All Chapters of Triplets For My Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
121 Chapters
Chapter 81. Papa’s Love
XANDER ALVERIUS'S POV She let out a heavy sigh worth of the world's weight. Her eyes closed for a few seconds. When they opened, those clear eyes twinkled softly. She tilted her head, sarcastic as ever, "Who are you and what did you do to Alpha Xander?" "I mean it, Peony!" I couldn't help but get huffy. Those shoulders were initially tense and gradually relaxed. In the soft glow of the garden lamps, her eyes sparkled like stars, reflecting a depth I was once swimming in. The perfect nose I used to pinch because it was so freaking fun to see her pout. Her face was soft against the moonlight. And the rosy pink lips that I once kissed wholeheartedly. I never thought she was unlovely when in fact it was the opposite. She twisted her body from side to side to fix her seat. Her subtle movement put an end to my reverie. She pulled out a mini notepad and pen from her pocket. Shit, why would she bring that? "Let's make a pact. No more arguments or quarrels, and you must support or ac
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Chapter 82. Not Easy
XANDER ALVERIUS'S POV "I don't see their Mama," I said to Darriel. "She stopped coming because she couldn't bear to watch the training. Or so that is what Mrs. Willick said." I nodded. It had been two weeks since I started bonding with my daughters. I could say that everything went according to my plan. Peony was right. My daughters had never known me in their six years of life, and it was time to rectify that. From the articles I read, girls who didn’t grow up showered with a father's love were vulnerable to emotional scars. Stuart and Darriel didn't hold it against me for my new activities. Unlike Azalea who thought this was a bad idea, they willingly took over my work when I was with my daughters. I felt a surge of warmth in my chest as my time with Rose, Jasmine, and Violet increased. My new source of joy was my girls' laughter and smiles. They were also useful in keeping my temper in check. Somehow, they could never enrage me in the slightest. They could burn the packhou
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Chapter 83. Accident 
XANDER ALVERIUS'S POV The fresh floral scent was so intoxicating that it seemed to bind my sense of smell. It was so calming and fragrant, I forgot the last time I smelled it this strongly. Still, I restrained myself from being a complete moron and sniffing the air. But damn it was hard if she was sitting right next to me. This car was just so full of her scent I almost melted into it.My hands gripped the steering wheel. I shifted my focus, glancing at the rear-view mirror. Rose and Jasmine were making jokes and laughed."You think this is going to be okay?" asked Peony.She was wearing a pastel yellow sundress. Her dark hair was tied into a low ponytail that flowed over her shoulders. Her eyes were fixed on the road ahead, but I could sense she was really anxious. We were on our way to an enormous glass dome where young witches do their grounding before moving on to the Tower. It was deep in the Eastern forest. Violet had announced that it was time for her to show us how her magic
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Chapter 84. Invitation 
XANDER ALVERIUS'S POV What happened yesterday was beyond anyone's expectations. My memory rewinded like a broken record to the moment when the fireball backfired on Violet and caused her to faint. The horror in Peony's eyes and her screams were muffled by the crackling flames. Rose and Jasmine's frantic screams tore through the air. I wiped the cold sweat dripping down my neck as I wondered where I went wrong. Violet was still being treated in the infirmary, and I went there every two hours. She was perfectly unharmed, which was also a new question. Was she fireproof or...?"Killian is proceeding to clean up the mess in the glass dome, Alpha." Stuart's words pulled me back into the office, where my Beta was standing in front of me. He didn't make any expression even though he knew I hadn't listened to most of his report.I cleared my throat. "Good. Anything else?""That's it.""Okay, you can go."As the door closed, the office fell into a state of silence. I leaned back against the
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Chapter 85. Real Family Dinner
XANDER ALVERIUS'S POV The crickets and summer bugs performed a grand orchestra as Violet and I walked toward the cottage. There was no need for concern, as the head nurse stated, because she was injury-free. Violet slipped down from my arms and ran to the door. Before she could turn the knob, the door burst open. Rose petals and confetti burst into the air. Rose and Jasmine jumped up to hug Violet at the same time. "Welcome home!" "Rose! Jasmine!" Violet squealed. "You didn't have to surprise me like this!" "Oh, no." Rose took my hand. "The real surprise is... Papa is going to join us for dinner!" "Really? Then what are we waiting for?" The girls' joyful laughter was heartwarming. It wasn't a bad idea to see them running along the hallways of the Packhouse, hurrying down the stairs, hide-and-seeking in every room and alcove they could find. The rigid and cold atmosphere of the place would be much more lively and warm, just like this cottage. Sweet delicious aromas tickled
