She curled her fingers in my hair, pulling them back while holding my arms high above my head.Approaching me, he whispered in my ear with authority and desire, “Don't mess with an Alpha, human. I'm not like any mortal you've dealt with before.” His words.Sent shivers down my spine. At that moment, I realized I had never been so physically close to a man. As an incurable romantic who believes in soul mates, destiny, and perfect marriages, I was left in awe.I kept trying to resist Harvey's determined efforts, but he didn't seem to hear my refusals. I sighed deeply as my struggle proved to be in vain.He pulled my hair harder and taunted me intentionally. Then he traced the outline of my neck with his tongue and nibbled it, causing me to shudder involuntarily.
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“Get straight to the point!” Harvey wasn't known for his patience. Nodding, the beta began.“I wandered through the world of witches, asking questions. A mixed-blood witch said there's a forbidden love story told about them.” Oliver assessed the Alpha's expression before continuing, “The legend goes that a witch, a direct descendant of ancient ancestors with immeasurable powers, once spotted a wounded Alpha wolf after the war for dominance between humans and wolves.”“I remember that time. Your former king, my father, also participated in favor of our species. Go on!” Harvey gestured to the beta.“This witch took pity on the beast, rescuing it, hiding it, and nursing it back to health.”“Strange, witches don't usually meddle in wars!” The Alpha was evaluated.“That's where it gets even stranger. They don't know the witch's motivation. In the legend, the Alpha was grateful for her compassion. During his recovery, a love grew between them,” Oliver paused before continuing, “they said th
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“What do you have in mind?” King Lycan asked analytically.“A bit upstream, it would be possible for us to temporarily block the dams and release them at a specific time, creating a massive wave of water.” Oliver raised his head as he continued. “This wave would sweep through the enemy camp, forcing them to vacate the area.”“But what about the pups? Won't they drown?” Klevilli asked, visibly puzzled.“Not necessarily,” the Beta explained. “According to information from our field analyst, at sunrise, the mates often venture out with the pups to gather materials in the forest to help the pack with its needs.”“You'd be sparing their lineage, which could grow and seek revenge,” the Alpha argued through clenched teeth.“Not exactly, my king.” Oliver carefully weighed his words while looking directly into the Alpha's eyes. “If they don't discover us, they'll have no one but nature to blame. This will spare bloodshed on our part and resolve the problem with the enemy.”Assessing the Beta's
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I kept reading until I came across the name Harvey Bloodclaw. The name resonated in my mind like a dissonant note in a symphony of secrets and mysteries that surrounded the wolf packs. “So, he was the son of the former Alpha Walker,” I murmured to myself, running my hand over my tired eyes. “He didn't seem like a good father to me.”As I delved into the depths of the wolf packs' history, I could see how small conflicts had arisen among them, fueled by ego and the desire for power. The Blood Moon pack, in particular, believed that the main pack held an advantageous power granted by the Moon Goddess, using it as justification to take advantage of the other packs.It didn't take long for the Crescent Moon pack to start having the same doubts, convinced that power was not being equally shared. Small conflicts erupted, starting with subtle attacks and refusals to cooperate and finally escalating to direct confrontations.“Wolves are not so different from humans,” I murmured, reflecting on
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Before I could object, the Alpha approached hungrily, smiling, and positioned himself between my legs.“Harvey, I, uh...”I stopped speaking as his hot tongue touched my intimacy and made me lose my senses, skillfully playing with my clitoral area as I sucked him, his tongue hovering around my entrance, threatening to enter. Unconsciously, I lifted my hip forward, seeking more of their oral touches in our intimacy!“Our…” I shivered, panting and feeling goosebumps. His intensity increased with each suck, his claws pressing my thighs with fervor, biting between my legs, lifting my hip, catching my legs on his shoulder, and pulling me to deepen his tongue further, reaching points I had never imagined!“Harvey!” I contested, feeling close to the peak, “Please stop... My body… Aiii,” I moaned as the Alpha tightened my leg even more and scratched, causing a little blood to drip. The pain seemed to excite me even more.With one hand, he started to stimulate my clitoris, provoking unimagina
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I reached the sanctuary of the room, throwing myself onto the bed, and eventually drifted off, plunging into a tumult of strange dreams. In one of them, I found myself in a mysterious village, where a mysterious woman was guiding me in the intonation of a rejuvenation spell:“The posture during the incantation is crucial,” she insisted, keeping her gaze sharp while gently tapping the young girl's belly. “Keep your elbow raised, open your arms wider, and feel the control of the air.”The young girl, whose eyes were a fascinating blend of equally intense blue and green, countered with determination: “I'm trying, really!”The woman was not satisfied, and her voice took on a stern tone. “You're not trying hard enough, Philippa!”Philippa? Mom? She looked so different—young and with eyes that were not the same as the ones I knew. A sense of bewilderment enveloped me.“Why do I have to train so much if I have a natural gift?” Philippa frowned and stamped her feet in protest.“Talent isn't e
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“We will be exceptional lovers. We need to relieve this tension that consumes us!” I pushed his hands away, irritated.“I am not a piece of meat at your disposal, King Lycan,” I said, clenching my fists. “And certainly not your puppet or this pack's puppet!”“Tell me, Sophie...” He pondered his words, looking at me, intrigued. “If you're not accepted by this pack, what do you plan to do?”Conan isn't going anywhere, so what's your escape plan?” I lowered my head, not wanting to reveal my desire to escape with Conan to the world of witches in search of healing, answers, and refuge.“I don't know...” I whispered, eliciting a faint smile on his lips.“Accept your blessing, Hybrid, the goddess knows what she's doing!” Harvey hissed. “Eat, you're too thin!” I didn't argue; I just ate, had some wine, and felt more relaxed.“Alpha, if you don't mind, may I go rest?”“I thought you'd like to put your nephew to sleep.” My eyes lit up as I saw a maid bring my little brave one. “You can stay with
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