All Chapters of Trapped Heart Find Love: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
227 Chapters
[46] a
Olive couldn't sleep all night. Her discussion with Riana had left her feeling even more confused. She didn't want to bother Ayana for advice, especially when the friendly and kind-hearted woman was preparing for the birth of her baby, which was predicted to arrive in about a week. Ayana couldn't have a normal delivery due to an issue with her uterine wall, so surgery was the safest option.On the way home, despite Thomas's attempts to calm her down, which included getting scolded, Olive couldn't shake off her uneasiness. Even her appetite had disappeared entirely. No matter how hard she was pushed, Olive refused to eat the food that was served in front of her."If you're like this, you can get sick. If you get sick, how will you take responsibility?" Thomas asked.Olive sighed in frustration. "If I'm not mistaken, it was a ten-million rupiahs transaction, sir. Not a small amount."Thomas nodded. "I know." Once again, he offered her a bowl of his ordered
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[46] b
Is the issue resolved at the reversal stage? Clearly not. The posting error that Olive approved had a significant impact. There should have been a balance deposited into customer A's account, which was processed using the slip that Dela checked. It turned out that the names of customer A and customer B were very similar, with only a slight difference in their middle names, and that had confused Olive.She remembered Riana's message from last night. "If you can, ask for the CCTV recording when Dela was posting. I'm sure she did it on purpose. Only people who interact with them frequently would know that the names of these customers are almost identical, including you and me at Gajah Mada, right? We even know some of the customers by heart."Riana's words were true. "If Dela intentionally made a mistake in searching for the customer's name, it's clear that she's causing trouble for you, Liv."This request was easy since Thomas could grant her
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[47] a
"That's how it is," Nathan chuckled while cutting his steak. Occasionally, he glanced at the girl in the purple sweater paired with light blue jeans. Her blonde hair was clipped in the middle, and the front bangs made her look cute.A type of woman that caught Nathan's eye.Especially when he listened to the string of words this girl used to explain the real situation. He hadn't been paying much attention earlier, not because of the phone conversation, but his duties as a company owner consumed his focus. It was better to talk like this than make a hasty decision."I apologize for bothering you, sir," Olive smiled faintly. "But as I mentioned earlier, since this is an error, can you please check the transaction? Did it really go into your account? Once confirmed, you can transfer it to us for reposting.""It's easy for me, Liv," Nathan looked at Olive without hesitation. "Just eat first. You've also just finished work, right? The transfer is simple for me
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[47] b
Nathan had no choice but to extend his hand at the same time as Thomas did. They introduced themselves simultaneously. Their eyes assessed each other. Although Thomas still didn't understand Olive's game, hearing Nathan's earlier comments didn't sit well with him. Did this guy want to interfere with his Olive?No way!!!"Is your business finished?" Thomas asked. Initially, Thomas had wanted to accompany Olive to meet Nathan. Unfortunately, Mr. Matthew wanted to discuss Olive's mistake and some other matters. Since this afternoon, Matthew had a lot of work to do at the head office, so there hadn't been much time for discussions with Thomas.And Thomas didn't want to reveal who he was in front of the customer. It wasn't for any specific reason. He had his own considerations, especially since Olive was the one facing and explaining everything. If he got involved, Olive's responsibility would only be half completed. Plus, Olive introduced him as her fiancé. W
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[48] a
Tonight, Olive slept more soundly than the night before. Although she knew the issue wasn't completely resolved, at least what she did quickly bore fruit. When Dela asked for a day off, it was Thomas who confirmed it immediately. But Dela was quite clever at finding excuses, including showing a picture of herself in a hospital bed.Who knows how long she would be there.If only praying for bad things were allowed, Olive would have done it already.Frustration, anger, disappointment all mingled in Olive's heart, ready to burst out and bombard Dela. But she would wait for the right moment. Olive didn't want to bother Dela at a time like this. It would be futile. Dela would only make her fall further. Olive would make sure Dela felt what she had felt all day.First, she'd be busy apologizing. Second, she'd meet with a client with a somewhat unstable mind. Third, she'd convey many apologies, either to Thomas or Marta. Fourth, she'd prepare to face questions f
