All Chapters of The Alpha’s Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
99 Chapters
Chapter: 80*******The Lycgers spun around to see Malta looming behind them, his face twisted into a menacing grimace. He appeared different, devoid of emotion or scent—a vampire now. It became clear how he survived their previous attempt to end him. This time, they vowed to obliterate him completely, leaving nothing salvageable."I've been expecting you," Malta taunted, triggering low growls from the Lycgers.Seth's fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His usual calm demeanor shattered, replaced by seething rage that threatened to consume him. His voice, typically steady, now trembled with a mix of fury and concern. "Malta," he spat, venom lacing his words. "What have you done to him?" His voice resonated with a dangerous edge, sending shivers through anyone within earshot.Malta chuckled darkly, turning away to focus on the unconscious Dirk, observing as the Lion drifted in and out of consciousness. He had inflicted significant harm, eager to witness how Dirk wo
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Chapter: 81******As the final blows landed, a haunting stillness settled over the room, broken only by the labored breaths of the combatants. The once pristine warehouse now bore witness to a scene of utter carnage, blood staining the cold concrete floor, the metallic tang of it hanging heavily in the air.Seth stood tall over Malta's lifeless form, the vampire defeated at his feet. His fur was a dark crimson, but his eyes blazed with a fierce resolve that spoke of the justice he had meted out. Kurt, his claws dripping with Erik's blood, surveyed the aftermath of his own battle, a somber expression on his face as he took in the sight of his fallen adversary.Tricc, blood dripping from his jaws, faced the motionless figure of Victoria, her once formidable presence now reduced to nothing. A mix of triumph and sorrow flickered in his gaze as he regarded the vampire who had dared to challenge them.With a mournful howl that pierced the silence, blue flames engulfed the bodies, consuming
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Chapter: 82*************ON THE NIGHT HE WAS TAKEN.*******Dirk woke up to the sound of his rumbling stomach, feeling weak as he carefully untangled himself from Tricc's grasp. Sitting up in bed, he took a moment to collect his strength before heading to the closet to find something to wear. His stomach rumbled once more, eliciting a chuckle that he quickly stifled to avoid waking Tricc. Despite his hunger, he quietly rummaged through the closet, discovering a pair of shorts and a shirt. After dressing swiftly, he tiptoed out of the bedroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. The hallway was deserted, the early morning hour ensuring that most of the manor's occupants were still asleep. Descending the stairs cautiously, Dirk avoided making any noise that might disturb the sleeping household. As he reached the bottom of the staircase, a light flickered on in the dining room at the far end. Squinting in the dim light, he scanned for any signs of movement before cautiously approaching th
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Chapter: 83******The Lion's heart pounded in fear and uncertainty as he braced himself for whatever torment Malta had in store. Despite his rising panic, he remained silent, knowing that words would not deter his captor's cruel intentions. Trapped in Malta's Hell, he struggled to comprehend the man's relentless desire to see him suffer. They had no prior conflicts or dealings, leaving Dirk bewildered by the intensity of Malta's vendetta against him. Feeling powerless and devoid of his primal strength, he attempted to tap into his Lion's essence but found himself met with silence, a sense of abandonment that only fueled his fear.What has Malta done?As thoughts of his Lion swirled in his mind, Dirk battled against the rising panic, desperate to ascertain his Half's safety and well-being. The uncertainty gnawed at him, but he refused to show weakness in front of his tormentor, determined to maintain a facade of strength and resilience. With his captivity undeniable, Dirk's focus shif
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Chapter: 84******In the heart of the castle, nestled within the towering walls, rested the grand bedroom where Dirk lay sound asleep. The bedroom is opulent elegance, adorned with rich fabrics and intricate details. The expansive windows, draped in cascading silk curtains stood tall, eager to embrace the first light of dawn. As the morning sun tiptoes across the horizon, its gentle rays filter through the sheer fabric, casting a warm, golden glow upon the room. The morning mist danced softly through the room, carrying with it the scent of the surrounding forest, a promise of new beginnings and ancient traditions. The gentle rays of the sun caressed the bed, illuminating the sleeping form of Dirk, his golden hair cascading like a waterfall onto the silk pillows. The sunbeams dance upon the plush velvet carpet, illuminating the ornate furniture with a soft radiance. The mahogany bed, with its towering canopy and cascading silk sheets, appears almost ethereal in the morning light. Th
