All Chapters of His Distant Human Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Eli seemed unphased by the doctor visit. He was relieved the moment that Doctor Collins had said no shots. When Aurora and Arden returned to the pack house with Eli, Eli had asked to go play out back with some of the other children. Melody had offered to keep an eye on the boy as she was going to be in the kitchen preparing dinner. Arden pulled Aurora up the stairs so quickly that Aurora thought they might have just teleported. She giggled as Arden picked her up and walked her through the doorway. He kicked the door closed with his booted foot. "Mrs. Taylor, you have been cleared for all activity," Arden said huskily. His head lowered to Aurora's while he still held her firmly in his arms. Aurora returned the kiss and then some. Her hands had found their way into his hair as she pulled him closer to her. If that was even possible. Arden moaned low in his throat. It resembled a growl. He slowly lowered Aurora to the floor. As he did so, his hands wandered her body. Stopped at the bo
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Eli only spared his mother a glance before waving goodbye and running into the small elementary school. Aurora laughed. She was happy that Eli was so excited to go to his new school. There were already a few kids that Eli had played with that were also in his class. “He is very independent,” one of the teachers commented. Aurora nodded in agreement. Aurora thanked the teacher and turned around and walked back to where Arden stood on the sidewalk. “He did not even look back at me,” Aurora playfully acted wounded. Arden wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. “He is a boy,” Arden said as if that was answer enough. Aurora laughed once more before getting into the passenger seat of Arden’s car. Arden had offered to drop her off at Ava’s home. Arden turned the corner and Aurora noticed that the houses all looked like the one that her mother now lived in. Arden answered her question before she could ask. “All of these homes were built at the same time. My father had to expand
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"What did she say to you exactly?" Arden asked after they returned to the pack house. Arden had found clothes and Aurora had changed into something more comfortable. Aurora told Arden again the conversation that Aurora had with the witch in the forest. "This woman is talking in cryptic phrases," Arden said out of annoyance. "Same as when I saw her," he added. Aurora stopped her pacing and looked at Arden. "When did you see her?" Aurora asked. "You idiot," Thor said inside his mind. Arden had not told Aurora about seeing the witch when they first arrived back in the pack. "I had to go for a run to let off steam after my father had told me about the tests. The witch was in the clearing. She gave cryptic answers then as well. Never quite an answer but very vague. It it always around Lila," Arden said. He hoped Aurora would not be angry at him for not telling her. "Next time if something like that happens, please tell me," Aurora said, frustrated that this witch kept making an app
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Two days later, Aurora and Arden sat at a large round wooden table. Alpha Evander and his Beta Arlo sat on one side, while Aurora, Arden and Rich sat on the other. Rich said that he had not been the most welcomed when he had arrived at the territory line to the Crescent Moon Pack. However, after Evander heard Arden’s name. He allowed Rich in and to explain why it was, he was there in the first place. Now as they all sat across from one another, Evander wondered what they could possibly want. "Well Alpha Arden. You called this meeting. What is it that you are after?" Alpha Evander asked. "When my mate and I were last here, you asked questions about the spell that was on my father. You also said that you made it a point to keep tabs on the neighboring covens,” Arden said as he watched Evander’s reaction. Alpha Evander sat in his chair and regarded the other Alpha. He was not about to say how close he was with one witch in particular. Alpha Arden seemed to have a vendetta against
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“Momma, your home,” Eli ran to his mother as she pushed his bedroom door open. Eli’s arms wrapped around her waist as he held her tightly. Aurora kissed the top of his head and looked up at her mother. Aurora was surprised to also find Doctor Collins sitting cross legged on the floor in front of Eli’s racetrack. “Hello everyone,” Aurora smiled at her mother, whose cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Thank you for watching E for e,” Aurora said. Eli took a step back and began to ramble all the things off that they had done after school that day. Aurora listened and nodded. She was glad to see that Eli and the doctor were getting along. If she knew anything about the mate bond, he was as good as family now. Eli continued to talk as Faith and Doctor Collins stood up from the floor. “We are going to head out now that you are home,” Faith said to her daughter. Aurora nodded and leaned in to give her mother a hug. Doctor Collins extended his hand and Aurora shook it. “Goodnight you t
