All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
648 Chapters
Chapter 631
"Bring me a hammer!" Chad yelled, and someone immediately handed him a large hammer.Chad swung the hammer and smashed it onto the stone.Clang!Crack!The stone's surface cracked with a single hit.Clang!Crash!Chad delivered a second blow with all his strength, causing the stone's outer layer to shatter completely, revealing a golden color beneath.An irregularly shaped gold nugget, about a meter tall, appeared next to the rockery!"Holy crap! It's real!"Grace could not help but swear, unable to believe what she had witnessed.At that point, Braum whispered in Grace's ear, "Stop it! Chad is Dr. Healy's senior disciple. He's a true miracle doctor! But I didn't expect him to be so skilled with stones!"According to market value, such a large gold nugget was worth tens of millions!The impurities within the gold nugget allowed geologists to determine the location of a gold mine, which was why it was so valuable.However, Chad's performance made Grace even more hesitant t
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Chapter 632
A large amount of black mist erupted from Grace's orifices, instantly engulfing her entire body. Fortunately, Weldon had brought the specially designed heat blowers. As soon as the transformation started, the machines were pointed at Grace.The heat blowers cleaned the entire Great Stone Hall of black mist, beginning with the first-floor hall. Chad even took the initiative to perform a cleaning ritual on Grace personally. It entailed channeling his internal energy, obtained through the fire folk's breathing technique, into Grace's meridians to clear the black mist from her body.Chad came up with that method on the spur of the moment and was unsure whether it would work, but it did. Grace expelled a large amount of black mist from her body, followed by a significant amount of black Evergrow from her fingertips.During that time, additional special agents arrived. Hundreds of custom heat blowers roared as they meticulously cleaned the inside and outside of Great Stone Hall. Grace's t
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Chapter 633
"Grace, you're awake!" Braum's voice came through, holding Grace and looking at her with concern. Grace opened her eyes, her face full of confusion. "Braum? When did you get here? What happened to me?"Chad was taken aback. He approached Grace and said, "You were sick.""Sick?" Grace looked puzzled. "How do you know, and who are you?"Braum replied, "He's the miracle doctor I invited to treat you!""Miracle doctor? Him? He can't be much older than my brother." Grace looked at Chad with disdain, clearly having forgotten everything that had happened before."What do you mean? You were just gambling with him on the stones, and—" Braum began to explain, but Chad interrupted him."Braum!"Chad then turned to Grace. "It's nothing. Ms. Lind, you have too many treasures, especially the gold nugget by the entrance, which is truly astounding."Grace frowned and started cursing, "What nonsense is he talking about? What gold nugget—"She did not finish her sentence when she saw the larg
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Chapter 634
"Chancellor Snyder? Is there a chancellor living in Jeems County? Or is he a fraud?" Braum's first reaction was to doubt the visitor's identity, but the luxurious car outside did not seem fake.Chad was also puzzled. If there was a chancellor in Bloomington, why did he not know about it?Grace sneered, "Are scammers nowadays so brazen? There's no chancellor in Jeems County.""Excuse me, is Mr. Chad Jennings here?"The middle-aged man stood tall and straight, clearly with a military background. The bulge around his waist left no doubt—it was a gun."That's me. What was the name of the person you mentioned? Chancellor Snyder?"To Chad's surprise, the middle-aged man responded earnestly, "You don't need to ask about that. Please come with me."Chad instinctively activated his Clairvoyant Eye, only to see the man enveloped in a golden-purple aura. Few people possessed such an aura, indicating righteousness and fortune.Through the color of the aura, Chad knew he could trust that pe
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Chapter 635
"Your grandfather left this for you. He gave it to me 30 years ago," Chancellor Snyder said with a smile.Chad picked up the box, puzzled. "Thirty years ago? But I wasn't even born then."Chancellor Snyder chuckled. "But he had already chosen your name 30 years ago."Chad was astonished and looked down at the golden silkwood box, stunned to see a clear inscription. [For my grandson, Chad.]Curious, Chad opened the box and was astonished. Inside was a completely black stone with ancient runes engraved on it.Chad had seen something similar before during his visualization—it was one of the many runes carved on the massive stones under Yggdrasil.Chancellor Snyder's next words shocked Chad even more. "This era is coming to an end, and a new one is about to begin!"Imperious Weasel had spoken similar words. Chad had not understood his meaning then, but he had his own suspicions.However, Chancellor Snyder did not stop with his startling statements. "You killed Marshawn, didn't you?