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Chapter: 85*******"What's with that expression?" Dirk inquired curiously.Noira laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, we're just excited! We really cannot wait to meet our baby!" she said, wrapping her arms around Dirk in a tight hug."Your baby?" Dirk asked, his brows furrowed, and then he burst out laughing. "Well, your 'Baby' isn't due for another three months," he chuckled, squeezing Noira's hand, and kissing her on the head.She beamed at him, pulled away from their embrace, and went over to Layla, who was smiling as brightly as Noira. "We are going to be aunties... dear Goddess, this is so exciting!" she squealed, and Noira giggled, nodding her head.Dirk shook his head and left them there to go get dressed. The Omegas noticed and immediately rushed over to him. "Hey, where are you going?" Layla asked, pulling him back."To get properly dressed... in case you haven't noticed, I'm still in my underwear, and you two need to get out!" He retorted with a grin.Layla let go of him with
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Chapter: 86*******The sky is ablaze with the mesmerizing hues of a blood moon, the celestial body glowing with a deep, rich crimson and casting its ethereal light upon the earth below. An aura of mystery and anticipation fills the air as if nature itself is aware of the significance of this momentous occasion. As the moon rises, its radiant glow bathes the surroundings in a soft, silky light, transforming the landscape into a magical realm. Shadows dance and flicker, creating an atmosphere of both intimacy and grandeur. The stars, like shimmering diamonds, twinkle overhead, adding to the celestial spectacle. Their presence seems to amplify the significance of the Bonding Ceremony about to take place, as if they too bear witness to this sacred union. A gentle breeze rustles through the trees, carrying the scent of wildflowers and earth, while the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore adds a soothing rhythm to the night, creating a symphony of nature's elements. The set
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Chapter: 87********Naked, Dirk is gently lowered onto the bed. Weak, he began to fist his hands into the clean, neat sheets. A spark of warmth began to grow. Moments like this always touched him to the point of tears, at the way the triplets took time to pleasure him, each finding a spot from him that often leaves him wanting. Without the gentleness, without the sweet words. Just a sudden raw desire and want to fill and be filled. He sighs deeply. His body begins to relax, muscles loosening and relaxing most beautifully. Tricc leans down and kisses the base of Dirk's throat, causing his breathing to become slightly more rapid. His eyes begin to flutter shut when Seth's hand runs down his chest. "Mine," he said, his voice low and distorted. The Lycgers felt it vibrate in the sensitive bones behind their ears and fought back a moan of their own. Their bodies agreed, becoming limp and heavy. "Yours," they said softly. That prompted a new sound to erupt, a sexy erotic purr that threat
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Chapter: 88********"Who in the world knots a pregnant Pride?!" Caleb's voice rang through the room as he entered, startling the occupants of the study and making their eyes fly open. "Did I not warn you to be careful with him, or did you three simply forget that he isn't an Omega, and therefore, his body is not the same as an Omega's and cannot withstand certain pressures?" He looked around at them all, his face twisted into a deep frown that could rival that of a disappointed parent. "We apologize," the Lycgers muttered, their eyes glued to the ground like sheep before a storm. "It will never happen again," they promised. Caleb didn't seem impressed, and they were well aware of why. "You did something very stupid," he told them bluntly as he made his way towards Tricc's desk. Tricc immediately rose and moved away to sit beside his brothers. Caleb pulled out a chair, plopping down unceremoniously on it. "Animals!" he muttered under his breath as he settled into the chair, his gaze
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Chapter: 89*******In comfortable loose white pants and an oversized black sweater with the top buttons undone, Dirk lounged on his balcony, gazing out over his vibrant garden. The flowerbeds brimmed with red and yellow begonias and bright blue delphinium, tumbling over each other in a riot of color that blocked the evening sunlight. Wispy clouds drifted lazily across the clear sky, hinting at rain to come. The warm evening air carried the sweet scents of fresh-cut grass, rich soil, and blooming flowers. A bird fluttered past, its soft chirping seeming like a personal greeting. Feeling a slight movement in his belly, Dirk absentmindedly rubbed the growing bump. He had woken that morning feeling unwell, and now he noticed his belly had expanded. Confused, he turned to Luna Caleb and Dr. Creiff, who were caring for him. "Why do I feel heavier all of a sudden?" Dirk asked, furrowing his brow in confusion. Caleb looked sympathetic, gently caressing Dirk's belly. "You're growing quickl
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