All Chapters of Love's Reel Betrayal, My Billionaire Husband's Return: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
121 Chapters
Chapter 71 : He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said ?
Thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me once again," Liam said as they walked side by side in the city of China. "I should rather thank you for having the courage to go on a date with me once again after my little mental breakdown last time," Natalie said with a smile. They walked hand in hand, and Natalie glanced around curiously. "Where are we heading towards?" Liam grinned at her without responding and gripped her hands tightly..... "This place is magical," Natalie exclaimed as they entered one of the most UNESCO-recognized gardens in China. The trees had lush green leaves, and the man-made river was crystal clear. Butterflies danced around colorful flowers, and rabbits popped out occasionally before darting back into their holes. Birds soared gracefully overhead. "Glad you liked it," he said as he walked slowly behind her. "Have you been here before?" she asked him. "I went on a hunt the whole of last night looking for a place that matches your description of paradise
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Chapter 72 : Naked in front of him
ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION !!! This Chapter contains 90 percent adult content you may want to skip. She marched confidently as she paced around her room, her figure adorned in scarlet lace that teased the imagination. The red lingerie hugged her curves like a second skin, with each step out of the bathroom, she radiated an aura of seduction. Her ass carefully danced at her back, her waist slim and defined, almost as though it was as flat as a wall. Her skin glistened with a golden sheen from the generous application of shea butter and oil lotion. As she approached the mirror, she grinned, her heavy makeup and bold red lipstick highlighting her beautiful face. While her inner beauty may have been questionable, you cannot say the same thing about her appearance… "You can't resist me this time," she whispered to herself confidently as she glanced up at the clock, it was precisely 2:00 am. "Perfect time," she said with a smirk, she murmured and hiked her boobs up. Taking a sip of h
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Chapter 73 : A little peak about Bali.
She stood alone in the hall, arms folded. I know you can't see me with another man. Since you're proving to be stubborn, this is the only way to have you under my control like I used to." He stood outside, demonstrating an angry look. He hit the car and pressed his head in frustration. "I will walk you to your car," Brindle said as she took Richard's suitcase from his hands and handed it to the bodyguards who were already with him. She held his hand as they walked to the car. Marko's gaze fell on their joined hands as they came outside from the mansion. His mood worsened.He gazed at Brindle, who had a smile on her face, then looked away, with a furious look"Is everything okay with your driver today? He looks off," Brindle said, looking at Richard. "Yes, I'm sure he's perfectly okay," Richard said. "Is everything okay with you?" he asked Marko. "Yes, sir," Marko responded with a nod. "We can use another driver for today so that you can have a rest," Richard suggested. "I am oka
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Chapter 74 : She comes back Home today
This can't be happening, ahhh," Brindle said angrily as her heart raced when she entered her room. "How can you do this to Marko?" she said as she went straight to her phone. A notification popped up on her phone after she hastily tried inputting some details. "Sorry, you can't access this account. Please try again." She started fuming on the bed as her gaze was fixed on her phone, she tried again. "Wrong input. You may want to visit your bank for help. Happy Savings Bank. See you there...". Her breathing became loud, with a tight grin on her face as she threw her phone heavily onto the floor with a loud sigh. 'How can you do this to me, Marko? Howwww... ughh???' she exclaimed. 'I will make you pay for this, I promise you,' she said with clear anger in her voice." "Why was she that mad? That was so unnecessary," one maid said. "You're acting like you've never seen her in this state before. This is her whole 24/7 mood," another maid added. "We're even lucky she didn't throw it
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Chapter 76 : I'm in a relationship
Day 10 of having a girlfriend, Liam marked the mini board on the wall in his room, smiling as he looked at it. "Ten days of my best life," he said to himself before grabbing his jacket and heading out. As he approached Natalie's door, it opened to reveal her standing there with a bright smile on her face. She eagerly hugged him, squeezing him tightly. "How did you know I was here?" Liam asked as he helped her lock her door. "I have a magical power that allows me to sense you whenever you're close by," Natalie replied with a giggle. "Must be nice trying to sense the most handsome man on earth. And since I don't stay in one place for long..." Liam trailed off, gently holding her hands and kissing them. "A little," Natalie admitted, and they both laughed. After their lunch date, they took a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, enjoying each other's company as their apartment was nearby. "Liam rushed back to her, 'How did you fall? Did you get hurt?' he said, checking her body for an
