All Chapters of A Deal With The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
273 Chapters
Isabella 211."He will come around," Ava said as we all resumed to our respective seats."He needs to come around faster, there is too many things at stake," Emilio said in a grave tone."Including our lives," Vito grumbled and that statement caught my attention."What is talking about?" I asked Emilio."In due time, Damien needs to be here," Emilio said.I was fed up of the way he was dictating his way into my life and I was this close to losing it."You are not in charge here, and you do not call the shots," I snapped."I did not mean to offend you, Isabella, but time is not on your side or any of ours," Emilio gently said."Go get the boy, Ava," Vito snapped."You do not get to talk to me like that you son of a bitch," It was Ava's turn to snap.The tension in the room was high and emotions were all over the place.Vito scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Drama queen," He mumbled."I am here," Damien's voice rang out from where he stood. He looked troubled, like he had just heard a bad n
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Damien 212As I entered the room, the tension hung thick in the air, palpable and suffocating. My father, Vito, sat on one side of the room, his gaze cold and unyielding as it bore into me with a sense of contempt that sent a shiver down my spine. On the other side sat Emilio, my father-in-law, his expression stern and disapproving as he regarded me with a look of disdain.Isabella and Ava were seated nearby, their faces drawn with worry and apprehension as they watched the exchange between myself and the two men who had played such significant roles in our lives."Damien," Emilio greeted stiffly, his voice laced with a hint of disdain. "It seems you've finally decided to join us."I bristled at his tone, the underlying accusation not lost on me. "I'm here, aren't I?" I retorted, my voice sharp and clipped.Emilio's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing as he leveled a stern look in my direction. "Yes, you're here," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But where were you when my da
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Isabella 213As I navigated through the maze of my new reality, each step felt heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of uncertainty and fear that now permeated every corner of my existence. Gone were the carefree days of wandering through life with abandon, replaced instead by the suffocating grip of constant vigilance and paranoia.The tight security that had been implemented in the wake of Emilio's revelation had transformed my once-familiar surroundings into a fortress of steel and stone, guarded day and night by an army of vigilant sentinels. Bodyguards shadowed my every move, their watchful eyes never straying from my form as if anticipating danger at every turn.At first, I had resisted their presence, chafing against the suffocating confines of their protection like a caged bird yearning for freedom. But as the days wore on and the threat of danger loomed ever closer, I found myself begrudgingly accepting their presence, a reluctant acknow
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It was going to take time to adjust to our new lives but we would make do. I for one did not like the fact that there were bodyguards around the whole house. Jackson was the head of my security and I trusted his judgment.He had joined me in leaving the army and we had been together ever since. I had woken up without Isabella at my side. When I eventually laid eyes on her, I realized how stressed out she was. Her appearance got me worried."You look like you did not sleep well last night," He told me as we got ready for work "I tried, Jackson, but what that man said to me on the phone kept me up all night," I replied wearily."What man are you talking about?""He called himself Monroe," I said with a yawn.Jackson's body went stiff as if cold blood ran down his spine."Jackson, you are turning white! Are you okay?" I asked in alarm."I am fine," He assured me as he tried to calm down, the colors were back on his face."From your reaction, I am guessing this Monroe guy is bad news,"
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As I sat alone in the quiet sanctuary of our home, the weight of fear and uncertainty pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of dread that clung to my every thought. The events of the past few days had left me reeling, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as I grappled with the harsh realities of our situation.The chilling phone call from Monroe still echoed in the recesses of my mind, a haunting reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond the safety of our walls. His ominous words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow of fear and uncertainty over our once peaceful existence.I feared for Damien, for the man I loved with every fiber of my being, knowing that he was the ultimate target of Monroe's twisted vendetta. The thought of losing him, of being torn apart by the cruel hand of fate, filled me with a sense of dread so profound it threatened to consume me whole.But even as I grappled with my own fears and insecurities, a deep