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Chapter 636
"Argh! What is this thing?" Nancy regained consciousness and screamed when she noticed the tongue-like thing wriggling desperately on the ground.Chad raised his hand, releasing several needles that pinned the tongue-like thing to the ground.While recovering, Chancellor Snyder said solemnly, "This must be the work of a warlock!"Chad nodded and said, "Yes."The distinction between a warlock and a poison witch doctor was that a warlock practiced a specific type of sorcery called black magic that originated in Southeast Asia.Black magic was a hybrid of witchcraft and curses designed to retaliate against specific people.Smack!"Damn it!" Chancellor Snyder slapped the table, frustrated. His entire body erupted in golden light, and behind his head appeared a crown-like halo that resembled the sun.That happened in a flash, but it reminded Chad of who the chancellor really was—Micah Snyder.Chad had learned that name from Grayson. Micah was once one of the ten most powerful warri
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Chapter 637
Chad did not expect such an arrangement and found it difficult to accept. He already had engagement deals with Ivy from the Hawthorne family and Youlee from Karamon. Those engagements were primarily agreements between family elders, similar to arranged marriages, but the other parties genuinely desired to marry Chad.Youlee was also willing, but with one condition—Chad must marry into her family. On the other hand, Ivy was more accommodating, agreeing to marry even though they would not live together."Micah, but right now—" Chad was about to refuse, but Micah interrupted him."A new era is on its way, but it will not be easy. This is not an alarmist statement. It was what the Great Preceptor of Hacniane said back then."Jude Warner!The name came to Chad's mind. Jude Warner was Meran's master, which made him Chad's grandmaster. Jude, along with a great leader, established the Departure of Nine Dragons formation, ensuring Hacniane's prosperity for a century.If Micah's prediction
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Chapter 638
Chad's face darkened as he abruptly stood to leave. Micah noticed his unusual behavior."What's wrong?""My friend seems to be in trouble."Micah's expression shifted to one of anger. "Jeems County needs to be cleaned up!"Micah immediately summoned someone, inquired about Chad's friend's name, and dispatched them to investigate. He then reassured Chad. "My men are on it. Your friend will be fine."Despite Micah's reassurance, Chad could not stop worrying. He tried calling Braum again, but his phone was turned off. Chad had a bad feeling about that. Fortunately, Micah's people were efficient, and news arrived within ten minutes.Micah's face darkened after he took a call. "Who did this? Listen carefully—detain them. We're heading over right now!"Micah's expression after hanging up was grim. "I'm sorry. Your friend is injured and currently in surgery."Chad jumped up. Micah gave his men a look, and they immediately understood. A regular Mercedes S drove up. Chad got in, and the
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Chapter 639
"Tyler, I haven't settled the score with you from last time! And now you've broken my brother's arm? I must teach you a lesson today!"Tyler, a former soldier and part of Micah's crew, was unafraid of those people."You won't be arrogant for much longer. After tonight, you'll all be prisoners!"That caused an uproar of laughter—so loud it made people dazed!Grace covered her ears, trembling, afraid to look at those people.A few months ago, Grace was targeted by Naveed, who harassed her frequently.Naveed knew her whereabouts immediately, even when she went to buy supplies elsewhere.Grace then realized that Naveed was monitoring her every move to get her.Unable to leave Jeems County on her own, she pretended to be ill and asked Braum to get her.Grace had not expected Braum to arrive alone, only with a driver and a subordinate.After Chad was taken away by someone from Micah's men, Grace told Braum the truth.She begged Braum to take her away from Jeems County as quickly a
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Chapter 640
"Hey, this is the operating room! You can't go in! Hey—" The doctor at the door was pushed against the wall as Chad barged in.Although Chad held back a little, his genuine anger caused the doctor to nearly pass out from the impact.Chad was taken aback by what he saw inside the operating room.Braum, a man in his 50s, had been beaten so severely that his face was unrecognizable.If Chad were unfamiliar with him, he would hardly recognize that the man before him was Braum. Braum's limbs were all broken, and one hand was so shattered that the bones were visible."Bastards! They deserve to die!"Chad's powerful aura terrified the doctors, leaving them unable to move.Chad ignored them and immediately started setting Braum's bones. After finishing, he drew a rebirth elixir and administered it to Braum."Braum, you must survive! If you make it, I'll teach you how to cultivate!"Chad and Braum had developed an unlikely friendship. They met one year after Chad's sister was kidnapp
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