All Chapters of CEO's Genius Triplets: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
178 Chapters
One hour later, Jade appeared at the old house. Upon hearing that he came to pick them up to return to Chelsea Creek, Alexander and Noah were overjoyed and immediately clamored to go back. Although the old master was reluctant, he did not forcefully detain them, allowing Jade to take them away. The car slowly entered the Chelsea Creek garage. Before the car even came to a stop, the two couldn't wait and opened the car doors, running down eagerly. When Noah suddenly stopped upon seeing Samantha sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, he stood a few meters away from the sofa, looking timidly at Samantha. His eyes were full of longing, yet he dared not approach. Ms. Samantha had previously treated him as Alexander, which was why she had been kind to him. Now, the truth was revealed. 
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Where is My Brother?
Perhaps fearing that Samantha would leave him, Alexander stuck close to her side. If Samantha went to the kitchen, he followed to the kitchen. If Samantha went to the bathroom, he waited outside the door. In contrast to his outward emotions, Noah was relatively reserved. He simply sat on the sofa, and wherever Samantha went, his eyes followed. After Alexander's true identity was revealed, Samantha cherished every moment they spent together even more. She personally cooked a table full of delicious dishes for them. Alexander's appetite soared. He picked up his spoon and eagerly devoured the food. In the past four years, he had never felt the way he did now — that his Mommy's cooking was so delicious, surpassing all the delicacies in the world. Noah, despite being excited to eat Samantha's coo
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Call Off The Wedding
After entering the house, Justin arranged the bought food neatly on the plates. To win Charlotte's favor, he specially bought many beautiful and delicious desserts. As expected, when Charlotte saw the desserts, she forgot everything else and happily planted a kiss on Justin's face, saying, "Thank you, Godfather! I like you the most." Her lips were soft, gentle, and carried the sweet scent. Justin's heart instantly turned tender. He genuinely liked this cute and beautiful little girl who looked exactly like Samantha. Watching them getting along so well, Samantha, on the other hand, lacked enthusiasm, leaning lethargically on the sofa, her mind filled with Alexander. His smiles, his tears, his joys, and his sorrows. Thinking about it, tears uncontrollably streamed down her face. Call her selfish or shameless, but if the price for Alexander to find his biological parents was to be f
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Justin didn't evade or dodge, allowing her to vent her frustration through her punches.   His response made Karen even more distraught.   She knew Justin too well. Justin was a responsible and good man. He decided to marry her out of responsibility.   However, now that he could set aside that responsibility, it proved his determination.   If it weren't for her taking advantage of the situation the first two times, she wouldn't have had a chance to be with him.   During the four years when Samantha disappeared, he never gave up and never felt attracted to any other woman.   From start to finish, from childhood to adulthood, his eyes and heart were always on Samantha.   Seeing that scolding was useless, Karen could only hug him, crying as if her heart was being torn apart.   "Justin, I like you. I liked you at first sig
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Two Brothers
Not long after, Charlotte changed into clean clothes. She happily ran out, climbed onto the chair, and started devouring her breakfast. Samantha was afraid she might choke, so she kept reminding her to eat slowly. Justin sat beside Samantha, watching Charlotte affectionately, as if looking at his own daughter. A strange feeling welled up in his heart. He felt like they were a family of three at this moment. Happy and warm. If all of this were real, how wonderful it would be. Even if Charlotte wasn't his daughter, he wouldn't mind. He would still treat her as his own. All his thoughts were on Samantha and Charlotte, completely forgetting about Karen lying on the sofa, applying the ice pack. It wasn't until Karen felt she had applied it enough and walked over that Justin suddenly remembered her. He apologized, "Karen, I
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Daddy Doesn't Like Charlotte
Evening came. As agreed, Samantha arrived at Chelsea Creek to prepare dinner for Ethan and his three sons. Ethan came back unusually early. Just as Samantha entered the house, Ethan returned shortly after. Seeing him, Samantha said speechlessly, "Other company CEOs are busy from dawn to dusk, always working late. But you, you go late and come back early every day. Quite leisurely, huh?" Ethan, with an expressionless face, glanced at her and went upstairs with his briefcase. Samantha pouted, made a face at his back, and turned to walk into the kitchen. Because Charlotte was now attending the same kindergarten as Noah and Alexander, the driver would pick them up after school and bring Charlotte back to Chelsea Creek. Charlotte was brought into the house like a treasure by Alexander and Noah. The two
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I'll Be Your Daddy
Samantha couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment in her heart as she turned around and walked into the kitchen.   Alexander held a grudge against Ethan for bullying Charlotte, spreading his arms to block his way, staring at him with resentment.   "Daddy, Charlotte is my sister. How can you treat her like this? Stay away from her in the future. If you bully her again, I won't recognize you as my daddy."   Noah also joined in, with a stern face, saying, "Alexander is right. We absolutely won't allow anyone to hurt Charlotte, and that includes you."   Watching his two sons protect Charlotte like this, Ethan felt a pang of bitterness in his heart.   In their eyes, he, as their father, was inferior to a sister without any blood relation.   It was truly a failure.   Samantha prepared dinner but didn't sit down to eat with them. Instead,
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Design Draft
Charlotte slept through the night until the next morning. When she woke up, her eyes were so swollen that she could barely open them. Samantha applied a cold compress for a while, and the situation improved. Seeing her behaving as if nothing happened, Samantha still worried and asked, "Charlotte, are you okay?" Charlotte sat at the dining table having breakfast, knowing what she was referring to. She replied nonchalantly, "Mom, don't worry! I'm fine! I've figured it out. Blood relations don't matter. As long as they like me, and our relationship doesn't change, I'm happy. Besides, I suddenly gained a brother who loves me; I consider it a win." She had always been carefree. Seeing that she had come to terms with it, Samantha sighed with relief. While eating, Charlotte's eyes dimmed suddenly, "My brother has found his daddy, but my daddy hasn't come back. I mis
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Noah nervously asked, "Where did she take Charlotte to play?" Alexander sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression, arms crossed, and said in frustration, "I don't know! No matter where we went before, Mommy always took me and Charlotte together. Now she only takes Charlotte." The more he talked, the more aggrieved he felt. His eyes turned red, and tears welled up. Upon learning that Samantha only took Charlotte out to play, Noah also felt extremely frustrated. He sat silently on the sofa without saying a word. Ethan didn't understand why they were acting this way, thinking they wanted to go out and play. He said casually, "Don't cry. Do you want to go out and play? I'll take you." Alexander and Noah both shifted their gaze to him. Ethan continued, "Go upstairs and change your clothes. I'll take you out immediately."
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Running Away From Home
Ethan gave her a faint glance and didn't respond, then stood up and went upstairs. His reaction undoubtedly confirmed everything. Anna slammed the table in anger. “This is outrageous! How dare they bully the descendants of our Steele family?” After saying that, she paid no attention to Suzy, walked out while making a phone call. "Investigate what happened to our grandson during his time at Kindergarten A." She wanted those who bullied her grandson to know the power of the Steele family. Suzy was left alone in the dining room. The malice in her eyes couldn't be restrained and spewed out uncontrollably. That damn Alexander. Embarrassing her time and time again. One day, she would get rid of this stumbling block. ...&n
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