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Chapter 76 : Thanksgiving in China
"This is it, brother. You leave this weekend, right?" Director Lee asked as he and Liam stood at their balcony. "Yes, I won't be coming to China any time soon. I have so much to take care of in California. You know how they pile up sometimes," Liam replied. "And I have a life there too," he added. "I understand. I am forever grateful to you. I called and you showed up and gave your best," Director Lee said, touching Liam's shoulder. "I'm always at your service, man. Anytime," Liam assured him. "The setup is done," Natalie said as she walked over to them to inform them. "Sure, we are coming," Director Lee replied to her. With a smile and a glance at Liam, she walked away. "Are you going with her to California?" Director Lee asked as he looked at her go. "Yeah, I can't leave her here," Liam said with a smile. "Grandma Leta is going to be shocked when she sees you have a girlfriend now," Director Lee remarked. "Finally, it's about time for her to take a break from the stress of m
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Chapter 77 : Preparing for feast
"Make sure you don't allow her anywhere near my room," Brindle exclaimed with anger, instructing the guards before storming off. "How dare she, I am going to kill her with my own two hands," she muttered to herself. Entering her room, she went and packed all her face and body creams in a locker and locked them up. "Let's see how she gets hold of them again," she said. "Mother, I'm sorry for not coming home early to hear you out. What was so important, you didn't wait for me to close from work before telling me," Richard said as he sat beside his mother's bed. "Don't worry, you will soon have your last surgery when the doctor comes back from his trip. I promise you everything is going to be alright. Just hang in there," he added, resting his head on his mother's shoulder. "Mrs. Kiara's eyes opened, a tear trickled down her cheek. How do I tell you that you have been lied all this while? that baby was never yours, How can I tell you that having a good heart doesn't get you loved but
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Chapter 78 : A party that took a turn 1
"Be careful with that. Let it be at the lower left of the table. Yeah, a little to the right. Okay, perfect," Brindle instructed the bakers as they brought Richard's massive all-white 4-layer cake. "Yes, I want everything to be ready in an hour before the guests start coming." She went around inspecting everything, making sure everything was in order. The tables were adorned with towering centerpieces of white roses and orchids, accompanied by dimly lit candles that created a magical atmosphere. With a smile, she lifted her eyes to see how the place looked. "A touch of my own magic," she said with a smile. The decorations were absolutely breathtaking—a symbol of whites and creams with cascading white drapes, plush white furnishings, and glistening crystal accents. The theme gave off a rich man's vibe; it was an all-white party. "Let me go get ready," she said before hurrying upstairs. About an hour later... The guests started arriving at the mansion, each driving the latest cars
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Chapter 79 : A party that took a turn 2
"We've been looking everywhere for you until you made that elegant arrival," Nina, one of Brindle's friends, said. "I saw how everyone's attention was on you," she gleefully exclaimed "The cameras shifted to you as they took pictures." "Yes, everything was carefully planned, exactly how I pictured it," Brindle said with a grin. "Oh my, this dress is stunning. Can you give it to me after the program?" Erica asked. "Sure, darling. I am not even planning on wearing it again," Brindle replied. "I will be back. You guys should feel at home," Brindle said and walked away. Just as she was about to join the crowd, she felt a grip on her arm and was forcefully pulled into a nearby room. "What is wrong with you, Marko? You dare show your face after what you did," she said as she pulled away from him. Marko stood at the door. "You are not going anywhere. I won't let you," he said. "I don't like how Richard looked at you out there. You are mine and only mine," Marko said, fuming with jealou
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Chapter 80 : Left behind
"Why did you lock me in that room?" Aunty Soso Lolo lashed out as soon as she stormed into Brindle's room , finding her seated in front of the mirror, combing her hair.Brindle turned to look at her and then resumed combing her hair.Aunty Soso Lolo noticed something on Brindle's hands, her eyes widening in surprise. "How did you get that?" she asked, moving closer and grabbing Brindle's hands to get a better look.Brindle quickly pulled her hands away. "You mean this?" she said proudly, kissing her ring. "I'm a fiancée now," she boasted. "F-i-a-n-c-é," she spelled it out, emphasizing the word, and then returned to combing her hair."You mean I missed all of that yesterday," her aunt said, looking shocked."Yep, the whole exciting moment Brindle said as she remained silent and continued with her hair."From now on, I don't want to see all of you crowded in one place and doing nothing. The rules in this house are going to change. Anyone I catch idling will either lose their job or the
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