All Chapters of His Distant Human Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
100 Chapters
Aurora sat in the car with Eli in the back seat. "What is going on momma?" Eli asked Aurora nervously. Aurora was unsure how to explain to her five-year-old son that another werewolf needed to talk to Arden, who was also a werewolf. "Arden needed to talk to someone that he knows really quickly," Aurora said. She could think of nothing else to say. Aurora glanced in the side mirror at her mother's vehicle. She could not see Faith as the car was directly behind Arden's. She hoped that Faith was seated safely inside and that no one tried to mess with her mother. It felt like forever before Arden's form finally came descending the main stairs and he made his way back to the car. Arden did not look at anyone else as he walked briskly to the car and pulled the handle. Once inside Arden started the car and Faith quickly followed suit and started hers as well. Faith made sure to stick close to Arden and follow him out onto the gravel driveway that would connect them back to the main road th
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Aurora watched the tension creep into the room along with the woman with jet black hair that hung around her shoulders and piecing grey eyes. This must be Lila, Aurora thought. The woman's energy seeped from her. Aurora was unsure how Arden's father felt it. Eli moved closer to Aurora upon the woman's entrance into the room. Aurora instinctively put an arm around her son. The movement caught Lila's eye. Her gaze swung to Aurora and her family as they sat on the couch. Lila's back straightened even more before turning back to Arden. "Why would you think that you have any claim over this pack?" Lila asked Arden. "I left in order to find my mate," Arden answered. "I did not reject the Northern Pack." The animosity that Arden felt towards this woman was hard to keep at bay. But he knew that he was not going to get anywhere with his father by arguing with her. He needed to keep the peace in a sense until he could talk to his father alone. Mason nodded his head. "You and I will talk
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The morning sun shone through the curtains in Arden's room. He blinked a couple of times as he tried to recall where he was. The small body next to him moved as Eli began to wake as well. Arden quickly recalled their trip back to the Northern Pack and his father and stepmother's icy reception. Arden pulled his arm out from under Eli. At some point in the night the child nestled himself close to Arden. Aurora was turned towards the two of them and Arden saw that she was still sleeping. Arden looked down and Eli's small face was turned up towards Arden. Eli smiled when Arden's eyes connected with his. "Good morning, Eli," Arden chuckled as he moved to the side of the bed. Eli moved with him and mimicked his motions. Arden and Eli both sat on the edge of the bed. Arden’s feet touched the ground, whereas Eli's swung as he was not quite tall enough to reach the ground like Arden. "Can you show me around our new home?" Eli whispered to Arden. He was curious about the very large house.
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Arden was not surprised at his father's brassiness. He expected no less since his departure years before. Arden debated on how best to broach the subject but finally decided that the closest to the truth would be better. "I went in search of my mate, father," Arden answered as he sat in the chair across from Mason. Mason rolled his eyes at his son, "That might be part of the reason but not the whole of it. Why don't you tell me?" Mason had been upset when he had found out that Arden had left the pack abruptly. Mason knew that Arden had been upset about Mason remarrying, but he had not realized how upset it had made Arden. Arden squared his shoulders and regarded his father. He knew that Mason was not up for the Lila discussion yet and decided to stick to the edge of the truth once more. "It was difficult to wath you with another woman besides my mother, yes," Arden said. Mason slowly nodded as he understood. "I am sorry for that son, but I do not believe that your mother would h
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"What the hell!?" Thor roared in Arden's mind. They were both upset over the conversation that Arden had just had with his father. There had never been stipulations put on an Alpha such as these for some time. Arden knew that Lila was behind it. His father would not think twice about putting Arden and Aurora in charge before that woman came along. "I need to run," Thor said. Arden agreed. They needed to do something to release the anger before confronting anyone else. Arden stalked towards the woods behind the pack house and deposited his clothes on a nearby rock. Thor wasted no time pushing forward. In a matter of seconds, the pair were running through the forest. The wind whipping at Thor's fur. His paws pounded the earth beneath their feet as he made his way to the center of the forest. Thor finally slowed we he got to the center of the clearing. He drew air into his lungs. The familiar scent of the woods around him helped to calm him slightly. Arden craved Aurora's scent. It