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Damien I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of frustration that had consumed me since the encounter with Monroe. Despite my best efforts, he remained elusive, a shadowy figure lurking just beyond the reach of my grasp, taunting me with his insidious presence.I knew that if I wanted to get any closer to him, I would have to shed the trappings of my corporate identity and embrace the instincts of a soldier once more. It was a daunting prospect, one that filled me with equal parts trepidation and determination. But as the hours dragged on, each passing moment serving as a painful reminder of my failure to protect those I held dear, I knew that I had no choice but to act.With a resolute sigh, I reached for my phone, my fingers dancing across the screen as I dialed the number of an old army buddy. His gruff voice crackled through the line, a welcome familiarity in the midst of uncertainty."Damien, what can I do for you?" he greeted, the warmth of camaraderie evident in his tone."Hey,
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IsabellaAs the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft golden glow across the room, I stirred from my slumber, the remnants of a fitful night's sleep still clinging to the edges of my consciousness. But as I reached out to greet the new day, my fingers brushing against the cool sheets beside me, I was startled by the sound of hurried footsteps echoing down the hallway.My heart quickened in my chest as I strained to listen, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling with unease. Damien rarely rose before the sun, his mornings typically reserved for the quiet solitude of his thoughts as he prepared for the day ahead. So the urgency in his footsteps sent a shiver down my spine, a foreboding sense of dread settling like a heavy stone in the pit of my stomach.And then he burst through the door, his face drawn and pale, his eyes wild with a frantic energy that sent a jolt of fear coursing through my veins. His words spilled from his lips in a breathless rush, a
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Damien As I stood amidst the wreckage of our shattered reality, the weight of my actions bore down on me like a crushing weight, the guilt and remorse churning in the pit of my stomach with a sickening intensity that threatened to consume me whole. Isabella's terrified gaze haunted me, the memory of her fear etched into my mind like a scar, a constant reminder of the damage I had wrought in my desperate bid to keep us safe.But as I reached out to comfort her, to offer her some semblance of solace amidst the chaos that threatened to engulf us, I found only emptiness, the space beside me a stark reminder of the chasm that had opened up between us. My words fell on deaf ears, my attempts at reassurance swallowed up by the suffocating silence that stretched between us like an insurmountable barrier.And then, as if on cue, Jackson burst through the door, his imposing figure cutting a stark contrast against the backdrop of destruction that surrounded us. His arrival was like a lifeline i
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Isabella"No. That is unacceptable, Isabella," Damien growled angrily at my suggestion. We were in the car Jackson's car and he was driving us to one of his safe houses. I had no interest in staying in a safe house. So I told him where I wanted Jackson to take us."It is the only sensible thing to do, Damien," I implored him.Damien clamped his mouth shut and would not look at me."Why his place of all places?" Damien asked angrily."Because it is the last place Monroe would look, and we can not check into an hotel, he would anticipate that," Jackson said as he drove. "And there is a probability that my safe house has been comprised, hence, Emilio," He added.As Jackson's car sped along the desolate streets, the tension inside the vehicle was palpable, the air thick with unspoken words and simmering resentment. I could feel Damien's gaze burning into me, his jaw clenched in silent frustration as we hurtled towards an uncertain future.My mind raced with conflicting thoughts, torn betw
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DamienAs I stepped into Emilio Montenegro's house, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me like a heavy cloak. The air was thick with tension, the atmosphere charged with the silent battle of wills between Emilio and myself.I had never been particularly fond of Emilio, and the feeling was mutual. Our relationship had always been strained, marked by a deep-seated resentment that simmered just beneath the surface. But as I glanced around the lavish surroundings of his home, I knew that I had no choice but to put aside my personal feelings for the sake of Isabella's safety.Emilio greeted me with a curt nod as I entered, his expression guarded and aloof. I returned the gesture with a tight-lipped smile, doing my best to conceal the simmering anger that churned inside me. But even as we exchanged pleasantries, I could sense the underlying tension that lingered between us, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken animosity that existed between us.As the days passed, I
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