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[48] b
But before Olive decided on her morning meal, she spoke. "Were you surprised by Mom's job?"Thomas didn't know how to respond to a question like that."I'm sure you were surprised. Almost all of my friends who have been to my house and know Mom's habits are shocked by her line of work. But I'm not ashamed, Mister. For me, whatever Mom does, it's truly for me and our life."Thomas chose to stay silent because it seemed like the previous question would eventually answer all the questions in his mind. He also needed to know Olive's background, right? No, he wasn't looking for someone perfect to be his life partner. His own life wasn't perfect either. He had shed many tears to get to this point.He would also share his own story, about who he was before becoming Thomas Adam, the branch manager of SAVEFUND in Senayan, with Olive soon. But for now, if Thomas heard about Olive's side first, that was fine."We've been through a tough life. Yeah, it was rea
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[49] a
Dela casually strolled into Thomas' office. For her, Olive was definitely in the wrong. Anything related to Olive would be fair game for Dela to tackle. After all, here in Senayan, Olive only had Yossie, right? Ayana joined the team three months later, and there were rumors that Ayana was thinking about resigning. Well, if Ayana did resign, that would be great. It would give Dela more time to do as she pleased and blame Olive for everything. Corner Olive and make sure the girl had no friends.Then... resign on her own. Oh, if it came to that, she was sure she would be asked to replace Olive. Her goal would be achieved! She was ecstatic thinking about her wicked plan. That's why, as she climbed the stairs to Thomas' office, she grinned slyly.Marta mentioned that Olive's performance wasn't all that great either. Why did Mr. Matthew give her a chance, anyway? He was the one who directly intervened, not Thomas or Marta. Impressive, right? What did Olive really have, anywa
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[49] b
"What I'm questioning, Dela," Marta sighed softly, "is that you deliberately made a wrong transaction, tricking Olive and me as well. If a teller makes a mistake, it affects everything.""Why am I the only one being blamed? Why not Olive?""Even though it's clear you did it on purpose?" Thomas couldn't take it anymore. "You've seen the CCTV footage yourself. You swapped the transactions of these two customers. The system shows the right balance, but the customers don't match, Dela."Dela clenched the edge of her skirt roughly."This slip you corrected is evidence that you intentionally swapped their transactions. Can you explain why?"No one spoke among them."I've been studying everything about this case with Mr. Thomas since yesterday. No, I'm not taking anyone's side here. Even though you're close to me, if you do things like that, I won't defend you.""No, ma'am. I'm not like that. It was Olive who didn't carefully approve my post
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[50] a
"Seriously, you're insane!" Riana exclaimed with excessive excitement. They were having their video call routine after 9 PM. It had become their little tradition, and it turned out to be quite enjoyable for the four of them.This time, Olive dominated the conversation. "That's why you shouldn't mess with me. You know I'm fierce. If you poke me, I'll scratch you!""Ouch! I'd love to be scratched by a fierce cat like Olive," Darius joked."Shh! Quiet!" Riana quickly interrupted."Ugh! You've been yelling, and I haven't scolded you. Why did you tease Olive, and I got sprayed?""Come on, think about it. Olive is already taken. You still tease her. It won't work!"Yossie finally burst into laughter because she found Riana's honesty so funny. "I wonder what it's like if Riana and Darius are dating.""Ew!""Never!"They chorused together."If you want to shout like that, just go to a field, not here! Your voices are like
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[50] b
Kalina on the other end chuckled. "Oh... I want to see your face. Are you getting more handsome or not? Meeting Olive every day, if you're not getting more handsome, it's not good.""What's the influence, Ma?" But Thomas responded to his mother's words with laughter."Don't forget the event this week, Tom." Kalina reminded him. "You have to come with Olive. I want to show her off.""Ma," Thomas exclaimed in frustration. "I can't just invite Olive without permission.""Right after Fajr prayer, I said many prayers. I'm sure I have been given permission. That's why you should say it correctly. Or just give your phone to Olive's mother. Let me talk to her.""Okay, Ma, we'll see you soon.""Be careful if you don't come. I can't wait to show Olive off to the entire village. Anyway, now the most handsome young man in the whole district of Bogor has a future wife."Actually, his mother's enthusiasm was not at all wrong. But Thomas's relations
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