All Chapters of 30 DAYS WITH A BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 Chapters
You're amazing Ida
Ida tossed and turned in her sleep, her face contorted in fear as she mumbled unintelligible words. Avery watched her with worry, his brow furrowed in concern. He could see the distress etched on her face, the lines of worry and fear deepening as the nightmare seemed to intensify.Her eyes flickered rapidly beneath her eyelids, and Avery could hear her ragged breath as she gasped for air. As he watched, Ida's face scrunched up even more, and she let out a low moan of fear. Avery's heart ached for her as he realized how helpless he was in the face of her torment.Avery watched Ida's face contort in anguish as she whimpered softly in her sleep. He couldn't bear to see her in such distress, and so he made the decision to wake her up.He reached out a gentle hand and placed it on her shoulder, shaking her lightly. "Ida," he said softly, his voice low and soothing. "Ida, wake up. It's just a nightmare."Ida's eyes fluttered open, and she gasped for air, her chest heaving. She looked up at
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Take your time and heal
As the sun rose over the horizon, Avery's mood was as lively as the waves of the ocean during a storm. He felt a surge of excitement and anticipation, as if he were a surfer ready to ride the biggest wave of his life. His mind was clear and focused, like the deep blue sea on a calm day, and he felt a sense of purpose driving him forward. Every step he took was as determined as the steady beat of the waves crashing against the shore. The world seemed to be his for the taking, and he was ready to dive in headfirst and ride the current towards whatever lay ahead.Avery decided to prepare breakfast for himself and Ida. He wanted to impress her with his cooking skills, so he tried to make pancakes from scratch. He gathered all the ingredients and began mixing them together, hoping for the best.However, things didn't go as planned. The batter turned out lumpy and thick, and the pancakes ended up burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. Avery tried his best to salvage them, but they were
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The letter
Ida sat at the desk, pen in hand, feeling the weight of the letter she was about to write. She knew that Avery had been nothing but kind and understanding towards her, despite her reservations and insecurities. She felt guilty for not being able to reciprocate his feelings fully.Taking a deep breath, Ida began to write, pouring her heart out onto the paper. She started by thanking him for everything he had done for her, from taking care of her during her nightmares to being patient with her insecurities. She acknowledged that it must not be easy to be with someone who is still grieving and struggling with the loss of a loved one.Ida then opened up about her feelings for Akio and how it had been difficult for her to let go of the past. She explained that seeing Avery sometimes reminded her of Akio, and that it made her feel guilty for moving on. But she wanted to try, for herself and for Avery.As she wrote, tears streamed down her face. She didn't want Avery to feel like she was tak
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Should I stop here?
Ida stood on the edge of the yacht, the warm sand between her toes and the cool water lapping at her ankles. She watched as Akio, her fiancé, approached her with a playful grin on his face."Come on, Ida, let's go for a swim," he said, taking her hand in his.Ida laughed, feeling a surge of excitement. Akio was always full of energy and adventure, and she loved him for it. They ran into the water together, splashing and laughing as they swam out into the deep blue sea.As they floated on their backs, the sun setting behind them, Akio turned to Ida with a serious expression. "Ida, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he said, his eyes shining with love.Tears welled up in Ida's eyes as she hugged Akio tightly. "I want that too, Akio. I love you so much."As they swam back to the shore, Akio scooped Ida up in his arms, carrying her bridal-style and twirling her around. Ida's laughter filled the air as Akio kissed her passionately, their love for each other evident in every tou
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The remembrance
Avery still remembered the day of the championship game like it was yesterday. He was a senior in high school, and he had been a star player in the soccer team all season. The pressure was on, and he was determined to lead his team to victory.But as the game progressed, Avery started to feel the weight of his parents' expectations on his shoulders. They were in the stands, cheering him on, but he couldn't help but feel like he was letting them down.Despite his efforts, the game didn't turn out the way he hoped. They lost, and Avery felt like he had failed. He walked off the field, his head hung low, and met his family in the stands.His father's disappointment was evident as he approached Avery. "What happened out there? You were supposed to lead the team to victory, not let them down like this," he said, his voice laced with anger.Avery's heart sank. He knew how much his father had invested in his soccer career, and he couldn't bear to see the disappointment in his eyes. "I'm sorr
