All Chapters of Billionaire's Treasure: Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 Chapters
chapter 11
Jack prepared to go to work the next morning, with one last look at himself in the mirror he left the room. As he walked towards his car, he saw Regina hurrying out with her bags in her hand.Jack knew she didn't have a car so she was going to use public transport, he thought it wouldn't be fair to let her go through that stress on a Monday morning so he beckoned her to come join him in the car." Come on in," Jack said as he unlocked his car so she could get in. " Thank you very much Sir," Regina replied as she sat in the front seat, right beside him.Regina turned her head away to the window, she could still see him through the side mirror looking as handsome as ever. His chiseled jawline tensed as he drove through the traffic, his long hair was packed neatly and his beards were trimmed evenly highlighting his plump red lips. A few minutes later, they arrived at the company building and as Regina came down, most of the workers stared at her. They were shocked because Jack had never
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chapter 12
**** At Vivian Oscar's houseVivian groaned as she received the invitation for the Annual business convention, normally her mother was supposed to be the one to attend it but unfortunately, she was in Australia and the event was held in New York. " Peter! Peter!!" Vivian shouted and Peter came running into the sitting room. " The annual business convention is next week and you're coming with me as my date." Vivian said and Peter nodded, it wasn't a request, it was a command so he had no choice." Get yourself something nice to wear, we are going shopping today. I want us to be the talk of the red carpet." Vivian said cheerfully, she and Peter always had all the attention on the red carpet and this time is not going to be any different. " You have lots of clothes, so do I. Why do you want to get another?" Peter asked and she glared at him, he knew at this moment that he asked the wrong question." You are in no position to tell me what to wear, now go get yourself something to wear th
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chapter 13
" The nominees for the businessman/ woman of the year goes to… Jack Bright of Bright companies, Eva Oscar of M&G companies, Joel Castille of Castille companies." The announcer continued, " And the winner goes to…. Jack Bright of Bright companies." The announcer said, interrupting the session Jack and Regina were having under the table. Jack composed himself and stood up to receive his award, as he walked to the podium, everyone clapped for him, he was officially the youngest person to receive the award.He went up, facing the crowd, he could see Regina smiling brightly at him. He said his acceptance speech quickly, collected the award and returned to his seat.Different reporters surrounded him, asking him different questions, " how does it feel to be the youngest recipient of this award?", one reporter asked, " it feels good, I've worked all year for this." Jack replied absent mindedly, all he could think of was Regina.He made his way back to his table, "I knew you were going to win
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chapter 14
Regina woke up the next day to see Jack's arms wrapped around her waist. " What the hell happened?" Regina muttered to herself as she looked under the sheets and discovered that they were both naked and there was also a little blood stain.As she tried to wriggle out of Jack's grasp, he woke up. Rubbing his eyes sleepily, he asked, "Where are you going to?" Regina froze as she heard his question. " Uhm.. I need to go to work Sir, it's past eight so I'm pretty late." Regina said nervously." Firstly, call me Jack and secondly, you're my assistant. What's the need of you going to work if I'm not going?" Jack continued, "stay here with me." Regina laid back in the bed but she couldn't sleep anymore, memories of last night flooded in her head. She was lost in her thoughts when Jack got closer and started playing with her breasts under the covers and she let out a moan. He laid straight and told her to sit on him, she did as he was told and sat on him but she tried to rest on him when he
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chapter 15
What do I mean to you?" Regina asked again and Jack's silence was more than enough answer for her. She couldn't bear the pain of looking at him so she stormed off.Regina stormed into her room, the echo of the slamming door filling the air. Jack, desperate to manage the situation, ran after her, his pleas trailing behind. "Wait! Regina, please, let's talk about this," he pleaded.Regina, tears streaming down her face, ignored him and began hastily packing a few of her belongings, she couldn't pack everything at once so she took only the necessities. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle from Regina. Jack, now inside the room, continued to plead. "Regina, wait, please at least try to hear me out. You're jumping into conclusion."She turned to face him, her puffy red eyes now filled with a mixture of anger and hurt. "Discuss what, Jack? The fact that you used me? That I meant nothing to you?" Her voice trembled with emotion as she zipped up her
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chapter 16
" Huh?""I said I'm not leaving till I make things right and I mean it." Jack said stubbornly.Regina sighed, relenting to Jack's persistence. "Fine, have it your way," she said, her tone edged with frustration, and slammed the door shut behind her. The sound echoed through the quiet night as rain continued to pour down relentlessly.Inside her cozy apartment, Regina tried to forget about Jack, who was probably still outside. She lay down on her bed, unable to sleep, staring into space but her thoughts were restless. Jack's image lingered in her mind, soaked in rain, his determination etched on his face.Unable to shake off the nagging feeling, Regina reluctantly got up and went to the window. Pulling the curtain aside, she peeked through the rain-streaked glass. There he was, sitting on the cold, wet pavement, his shoulders slumped. Guilt tugged at Regina's conscience, she couldn't let him sit out there all by himself.A few minutes passed, each second dragging as Regina wrestled wit
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chapter 17
Jack leaned in to kiss Regina but she shoved him away, "No, I'm not interested." " At least would you please come back to work?" Jack pleaded, giving her his best baby eyes. " I'll try," she replied. " And would you come back to the house?" Jack asked again. " It's not like I have much of a choice, your house is closer." Regina replied.The next day, Jack's brother had already resumed. Jack found a job for him, he was in charge of advertisement and Sales. Regina too had resumed the next day and Victor couldn't take his eyes off her, she was too beautiful. " Regina! Regina!! Wait up," Victor said as he ran up to her. Victor asked her for a date but Regina refused. He pleaded but she still refused and walked away. The awkwardness between her and Jack lingered, creating a palpable tension in the air. As she settled into her workspace, Jack approached, his icy blue eyes reflecting a mix of regret and longing."Regina, about yesterday," Jack began, " I told you I want to make things rig
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chapter 18
It's our boss, we don't know what happened," the butler stammered, his eyes wide with fear.Following a trail of little drops of blood, the atmosphere was heavy with tension, and the shattered glass crunched beneath her shoes.Regina discovered Jack sitting on the floor in his room, stained and wounded. Her shock turned to anger as she confronted him. "What the hell is wrong with you!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the room.Regina's tears flowed freely as she knelt beside Jack, ignoring the stains and examining the small cut on his hand. "Why... Why are you doing this to yourself?"Jack's response came with a very dangerous edge, "What were you doing in my brother's car?""He offered to take me home Jack, is that why you want to tear the whole damn house?" Regina shot back, her frustration etched in her face."You don't understand, you'll never understand, just leave me alone. I'm a mess!" Jack's hands pressed against his head in anguish."Leave!" he shouted, causing Regina t
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