195 Chapters
181.. I've got the money, beauty and body but still, they still go for someone less.
Becky's pov…“Screaming and shouting won't help you at this time, can you just give me just one chance to have a few minutes with you? I have a lot to say to you Becky but I won't mind if you spare me a few minutes. I understand that you're going through alot right now but I'm….” “Shut up! Stop talking trash!” I interrupted him. “Just leave and never come back, don't ever show up your irritating face in front of me. What else do you want from me? Breaking me the first and second time wasn't enough? Do you want to take my life? Fine, if you're asking for forgiveness, I've forgiven you already so please just move on and let's forget about each other's existence. Forget that we ever met! Forget that we dated and shared a lot of memories together! In Fact, just delete me from your head. I don't need anyone to console me or make me feel better, I'm going to be fine. And even if I need someone to comfort me, I have my dad and my one and only best friend. So just let me be please!” I screa
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182... What if?
Author's pov…“So what do you think if we go out to have fun on Saturday since it's Siri's birthday?” Ann asked Levi with smiles on her face. He just dropped her off in her apartment being her driver and is about to head home. Ann doesn't really want him to leave yet because she still wants to enjoy his company a little bit. She is busy coming up with different excuses and unnecessary talks to keep him from leaving. “You don't have to worry too much about Siri's upcoming birthday, she loves having her birthdays quietly. I'm sure you have other things to do so don't bother about it, I promise to make sure she enjoys her day.” Levi declined politely.“Nah! I'm not complaining, I'm suggesting that because I know I'm going to be free on Saturday. There's no one that loves a quiet birthday, it's not going to be fun at all. I'm sure Siri would be glad if we all go out on Saturday, she can even come with a few of her new friends. I just want her to have a fun filled birthday,” Ann expla
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183... “I feel like driving a knife into his chest, I hate his guts!”
Author's pov…Ann got into her apartment after jerking back from her deep thoughts. She went in and was surprised that the house was empty. She thought Becky was back yet because she told her not to stay out late. “Becky!” Ann called out dropping her bag on the chair and checking for Becky in the other rooms.She then confirmed that she wasn't back yet.“This is past 9pm already, why doesn't she listen?” Ann muttered as she got her phone and began dialing Becky's number. It kept ringing but she didn't pick her call, Ann called her five times but it was still the same result.“Why is she not picking up? Must she get me worried all the time? I don't want to even start imagining wild thoughts about the reason why she isn't back home yet.” Ann muttered as she threw her phone on the sofa after dropping a text for Becky.She went into the room and decided to change into a baggy top and shorts.“I'm so tired right now and the funny part is that I can't drive to her company. I hope she isn
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184... "I just want you to be very careful about him, he is trying to win you back since he knows about you and Tyler's recent separation. Don't fall for his pretense, he has not changed..."
**The next morning**Becky's pov…I opened my eyes slowly and was welcomed with a banging headache. I groaned in pain as my vision got clearer bit by bit. It took me a few minutes before I was able to settle my eyes and recognize where I was. I sat up on the sofa I was laying on while holding my head. All of a sudden, my throat became so itchy and I had the urge to throw up.I immediately stood up and ran to the nearest toilet and vomited. The substance I vomited reeked of alcohol and I began to slowly remember memories of last night.I washed my mouth and face in the sink and leaned on it feeling so weak and tired. My eyes felt tired and my head was aching so much. Why do I feel different this morning or is this one of pregnancy early morning sickness? I yawned weakly and staggered out of the toilet back to the sitting room where I was before.Just then, I realized it was morning already. Despite seeing the brightness when I woke up, I wasn't just conscious of it. The weather
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185... SHOCKED!
Becky's pov…Days passed and I still wasn't getting better or healing from the emotional trauma Tyler has put me in. I still think about him every single day and I miss him so badly. There's no night that passes without me wetting my pillow with tears. I just wish things could return back to the way it was. It's been close to two months since this whole problem happened and I haven't set my eyes on Tyler since after we divorced. It's so hard for me to move on, he pops up in my head all the time and one thing or the other reminds me of all the memories we had together.I'm sure he is doing fine without me as he hasn't shown up since he signed the divorce papers.He hasn't even tried to reach out to me through another way since I had blocked him from all platforms. It's obvious he wasn't making any moves to vindicate and justify himself against Lizzy's lies and accusations.Had it been he kept on begging consistently, I would have tried putting heads with him to unravel the truth.
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186.... " I just want you to know one thing, you've lost him and he is forever mine so just move on. I can see how pathetic you're looking, it must have….”
