All Chapters of Toxic Paradise : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
70 Chapters
11| Grilled cheese
After sleeping for what felt like forever, I woke up dying of thirst.The clock informed me that it was only 2:30 AM. I hadn't actually been sleeping for very long, and I mentally scolded myself for not getting a water to put on my nightstand before turning in for the night. I debated just dealing with my thirst until the morning, but my dry mouth and throat were screaming at me to get up.I blamed it on the salty tacos and pitchers of margaritas.I also blamed my lack of balance on the margaritas as well. It didn't take me long to realize that I was definitely still drunk as I eased myself up from my bed and crossed the dark bedroom. I fumbled with my phone to turn on the flashlight as I made my way silently down the hallway and into the kitchen. I thought about turning on a light, but I really didn't want to wake up Ryan— or worse, Alec— or even worse, his dog. I could just see it now, a giant Newfie barking at me as an angry, handsome Alec glares in my direction after being woken u
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12| Just Married
"Jayyyynnnaaa!" A melodious voice boomed from beside me, "Wakeeee upppp!"Just then, the curtains were pulled open and bright beams of sunlight were striking me in the face. I rolled over, facing the other way and pulling the duvet over my head.I felt the bed dip beside me, and I knew that Ryan had crawled onto the bed with me. He placed his large palms on my back, shaking me with force and trying to pull the blankets off of me. "Ughhhhhhhh..." I groaned from underneath the covers. "Ryannn 5 more minutes, pleassseee.""Hellll to the no. It's already 9:30," he replied, "You're not a morning person, are you?""Not in the slightest," I replied, still refusing to open my eyes. "But Jaynnaaa, I got something for us!" He whined, "Plus, I made breakfast, and it's ready!"At the mention of food, I finally pulled the blankets off of myself, ready to become an actual human again. I opened my eyes to see Ryan sitting beside me, holding something behind his back with a smile already on his fac
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13| Excursions
The drive to the resort was quick, and it wasn't long before we pulled up to the most classic looking, beautiful resort. I was admiring the way the sun reflected off my fake diamond ring when we arrived at the front. Although the look of Ryan's home was surprising to me, this resort looked exactly how I pictured it in my mind.The driveway wrapped around the front of the building, where valet drivers were patiently waiting to park our car. The building was lined with palm trees, and rows of tropical, beautiful flowers. I could feel the warm breeze as I exited the car, taking with it the smell of salt in the air. Excitement took over again knowing that the beach was just on the other side of this tall, white building."Come along, dear," Ryan teased, hooking a strong arm around my waist and guiding me into the building.I chuckled as I followed along, "Oh honey, this place is just beautiful." Ryan shifted so his arm was hanging over my shoulder while I curled slightly into his muscled
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14| Conquests (pt. 1)
Oh no... no... no... no... hellll noooo.....My mind chanted over and over while I stood trembling in the middle of a footbridge. Ryan and I had decided to tandem jump, thank God, but that still didn't change the fact that I was terrified. The bungee operators assured both Ryan and I that this would be a great experience to really bring us closer together and solidify our marriage. Ryan continued to play up the fact that we were married throughout the process, talking with the operators about how we had met on a ferris wheel, and how he, the man, offered to ride with me after seeing how afraid I was of heights. His story was cute, and completely made up. However, I was surprised at how realistic the scenario actually was. Ryan didn't know this, but I actually was scared of heights, and I always avoided ferris wheels because of this. I was sure he'd become very aware of this fact soon enough, if we lived through this experience.Truthfully, I loved the whole charade Ryan had going, bu
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15| Conquests (pt. 2)
We didn’t have to wait long for the two men to approach our table. "Hey fellas, welcome! Take a seat," Ryan greeted, motioning for them to take the two empty chairs. "I ordered a bottle of wine for the table, hope that's okay.""That sounds great, Ryan," the first man spoke. This was the man Ryan was trying to pursue. He was very cute close up. He wasn't super tall; taller than me, but definitely shorter than Ryan. He had a slim figure, tan skin, and bright blonde hair. "Hey," he said locking his eyes on me, "I'm Chris, and this is my friend, Josh."I smiled back at Chris, "Hey guys, I'm Jayna. It's nice to meet you both.""Jayna?" Josh chimed in from beside me, "That's a pretty name. Never heard it before."I couldn't help but smile at his compliment. Josh was cute. He also had blonde hair that was a bit darker than Chris's, and he had pale skin with a slight sunburn. I didn't think he was overly attractive because he wasn't really my type, but I thought he had kind eyes and a great