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I won't disappoint you father
He couldn't believe that the man had the audacity to smirk at him and call him a loser. Avery knew that he had to do something to make himself feel better, to get some form of revenge.And then he had an idea. A stupid, reckless idea, but an idea nonetheless. He would find a way to make Vanna like him instead of her douchebag boyfriend. He didn't care how he did it, he just needed to feel like he had some control over the situation.As Avery began to plan out his revenge, he didn't stop to consider the consequences of his actions. He didn't think about how his plan might hurt Vanna or anyone else involved. All he cared about was making himself feel better, even if it meant stooping to a low level.Little did he know, this plan would lead to a series of events that would change the course of his life forever.He started to approach Vanna more often, trying to make small talk and find common ground.However, his plan quickly backfired when Derrick found out. Avery was sitting alone on t
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Seducing him
Avery tried his best to stay away from Ida on the yacht, finding no excuse to be on a different part of the boat. But as fate would have it, they were stuck together on the yacht with no other way to stay away from each other. Despite this, he refused to engage in any conversation with her, avoiding eye contact and giving short responses when necessary.Ida noticed the man's behavior and felt hurt and confused. She didn't understand why he was avoiding her, and she felt like she was back to square one with him.One day, while they were both on the deck of the yacht, she decided to confront Avery about his behavior. "Avery, why are you avoiding me?" she asked."It's nothing, I just need some space," he replied, not meeting her eyes."Did I do or say something to upset you?" "It's not about you, Ida," he said, his tone harsher than he intended. "I just need some space, and it's none of your business.""I don't understand. You're suddenly acting this way.""Look, Ida, our connection her
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Their raw desires
Her body was nothing short of perfection. She had full, round breasts, a flat stomach, and long, shapely legs. As she slipped off her jeans, her hips swayed seductively, and Avery's words echoed in her mind - he couldn't resist her. She unclasped her bra, revealing her breasts, which were just the right size, and her nipples were already hard with anticipation. She knew that she was a sight to behold, and she relished the thought of his reaction when he saw her like that. She slowly slid off her panties, revealing her shaven mound and the curve of her buttocks. The steam from the shower was calling her, and she couldn't wait to feel the warm water caressing her skin.As she stepped closer to the bathroom, she heard the door to their bedroom open suddenly, and she froze. Avery had entered the room, and she was completely naked. She turned slowly, her eyes meeting his as he took in her naked form. His eyes roamed around her body, taking in every curve and contour, and Ida felt a rush of
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Elea and Vanna were sitting together by the pool of a private resort, sipping on tropical drinks and enjoying the warm sun on their skin. The sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing background noise.Elea took a sip of her drink before turning to the other woman. "Can I ask you something?" she said hesitantly."Of course," Vanna replied with a smile. "What's on your mind?""I was just wondering why you let Avery leave for a month," Elea said, her voice barely above a whisper. "What if he changes his mind about marrying you?"Vanna's expression turned serious as she considered the woman's question. "I love Avery, and I trust him," she replied firmly. "If he needs time to figure things out, I'm willing to give him that. I know he'll come back to me.""But what if he doesn't?" Elea persisted. "What if he realizes that he doesn't want to get married, or worse, that he doesn't want to be with you at all?"Vanna's eyes narrowed slightly, and Elea could tell that she wa
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Good to know
Ida gasped as she pulled out of Avery, her body slick with sweat and desire. She stood up on the side of the bed and looked down at him, her eyes blazing with raw, unbridled lust. Without a word, she began to strip off everything that was left on her body, revealing every inch of her curves and contours to Avery's hungry gaze. He watched her with rapt attention, his own desire mounting with every passing moment. As she stood before him, naked and unashamed, he knew that he had never wanted anyone more in his life.She smirked at Avery, her eyes filled with a mischievous glint. Without saying a word, she stood up and walked over to the nearest armchair, her naked body swaying with every step. She sat down with her legs crossed, her gaze fixed intently on him.He looked at her with confusion, unsure of what she was trying to do. "What are you doing, Ida?" he asked, his voice hoarse with desire.Ida simply smiled at him, her lips curving into a wicked grin. "I'm just getting comfortable,
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