All Chapters of Theodore's Regret: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
93 Chapters
81. Mistake
Alina's Pov “I still don't get it,” I responded even though I knew where this was going. But my mind really wanted to believe it was not what I was thinking it was. Theodore sighed before stepping closer to take the file away from my hands and keeping it on the desk before taking my hands in his. Honestly I was blown away when I stepped into the building because it really was perfect. The interior, the furniture, the plan, everything about it screamed perfection. One would die to have an office place like this but then again, I didn't want to disappoint myself after getting my hopes high. “Alina,” Theodore started and got my attention back. “I can't go back in time and reverse everything that I did. No matter how much I wish I could, I can't. But this is another way I came up with to make things right between us. I know what I did was probably the biggest regret of my life. But I need to make things right. And I can start that by giving you something that you have always wished fo
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82. Running Away
Alina's Pov I sprinted down the pristine hallway, my footsteps echoing against the marble floors of the otherwise silent office building. The modern glass walls and sleek metal fixtures, so sterile and orderly, contrasted starkly with the chaos roiling inside me. My heart pounded not just from exertion but from the memory of that kiss—Theodore's lips on mine, hot and demanding, pushing me toward a pleasure I couldn't afford. Not from him. "Alina, wait!" His voice, deep and insistent, reverberated through the empty space, slicing through the stillness. I didn't dare look back. I couldn't face him, not after what had almost happened. My cheeks burned with the memory, my body still humming with the remnants of our encounter. I veered around a corner, the conference rooms blurring in my peripheral vision. The office's beauty, its floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing a panoramic city view, felt like a cruel mockery. It had seen everything—the way his gaze softened before he kissed me,
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83. Monthly Trouble
Alina's Pov The grip of Theodore's hand on my arm was unyielding as he pulled me towards his car. I wanted to protest, but the set determination in his eyes told me it would be futile. Reluctantly, I got into the passenger seat, and the car door closed with a decisive thud. As Theodore started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, a heavy silence descended upon us.Neither of us said a word. I stared out the window, watching the city blur past, my mind racing with a mix of anger and confusion. What had just happened? I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, but his expression was unreadable, his focus entirely on the road ahead.The drive seemed to stretch on endlessly, the tension between us palpable. By the time we reached the office building, I felt like a tightly wound spring, ready to snap. As soon as the car stopped, I unbuckled my seatbelt and practically leapt out, not even bothering to wait for Theodore. I had to prep the meeting room, and that was all I could foc
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84. Taking Care
Alina's Pov Theodore shook his head, his expression gentle. "It's alright. Don't worry." His calm, reassuring tone helped soothe my panic. Theodore moved to a nearby cabinet, pulling out a large folder. He handed it to me, along with his jacket. "Here, use this to cover up." I gratefully took the items and used the jacket to cover the stain, then stood up, the folder clutched tightly in my hands. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible. He nodded. "Let's get you out of here." We walked out together, Theodore following behind me, shielding me from any lingering eyes. Once in the hallway, he guided me to a side corridor and then led me up to his office until we reached the bathroom that I had never really seen before. "You should go in," he said, his voice still low and kind. "I’ll be back in a minute." I nodded, overwhelmed by his understanding. "Thank you, Theodore. I really appreciate it." He gave me a small, encouraging smile. "It's no problem, Alina. Take
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85. No More Insecurities
Alina's Pov Theodore burst through the front door with me still in his arms, his movements urgent yet careful. "Martha!" he called out, his voice echoing through the hallway as he headed towards my room. "Prepare a hot water bag for Alina. Now!"Martha hurried from the kitchen, her expression shifting to concern the moment she saw me. "Right away, Mr. Maxwell," she responded, disappearing quickly to fulfill his request.Before we could reach the bedroom, Asher came running out of his room, his face lighting up with excitement. "Daddy! Mummy! You're back!" His joy turned to worry as he took in the sight of Theodore carrying me, my face contorted in pain."Daddy? What happened to mummy?" he asked, his voice small and anxious.Theodore slowed down, crouching slightly to meet Asher's eyes. "Don’t worry, Asher. Mummy is just not feeling well. I will take care of her, okay? Till then, go and play with your toys."Asher nodded skeptically, his little face still full of concern. "She will be
