All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
648 Chapters
Chapter 61
'Not interested in money? He's such a braggart!'Stanley could not think of anyone who would not be interested in money.He could not think of anything that could move someone uninterested in money.Chad had inserted needles into the top of Sandra's head and the back of her neck."I can keep her alive with these three needles. But I guess I am also the only one who can cure the disease's root cause."Audrina and her aunt, Sandra, were close. She pleaded with him. "Chad, please save my aunt. I can give you anything you want!"Stanley begged him. "Dr. Jennings, please help us. If you can cure my wife, you may ask for anything you want!"Chad said, "My principle is, if I can, I'll do it. If I can't, I'll leave!"Chad sounded cold-hearted. Stanley was exasperated.However, Chad could heal his wife, so he held back.'What can I offer Chad to persuade him?'"I have an idea!"Suddenly, Sandra spoke up. She was still frail but much better than before.She struggled as she spoke. "
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Chapter 62
Chad responded casually to Tiffany's skepticism."This is a therapeutic meal."Therapeutic meals that taste good may not cure diseases. Similarly, therapeutic meals that cure diseases may taste horrible."Tiffany brought the bowl of medicine soup to her mother despite her hesitance.Chad stayed in the kitchen to return everything to the medicine box. Soon, Marilyn arrived."Aunt Sandra looks like a changed person after drinking your medicinal soup. How did you do that?"Are you a professor in Pharmacology?"How did you do it?"According to the basics of Pharmacology, you must have used some kind of stimulant drug, right?"Marilyn responded based on her best judgment.Chad shook his head and opened the second layer of his medicine box. "This is the medicine I used."Marilyn was utterly confused after looking at the medicine in the box."These are wheat bran, cornsilk, and sorghum kernels. These tree branches are…"These are the ingredients that can strengthen and nourish th
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Chapter 63
Stanley was startled by what Chad said. He burst out in anger."What are you talking about? How is my son a matricide?"Tiffany rushed toward Chad and said, "Don't simply accuse my brother. Why would he—"She looked at her mother, Sandra. Tiffany was baffled.She finally understood. Sandra's illness was strange, and she had been unwell for two consecutive months.'Is this Nathan's fault? He wants to kill Mom?'Stanley also came to a realization.However, he did not understand why Nathan would want to kill his mother.Sandra said, "Dr. Jennings, please save my son. If he dies, I don't want to live either."Chad frowned at her. "But he wanted to kill you. Why would you want to save him?""A mother's love is beyond comprehension! He's my son. I must save him. Even if it means for me to die!"Sandra burst into tears as she spoke. She looked right into Chad's eyes.Chad laughed. "So you knew about it all this while.""Yes! I knew he wanted to kill me!"Sandra screamed at the t
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Chapter 64
Chad removed the blackened needles and flipped Nathan over.Nathan's face turned blue. Like a corpse, his eyes and mouth were wide open.Chad frowned. "There's not much time left. Do as I say, and we might stand a chance."Immediately, Sandra shouted, "Where's the knife? Tiffany, get me a knife! I want to save your brother!"Tiffany was fuming. She held her mother and yelled at Chad, "Wait. This doesn't sound right! What is this bullshit? Are you a witch doctor? How is this a way to save a person?"Sandra would sacrifice everything to save her son.She fought her way free of Tiffany's grasp and ran to Nathan. She put her hand inside his mouth.Chad was shocked to see Sandra sacrificing her life to save her son.Sandra began to experience pain shortly after. Something burrowed into her palm. The pain was excruciating.Chad did not simply watch. He extracted new needles and inserted them into Sandra's wrist."Argh!"Sandra shouted in pain. Sweat dripped down her brow.Everyon
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Chapter 65
"How can this be? This can't be real. I refuse to believe it!"Tiffany could not believe it. Her parents had been married for over 20 years. They were a loving couple.She found the reality to be revolting. Her father was revealed to be a depraved beast.She was also exposed to be the result of his father's perverted act. Tiffany was devastated."I knew Nathan planted the intestinal parasite in me. He has told me he'd kill me!" Sandra said miserably, her eyes soulless.Stanley's eyes were red as he stared blankly at Nathan."I want to kill all of you. All of you!"After over two decades, Stanley assumed the incident had been forgotten.Sandra had also been a good wife and mother over the years. That gave Stanley the impression that the past had passed him by.He never imagined Sandra would exact such vengeance on him.Nathan turned out to be his uncle's son—Michael Long's son.Michael had risen to the position of senior minister in Kennington. He was the Long family's main b