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16| Cock Block
"Alec, what the hell! I thought you were sleeping," I yelled. Although I was shouting, I wasn't sure if he could even hear me over the sound of Nelson's barking.He smirked, "I'm not.""Clearly," I snapped, "Can you please contain your dog?""Ooooo, I actually can't do that. When Nelson doesn't like someone, it's hard to stop him; I mean, do you see the size of him?" Alec said, making his way to the sink to fill up his water glass."Jayna, who the hell is this guy?" Josh asked, glaring in the direction of Alec.I groaned, "He's Ryan's brother. But don't worry, he was just leaving," I emphasized loud enough so that Alec could hear me."Um, no I'm not. But please, don't let me interrupt," He said, leaning against the opposite counter. I could not believe him! I understood that we were in a public space, and if it weren't for Nelson blocking our way and looking like he was ready to attack Josh, I would have just went to my room. My issue was that he didn't need to be in the kitchen any
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17| Aftermath
I woke up the next morning of my own accord. Ryan did not come wake me; although, when I glanced at the clock it read only 8:30. It was unlike me to be awake so early without an alarm. That's when I heard the shouting coming from the living room, and the slam of a door. I supposed the ruckus is what woke me up, and it didn't sound good.I wasn't sure if I should head out into the living room or not, but the nosey part of me won over. I threw back my covers, eagerly hopping out of bed.I stumbled a bit on my ankle, forgetting momentarily what had happened last night as I made my way to the bathroom."Oh god..." I muttered as I looked at my unkempt appearance in the mirror. After feeling the soreness of my ankle and seeing the bandaid on my elbow, the events of last night came rushing back. I had scared off a perfectly decent guy, accidentally flashed Alec, and then ungracefully pancaked out onto the floor. Could I have been any more of an embarrassing human?After finger-combing my hai
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18| Brawls and Brothers (pt. 1)
Music was blasting all around us. I could feel the vibrations of the beat moving me through the cushioned seat of our booth. I took a sip of my vodka soda, being careful not to spill it on my champagne colored silk dress. It didn't pair well with my sandals, but I said I'd wear flats, and my ankle wouldn't have lasted a minute on my strappy heels I packed for this outfit.Everything Ryan told me about this club was correct; it was amazing. The music was good, the drinks were good, the lights were perfect, and it wasn't overly crowded. I had been dancing with Ryan for a while, but when Chris arrived I excused myself to our booth so that the two of them could have some privacy. I didn't mind sitting alone; in fact, I was perfectly content people watching.We had been here for a few hours now, and I was definitely feeling my alcohol. Ryan had purchased a majority of the drinks tonight, so I decided to get the next round for all of us. I didn't want Ryan to stop dancing with Chris, and I
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19| Brawls and Brothers (pt. 2)
After Max threw the drink, something must have snapped in Ryan, because next thing I knew, he was shoving Max.One of Max's friends caught him, while another grabbed Ryan by the arm, throwing a punch that hit Ryan right in his face. At this point, Chris responded, but there were more of them than there were of us. We were outnumbered. I watched as the men started gaining up on Chris and Ryan. I couldn't see much of what was happening in the fight, but I knew I had to at least try and help; it was 4 on 2.Without thinking too much about it, I jumped onto Max's back, wrapping my arms around his neck to try and pry him off of Ryan. Since he was so much bigger than me, my attempts did little in way of helping Ryan. Instead, after landing a nice scratch to his face, I was forcefully thrown backwards off of him, landing hard on my sore ankle and falling to the ground.Stunned and pissed, I was about to get back to my feet and rejoin the fight when I was lifted up from behind. I had no idea
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20| It’s Official (pt. 1)
A few days had passed since the brawl at the club. After that night, I was hoping that Alec and Ryan would have had some sort of breakthrough; but instead, Alec was gone more than ever, and the two haven't even spoken since. I wasn't sure where Alec ran off to every day, and a part of me wished he would stick around. Not that him being gone a lot hindered any of the fun Ryan and I were having. Honestly, every day here was a new and amazing adventure for me. Yesterday, we rented ATV's and rode them down the beach, and the day before that, we rented paddle boards. I couldn't deny that despite the complete and total lack of control in my life at the moment, I was happy; I was genuinely happy.Today had been another long day of eating good food, drinking fruity beverages, and laying on the beach; I know, life was rough. Currently, I had just finished applying aloe to my slightly burned skin and was scrolling through my I*******m feed while I tried to fall asleep. I hadn't checked any so
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