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"You are looking for what kind of spell?" Veronica asked Lila. Veronica was starting to become very irritated with Lila's visits. It seemed that Lila believed herself more knowledgeable than she was. Lila's incompetence was beginning to ride on Veronica's nerves. "A spell to make one infertile," Lila knew that Veronica would not help her if she told her the true reason for the spell. "And why, pray tell, would you need a spell like that?" Veronica was no innocent when it came to casting spells, however, she never went out of her way to harm those who had not done her wrong. To those that had done something, let us just say that Veronica did not quite know when to draw the line. "I cannot wrap my head around the idea of having a child. I want to make sure that I do not have children with the current Alpha," Lila said. Veronica had a feeling that it was not the whole truth. "You are a Luna now. Is it not your role to secure his line?" Veronica tried to keep the mocking from her
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Arden and Aurora sat in their room for some time going over the pack and pack rules. The first test would be to see how Aurora would handle situations that would be brought to her as a Luna. Arden ran through a few situations and Aurora answered honestly how she would deal with the situation at hand. Faith had offered to take Eli for a walk around the grounds close to the pack house. Arden had linked Rich and asked him to stay close to Aurora's son and mother. Arden did not trust Lila. He was not about to put anything past the woman. "One topic of discussion that does cause some controversy is Omega's. Some pack treat them poorly because they are the lowest rank amongst the packs. How would you handle an Omega wolf being mistreated within your pack?" Arden asked Aurora. Aurora tapped her chin for a moment in concentration. "Well, first I would want to know the whole story for both points of view. It would be unfair to punish either side without the whole story. If it was found t
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Lila sat at her acrylic desk looking down at the paper in her hand. It held the scenarios that she would ask Aurora. Lila had no doubt that Arden had tried to prep Aurora as much as possible the day before. Lila chuckled. She had a couple up her sleeve that would no doubt through the want to be Luna off. There was a stern knock at the door. Lila beckoned for them to enter. Aurora and Arden stood in the doorway. Lila knew that Mason and Roger were not far behind as they had asked to sit in as well. “Please,” Lila smiled and extended her hand towards the two chairs that sat opposite if her desk. Aurora kept her gaze on Lila. She did not plan to back down to this woman. Aurora had been in intense customer meetings in her life to know that the first one who looked away lost. Aurora sat down in the chair and heard two sets of heavy feet falls from down the hall. “Hello, my love,” Mason walked into the office and walked around the back to plant a kiss on Lila’s cheek. Lila finally broke
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"You did very well," Arden said as he and Aurora came to the top of the staircase above the foyer. Arden drew Aurora to him. He held her for a moment before placing a light kiss on her forehead. "We are not out of the wood yet," Aurora said quietly. If there was anything that she was aware of, it was the fact that werewolves had very good hearing. Aurora pulled Arden further down the hallway to the room that they were currently sharing with Eli. Aurora knocked on the door and Faith opened it from the inside. “Are you finally done, momma?” Eli asked as he got off the large bed and rushed over to the doorway as well. “We are. For now, at least,” Aurora said the last bit under her breath. “Can we go see if we can help in the garden now?” Eli turned and asked Arden. Arden smiled down at the boy and nodded his head. “We have a little time before lunch. Why not?” Arden held the door open enough so that Eli could leave the room between Arden and Aurora. Eli jumped out of the door a
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Aurora said nothing as Arden pulled her along into the trees. After a few more minutes he finally stopped in a smile clearing. The sun poked through the top of the trees and brightened the grass under their feet. “Aurora, what are you thinking?” Arden finally asked. Aurora seemed deep in thought and Arden hoped that he could help. “Tomorrow, I must defend myself. I am going to assume that she is going to pick the hardest warrior that you guys have,” Aurora said. Arden nodded his head slowly. “Yes, I believe so. However, none of the warriors are going to hurt their future Luna. They will not agree with this either. The idea that you need to pass tests is absurd.” “Nonetheless, I need to practice before tomorrow. It has been some time since I have taken a class, but after Eli was born, I made sure that I knew how to protect myself. I got pretty good at it I believe,” Aurora said. Arden was surprised to hear that she could fight. He was curious how honed her skill was. “Would you li
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