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Chapter 66
"Ivy, let's go!"Ivy heard Chad. She nudged Audrina, who was still in shock, and ran forward.Marilyn comforted Tiffany. "Hey, take it easy. I'll see you later!"Then, she jogged slowly to catch up with Chad. "Dr. Jennings, wait up!"Chad stopped next to his car. He walked up when he saw Marilyn calling out to him."May I speak with you?"Marilyn was still curious about the whereabouts of the Great Doctor. She had become obsessed with the mysterious realm of medicine."Sure. Let's talk in the car!"Chad nodded and smiled at Marilyn, inviting her into the car.Marilyn jumped right into the subject in the car. "Dr. Jennings, do you know where the Great Doctor is now?"Chad did not answer her. He asked her in return, "Can you tell me about the scar on the back of your palm?"He inquired because his sister also had a scar on the back of her palm."This scar? I don't remember anything about it. I was diagnosed with intermittent amnesia when I was young. I was only cured when I t
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Chapter 67
Marilyn threw up right after taking a bite. Chad was taken aback. Marilyn quickly apologized."I'm sorry! I don't know why, but this smell makes me sick." She burped.Marilyn continued to vomit. Chad took some needles and poked her thenar webspace.Marilyn's vomiting stopped.After Marilyn collected herself, she thought aloud, "This is strange. Why am I so sensitive to that smell?"Chad wondered about that, too. If Marilyn were Snow, she would have missed that smell terribly.Chad kept his thoughts to himself. "Wait here. I'll make something else for you."He returned to the kitchen and made a new dish. Marilyn enjoyed the meal and complimented Chad's cooking.Chad asked, "Haven't you eaten scrambled eggs with pasta before?""Nope. I went abroad when I was 13. That was about nine years ago!"Since then, I've never had that dish."Marilyn's response disappointed Chad.Suddenly, Marilyn's phone rang. She sounded surprised after speaking a word or two over the phone."Matilda
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Chapter 68
"The Longs have sent people to arrest you, and they'll be here soon. Hurry up and hide!"Chad was shocked, but he remained composed. He carelessly took a puff from his cigarette."Bring it on! I did not kill him!"However, Ivy panicked. "The Longs don't think so. They—"As she spoke, Justin led a dozen men into the shop and surrounded Chad."You useless piece of shit. I'm surprised you're still alive after deceiving the Harts and the Hawthornes."But you ran out of luck this time. Tie him up!"Immediately, one of the men reached for a rope, intending to bind Chad. However, as soon as that person approached Chad, he collapsed to the ground.No one noticed what Chad had done. Everyone was shocked!"Chad, you'd better do as I say. Otherwise, I'll shoot you!"Justin was brutal. He pointed a gun at Chad's head.He wished he could kill Chad. He found out that Ernest had recovered from his illness when he met Bill that morning.It meant that Justin had hired the European medical t
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Chapter 69
"He's the loser whom Matilda divorced?""Yes. According to Justin, he deceived the Harts and the Hawthornes, hindering Bellenuite Group's financing.""That's ridiculous! After messing with the two families, he still has the cheek to trick our family. What gave him the arrogance?""What should we do to this man? Why don't we fake a car accident and kill him?"The elders of the Long family, who were in their 80s, talked among themselves about Chad's death. They made no attempt to discover the truth.As for Chad, he had not taken his eyes off Stanley's body since he arrived.Stanley was not dead. The simplest way to prove his innocence was to make Stanley awaken.Chad was not worried about the Long family framing him as they desired.Chad sneered and whispered to Justin, "You are dead this time!"Chad chuckled. He could not be bothered with that asshole.Justin was exasperated. He quietly delivered a hard kick behind Chad's knee.He expected Chad to fall to the ground and kneel
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Chapter 70
Stanley sat up and began vomiting big, sticky clumps of black and brown. Its stench was revolting.Chad dusted the vomit with powder. Legions of black-colored bugs swarmed out of the pile soon after.Those bugs made a buzzing sound.The Long family's elders were knowledgeable. One of them immediately exclaimed."Those are intestinal parasites. Don't panic, everyone. Stanley was poisoned with an intestinal parasite. He was not dead!"Frederick Long was the elder who identified the intestinal parasites. He was a minister in the South when he was younger. He had heard of witchcraft practices involving intestinal parasites.Frederick realized Chad was not as useless as Justin claimed.He took a fearful step forward and bowed to Chad."Thank you, Dr. Jennings. Where are you from, Dr. Jennings?"Chad remained silent. He turned to Tiffany, who was lying on the ground, struggling with the pain in her leg.She screamed in horror."Grandpa Frederick, don't let him trick you! He's a co
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