All Chapters of His Caged Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
VITO “As you wish, Alpha,” Camilla muttered, placing her hand on my mate’s forehead. “Come with me,” She mumbled inaudibly, not giving me a chance to say a word, she walked away. Cradling my mate safely in my arms, I went after her, taking long strides at a time. A sobbing Helena and an utterly quiet Fabrizio trailed behind us. Upon getting outside the mansion, Camilla suddenly stopped and gestured for me to place my mate on the ground. Placing her hand in that of my mate’s she gazed up at the sky and let out a loud cry. I watched as she flashed her teeth. “Selene,” she yelled, the sky rumbled. “This young wolf doesn't deserve the pain you've been giving her. Bring her back, for her mission is nowhere done,” she yelled. The earth suddenly became serene as if an invincible being had passed. “He'll exchange his life for hers,” Camilla muttered, gazing at the air. She had barely finished speaking, when I felt the wind sweep me off my feet. I didn't bother fighting it, I let it th
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FIORELLA My body was aching badly, my insides were churning. It was as if every nerve ending in my body was clashing with each other. My insides burned so badly that I grabbed the sheets, silently gnashing my teeth. The sound of a particular angry voice made me open my eyes. It belonged to one person my heart loathed the most and the last thing I wanted was to be in the same space with him. Opening my eyes, I watched him dismiss everyone in the room, rudely. Then suddenly he grabbed my hand. I felt repulsed. All I wanted at the moment was to cut off his filthy hands, but I couldn't do that. “Get your filthy hands off me,” I growled at him. At first, he looked reluctant, but soon he let go and made a statement that reminded me of who he truly is and what he did to me. “Go to hell,” I growled, eying him unpleasantly. “Wait a minute. I'm supposed to be dead,” I muttered. Shocked, I gazed down at my fingers, expecting it to be transparent like that of ghosts in the movies, but it was
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VITO Right from the moment I opened my eyes, I felt like a totally different person. I was supposed to feel regretful and try to get my mate to forgive and accept me, but no, I didn't feel an atom of regret. All I wanted was to hurt my mate even more and more. My heart and my mind were at war, my heart wanted to warm up to my mate, but then my mind seemed to be controlled by a different force. The moon goddess really played a game of torment on me. She was surely set out to punish me. A few minutes after my mate eft the room, I found my way to the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror. I knew everything about me was different. A huge dark tattoo had appeared on my chest. It was a tattoo of a male in a cage and a female staring at the figure in the cage. Without being told, I was able to decipher the meaning. My freedom was gone. I was the male figure in the cage, the cage was prison set by the moon goddess, the female was my mate, my salvation. A pang of pain suddenly hit me. My
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VITO Standing there and watching my mate as the realization of everything dawned on me, I felt my head ache so badly that I wanted nothing else than to stay somewhere, away from everyone. But that wasn't possible if I wanted to remain sane. Sighing, I grabbed hold of my mate's arms, shutting my eyes and calming my nerves. Her wounds healed instantly, and so did mine. Putting my arms under her, I raised her from the sofa in a bridal style. “You aren't taking her out to hurt her again?” Fabrizio spoke up, blocking my path. “Do I look like I would hurt my mate?” I asked. I know I sounded stupid considering how I've always treated her. Not letting him say another word, I walked away leaving them staring at me confused. Halfway to the hallway, I mind linked Fabrizio. “Vitalia should be made to work at the warehouse for one week,” Saying this, I shut the mind link. Getting into my room, I gently placed my mate on the bed. I didn't bother showering or changing my clothes, I got into t
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VITO Like an insane man, I fought like I had lost my mind, which of course I did. I had no control over myself at the moment. “Kill them, destroy them, set them ablaze,” these were the words that kept resonating in my head. Like a puppet to these voices in my head, I went all out fighting and tearing the rogues apart. I caught sight of their leader signalling them to retreat and a smirk flashed on my face. In a flash I stood in front of the black wolf, the apparent leader, my height towered over him with over three feet. “Bold of you to think you can cause a ruckus in my pack and leave alive,” I watched his dark pupils dilate in fear and it fed my monsters, the fear in his eyes made my blood race in excitement. Smiling, I grabbed his head and separated it from his neck, his blood splashed on my body. The entire place became still, I turned around and watched the remaining fools watch their leader drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes. At that moment, they all took to their h