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Chapter 86. Coming at Him 
PEONY CRIMSON’S POVThe door I pushed open revealed Xander standing on the terrace of the cottage. He wore a sternness mixed with grumpy all over his face but it just flicked the corner of my lips. I grinned."Back for the second dinner already?" I asked, pretending to ignore the intensity of my quickening heartbeat. It was because Emily couldn't stop wagging her tail. "Maybe next time. Just came to drop her off." Xander stepped to the side and Gloria came into view. "Gloria...."My words caught in the back of my throat. She wore a simple blue denim linen long dress and a leather belt pouch where she usually kept her potions and crystals. Not a single wound or scar to be seen on her, she was perfectly fine. I gulped. Since leaving with Killian that time, this was the first time she had shown up at the cottage again.I looked at Xander. Should I ask why and how he brought Gloria back? Suddenly all the questions bubbling up in my mind popped and evaporated."You," Xander called at he
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Chapter 87. Emily’s Control
PEONY CRIMSON’S POV"If we rip off those bastards' heads, there will be fewer enemies for White Moon to face. This is our battle." Emily's words rang in my head.Ten minutes ago, I followed the direction of the rising smoke. The stench of the rogues was so strong, my nose couldn't stop wrinkling. I kept myself low, blending in behind the broad leaves of bushes or the stumps of giant trees.Then I found them. The rogues were three males and two females. A small group, indeed, but they wore a savagery and ferocity that mirrored each other. They surrounded something burning, with dark smoke emanating from it. I calculated my distance from them—far enough to not be spotted but near enough to eavesdrop."Yes, but it could be that these rogues are not the ones who will attack White Moon. Shouldn't we at least keep an eye out first?" I whispered to Emily.It was cowardice talking, I admitted. Still, I had to play my cards right. My triplets were waiting at the cottage, and I couldn't go home
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Chapter 88. Heads to Take
PEONY CRIMSON’S POV"Now, now, no need to stick out your lovely sharp talons." A tawny wolf strode forward. At about three feet tall, it was slightly taller than Emily. Its eyes flashed a cunning gaze as it scanned us thoroughly."Back off!" Emily snarled, baring her teeth. Muzzle dripped with blood and she didn't bother to spit it out. "I'm Vukas, she's Erica, and the others are my crew." The rogue introduced, turning a deaf ear to Emily's harsh response.A female stalked from behind him. Her dirty brown fur was toned with Vukas somehow, meaning they were mated. A pair of rogue leaders, what a love story."Why don't we talk like civilized wolves?" Vukas asked again."Civilized, heh," Emily scoffed, rolling her eyes without letting her guard down.Through Emily's eyes, I scanned the surroundings intensely. The eight wolves didn't budge, waiting for their leaders' orders. I narrowed my eyes. They all had a mark on their right forearm that seemed to be stamped using a branding iron.
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Chapter 89. I'll Come with You
PEONY CRIMSON'S POVI leaned against a rock, stretching my legs out and releasing a deep sigh. I faked interest in the green leaves gracefully swaying atop the branches. A foot away from my position, Xander glared at me with an intensity I struggled to ignore. It would have been easier to keep talking to Felion. Though, what he’d whispered caused a strange swirl in my blood."You owe me explanations, Peony."Which one? That I was amidst the corpses of rogues in neutral territory or why I got into a fight with them? Either way, I figured there was no point in explaining. My gaze shifted to my arm. Whether it was Felion's saliva or Emily's increased regeneration, the blood was no longer flowing. "I don't owe you anything," I mumbled. I looked at the corpses of ten rogues lying not far from me. One thing to be thankful for was that they were not Lycan-type rogues. Facing a brainless destructive bipedal monster was a nightmare. I choked up. What if the Lycans also attacked White Moon
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Chapter 90. Let's Go
PEONY CRIMSON’S POVI thought Xander was bluffing, but he continued on without hesitation after navigating through the White Moon's fortress. As the closest line to the neutral forest, obviously the gatehouse was half-destroyed. Most of the injured guards had moved to healers in nearby villages. The further we went in, the rogues that wandered around began to come into view. Three hideous wolves smelling like sewage ran closer. In an instant, Felion stood tall before me. Glossy black fur defied the bright sun. I also let Emily take over."Go hide, Em!" Felion growled, blocking Emily. "I'll take care of all these cockroaches."Emily exclaimed. The rogues had surrounded. "No! Stop yapping, I got your back!"There was no time for arguing. The rogues howled loudly for their group. Felion struck a wolf while sprinting at breakneck speed, severing its neck. Emily kicked the rogue before it could attack from Felion's back, knocking it to the ground. A few more rogues joined the fight, but
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