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86. The Breakfast Table
Alina's Pov “How are you feeling now?” Theodore asked, joining Asher and me at the breakfast table. It was my fourth day of the cycle, so the pain had thankfully subsided. After the first agonizing day, the weekend had arrived just in time to save my sanity. I dreaded to think how cranky I would have been if I’d had to work through it.Asher was perched on my lap, eagerly accepting bites of fruit I fed him. “I'm alright,” I replied, trying to sound as normal as possible.Theodore didn’t respond immediately, prompting me to look up and face him. His intense gaze, fixed on me and Asher, made my stomach flutter with unease. There was a strange mix of desperation and regret in his eyes. He seemed lost in his thoughts, watching the way I fed Asher. When he realized I was observing him, he quickly cleared his throat and coughed awkwardly.“That's good to hear,” he finally said.“Morning, Daddy!” Asher chirped, his mouth full of a large chunk of apple.“Morning, buddy. Did you sleep well la
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87. The Birthday Party
Theodore’s PovI stood in the middle of the grand hall, surveying the scene with a mixture of pride and trepidation. The entire space was transformed into a Superman-themed wonderland. Red, blue, and yellow decorations filled the room. Life-sized cutouts of Superman stood sentinel at the entrance, and banners with Asher's name intertwined with the iconic Superman logo hung from the ceiling. I couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety. This was the first time I had planned anything significant for Asher, and it had to be perfect. It needed to be more than just a birthday party; it had to be a celebration worthy of my son.I had hired the best event planners in town to ensure every detail was flawless. They'd outdone themselves, creating an immersive experience that even an adult would find impressive. There was a station for face painting, a bounce house, and even a mini obstacle course that resembled a superhero training ground. Tables were adorned with Superman-themed plates, cups, an
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88. The Dance
Theodore's Pov From across the hall, I saw Elliot approach Alina with that familiar, easy grin plastered on his face. He extended a hand to her, and she hesitated for a moment before accepting. My stomach churned as I watched them step onto the dance floor. The band struck up a jolly tune, and they began to move together, their steps light and carefree. Asher was busy playing nearby, completely oblivious to the tension building within me.I tried to focus on Mr. Robinson's words, nodding and responding appropriately, but my attention was elsewhere. Alina was laughing now, her head thrown back in that way that always made my heart skip a beat. Elliot spun her around, his hand resting on her waist, and I felt a surge of jealousy so strong it almost made me see red.The music shifted, the lively tempo giving way to a slower, more intimate melody. Couples drifted onto the dance floor, swaying in each other's arms. I watched as Elliot pulled Alina closer, their bodies moving in sync. It w
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89. Gratitude
Alina's Pov I could still feel the electricity from our dance as I stood there, trying to steady my breath. Theodore's words, his touch, the intensity of our connection—it all lingered in the air around me. But as much as I was caught up in the emotions swirling between us, there was someone else who needed my attention.“Yeah! We should…” my eyes traveled between Thea and Theodore before I continued. “We should cut the cake now.” I was sure my cheeks were completely red by now, my stomach was jittery and I was feeling hot after that little dance Theodore had with me. Man, did he make me feel things. Too many things all at once. I took a few deep breaths before calling out for Asher. I called out, "Asher! Sweetie, come here!"Almost immediately, I heard the sound of his little feet padding across the floor. Asher came running, his Superman cape flapping behind him, a wide grin plastered on his face. He was the picture of joy and innocence, his excitement evident."Mommy!" he exclai
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90. Memories
Author's Pov Alina sat cross-legged on her bed, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light over the photo album spread out before her. She traced a finger over the images of Asher, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and sorrow. How could it be that four years had flown by so quickly? It felt like just yesterday that she and Thea had gone for that first ultrasound, the tiny flicker of a heartbeat promising so much joy and change. Her eyes lingered on a photo of Asher as a baby, his cherubic face alight with laughter as he played on a picnic blanket. She remembered that day vividly, the scent of fresh grass, Thea’s laughter echoing through the park, and the sheer happiness that had enveloped her. But now, her baby was growing up, transforming into the little gentleman she had always hoped he would be. A tear slipped down her cheek as she marveled at the swift passage of time, feeling a pang of sadness at how fleeting those early years had been.Lost in her reverie, she did
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