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FIORELLA Waking up and finding my mate, no, let me rephrase that, finding that foolish male wolf next to me annoyed me so much that I picked up a glass from the nightstand and banged it on his head, waking him up. After he growled and asked me to leave the room, I walked away without looking back. I found my way back to the room Helena had shown me that day, the room where she stayed and tended to my wounds. In there, I lowered myself on the bed, sighing. Looking around the room, I realized how lonely I was. Aurora would never let me stay idle even for a second. She always made sure I was occupied with doing one thing or another. She goes beyond her limits to make sure I have a smile on my face. But here, no one cares. Even my mate who is supposed to care so much about me, acts like he had been taken over by some witches that escaped their coven. Still seated on the bed, deliberating on my life, noise broke out, I understood what was going on instantly. The pack was under attack. “T
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VITO For some reason, I was restless right from the moment Fabrizio left to go after my mate. “I asked you to keep an eye on her, why did you let her leave the mansion?” I had queried Helena. But then she gave no reasonable reply, instead, she stood with her head bowed and fidgeting, in annoyance, I dismissed her from my presence and paced around the sitting room. “Why are you even worried?” The dark voice in my head suddenly came alive. I tried ignoring it, but who was I kidding, that darkness was now a part of me. “She is your weakness, she should die,” it whispered. I held onto my head, trying to shut it up, but then it laughed at me. “We are one. Only that filthy woman brings us apart, which is more reason you should destroy her. Find her yourself and destroy her, kill her,” it urged me. My hands folded into fists and I grabbed my head in frustration. My heart was thumping and too erratic, as I worried about my mate, my mind was totally different and kept coming up with w
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VITO I was exhausted from the unexpected fight. With my mate’s hand in mine, to keep me in check, I dozed off. It wasn't even up to two hours after I slept off that I felt something hot on my hand. Hastily, I opened my eyes, my senses wide on alert to know what it was, only for it to turn out to be my mate’s hands. I rose from the bed and turned on the light, then noticed that she was sweating profusely and panting. “Fiorella,” I calmly called, tapping her gently. But then, she didn't stir, instead, she kept panting. “Fio…” the rest of my words trailed off as my hand met her head. It was so hot that I feared it would peel off my skin. I rose from the bed and found my way to the restroom. I looked around for a bowl, but then there was none. “You finally detached yourself from her,” the darkness slithered into my mind. I cursed inwardly at this. I just wanted to care for my mate without its interference. “We are one, you can never get rid of me,” it laughed at me. I forcefully tr
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FIORELLA I felt like I was floating into oblivion as if I was in the arms of someone. I tried opening my eyes, but couldn't, I couldn't reach my consciousness, so I stayed still. A long time passed and I could feel myself being placed on a soft and extremely comfortable surface. The comfort of the surface pulled me into a deep sleep. I let myself relax and enjoy the rest. I couldn't recall the last time I had a proper rest. Finding a mate was stressful, werewolves have been lying about the peace that came with finding one’s mate. All I wanted was a way to be far away from my mate. But sadly, that was impossible. The blinding rays of the sun, hit my face, making me pry my eyes open. It was already daytime. I slowly rose from the bed, wondering how long I had been asleep. Then the past events came flooding into my mind. From how I wanted to escape to the moment I passed out. My hands subconsciously reached for my chest, but there was no wound on it, I looked down at it, and there wasn'
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VITO Gazing at the figure smiling at me on the bed, I felt like something was wrong, but couldn't pinpoint what it was. “Her beauty is wrong. She looks so hot in red hair,” Blaze unexpectedly came to life. My monsters had suddenly vanished into thin air. What baffled me the most was that I wasn't standing so close to my mate. My hands hadn't touched her. “How did Blaze even come to light?” I mumbled to myself. “Why are you still standing over there?” She asked aloud, playing around with the play toys on the kink bed. I knew she detested this room, after what transpired between us here, it was a known fact that my playroom was the least favourite place of hers. But then what was she even doing in here and worst of all, she was on the same bed I had chained her in and toying with the cuffs, a crazy smile on her face. “Even though she looks so hot right now, I suggest we go away and come back later. She might cuff us like we did to her,” Blaze suggested. “Vito,” she called out to
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