Becky's pov…The audacity she has to ask me why I came, I've always been the second pioneer of this house so she should know her place. “If you came to look for Tyler, your ex husband, I'm sorry to inform you that he is not in, he has taken his son to school.” Lizzy said that intentionally to make me feel hurt. I gulped down emptiness still trying to process everything that was happening.I balled my fist as I tried to calm down and hold my tears, it would be so embarrassing if I cried in front of her.Once a single tear drops, I lose control and start crying loudly. I sniffed in and tried to cover up with a smile but it was screaming fake and looked forceful.“Point of correction, I didn't come here to see Tyler, I came here to take some of my important properties. So get out of my way and don't even try to interrupt me!” I snapped trying to act tough. “I'm sorry but I can't allow you in except to wait for my husband to return home. I can't allow a stranger to just come in and st
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187... I can't afford to repeat a mistake twice, I can't even imagine myself going back to Ephraim.
Becky's pov…“You've been begging me to give you a chance to talk to me, what do you have to say? I've told you that I've forgiven you already so just leave me alone, I don't want to ever see you around me. Whether you're a changed person or not, it shouldn't be my business!” I snapped at Ephraim.“Can you just spare me a few minutes please?” He asked softly and I rolled my eyes at him.I wasn't even in the mood to speak with anyone, I just wanted to keep feeding my eyes by watching the young kids have fun. Why does Ephraim just have to show up? “What do you have to say?” He sat beside me and I sent him a deadly glare that made him shift a little bit away from me.“Becky, I don't think I've ever apologized to you sincerely.”“I've told you already that I don't need your apology and I've forgiven you! Apologizing again won't change anything,” I said with my eyes focused on the kids, I didn't even spare him a glance. “I know but I just feel like there's a need for me to apologize p
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188... “Yeah, things went perfectly as planned which means I did my job well. I'm grateful because I got what I wanted and I guess you also got what you wanted too. I guess this is…”
Author's pov…Tyler drove back home with a lot of thought running through his head. He just drove out from the hospital where he went for DNA test results. It was confirmed that Lizzy's son was not his child which is obvious that Lizzy is lying and fabricating the DNA test results.He is glad that he has collected one piece of evidence he is going to use to justify himself.He plans not to let anyone know about it until he collects more evidence. There is still one more thing he needs to find out about Lizzy. He doesn't know why his instincts keep telling him that Lizzy is working according to the orders of someone who wants him and Becky apart. He doesn't want to believe it's who he is thinking, he didn't want to just guess or accuse anybody.That's why he is going to find out for himself.Once he has collected enough evidence to justify and prove that Lizzy is a Liar, he is going to make Lizzy pay for every single thing he has cost him. He is going to deal with her so much and m
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189... Heated Argument with Ann.
** A week after **Becky's pov…“Calm down Ann, I understand your point and I know you deserve to be mad but he is now a changed person. I…” Ann suddenly interrupts me, “Changed what? I can't believe this is coming from you, are you okay at all? So you have been seeing and communicating with Ephraim? Nah! I can't believe this!” Ann yelled out and I sighed frustratedly. It's been a week since I and Ephraim met at a children's recreation center and since then, I don't even know how it happened, we began talking. He got my contact back and we continued from there. There's no day that passes that he won't beg and ask for a chance to prove that he is now a changed man. Gradually, I began softening towards him as I was beginning to see his sincerity and the changes he has been talking about.I don't even know what I was thinking, maybe because I was feeling lonely and I needed someone to talk to so I won't die of depression and loneliness. Truly, I found out that Ephraim was now a chan
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190... “Do you realize the gravity of what you've done?! Start talking, how on earth did you get involved with Ephraim? Why did you do this!!!”
Author's pov…“I understand you're tired but I just want you to prepare them for me by yourself. I love the ones you made last time,” Tyler said and Lizzy sighed tiredly. Tyler just asked her to prepare pancakes for him which is so unlike him. The last time she prepared it for him, he only took a bite and didn't show interest in it at all.All of a sudden, he is craving it and just wants her to prepare it. “The maids are available, you can ask one of them to do it, I just feel kind of tired.” Lizzy muttered.“Nah! It's sweeter when you make it yourself, just go prepare it for me huh?” “Okay but you have to promise to stay back home throughout today because you're always busy going to one place or the other. We don't really spend time together,” Lizzy said and Tyler scoffed secretly. “I'm staying back home today so just go ahead and do it.” “Really? Thanks hubby, I'm going to go prepare it right away!” Lizzy said excitedly and suddenly sprang from the bed she was laying on. Imme
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