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"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Veronica asked as she lounged across Alpha Evander's settee. Usually, she was the one who reached out. Although it was out of character she was not opposed to a redo to their last encounter. "Alpha Arden and his Luna stopped by for a visit and chat the other day," Alpha Evander did not want to waste time around words. The quicker she could get information from her, the quicker he could get her underneath him. He had some make-up to do. Veronica stilled and stared at Evander. "What did they want?" she asked. "So, you know them?" Alpha Evander asked. He walked over to the mini bar that sat on the opposite side of the room. "I know of them, yes," Veronica said slowly. Why on Earth would those two come here? "How do you know them?" Veronica asked her own question this time. "I had the pleasure of meeting them while they were traveling back to their own pack," Alpha Evander said. His back was to Veronica. She thought for a moment. They would have no id
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A few weeks passed since Arden and Aurora had met with Alpha Evander. He had contacted Arden and let him know that he was still looking into things on his end but so far he was not able to come up with anything. Arden and Thor both had a feeling that he was not being as forthcoming, but see as they had no proof, Arden did not push the Alpha further. Arden and Rich along with Roger were working to find out anything more about the curse. Arden decided to write to the wolf council and see if they would be willing to share any information with him. Arden just had to be careful not to point suspicion his way. He had no plans to resurrect the pack but just to find out anything that might help Eli. He would reassure the council if needed. Aurora worked to get better acquainted with the pack and its members. She was working closely with the elementary school as well as the hospital to see where improvements could be made. Aurora had decided that she would pause her career for now. She was
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Aurora helped Eli with his dinner plate. Tonight, Melody and the kitchen prepared a stew along with homemade rolls. Eli had wanted a large bowl and separate plate for his rolls. Aurora chuckled as he walked to the table, but always kept an eye on his full bowl that looked as though the stew was going to slosh over the rim at moment. "Are you sure you are going to be able to eat all of it?" Aurora asked when they finally reached the table. Rich and Roger chuckled as well when they saw how much the boy had. Eli nodded his head enthusiastically as he pulled out his chair and sat down to his feast. "He is a growing boy. Of course he can finish it," Arden said as he walked up behind Aurora and kissed her on the cheek. He winked at Eli and sat down on the other side of the child. "Sir, there is someone at the front gate. He is claiming to be from the wolf council," Arden received the mind link from one of the warriors that was posted at the territory front gate. He stilled at the menti
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Aurora stood frozen in the middle of the office. She did not want to move. She did not want the world to move. Being frozen meant that the worst was not to come. Eli gripped her hand. She blinked and looked down at her son. His eyes were round and innocently looking up at her. Aurora could feel the moisture gathering in the back of her eyes. She blinked quickly and looked up at Arden. She did not want her son to see her cry. She did not want him to worry. He was still too young to understand what it was that was in store for him. Aurora squared her shoulders and looked at Charles. "Eli will not have the same fate as the man who fathered him," with that Aurora walked out of the office with Eli still gripping her hand. Charles looked back at Arden. His shoulders physically slumped. It was not easy to tell a mother that her son would soon be overtaken by a blind rage when he received his wolf. Arden was quiet. He had watched his mate leave. She was angry. He could feel it through thei
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Aurora knocked lightly on Arden's office door. She knew that he and Charles were still inside. Charles opened the door and let the Luna back in. As Charles closed the door, he addressed Aurora, "I am sorry if I upset you earlier," he said as the door clicked shut. "There is no need to apologize. I am sorry that I reacted as I did. This whole situation of finding out about Cameron and what he had passed onto Eli is upsetting," Aurora said. Charles nodded in understanding and gave Aurora a small smile. "Understandable, Luna," he said. Arden and Charles picked their conversation back up and filled Aurora in on the information that was given. "They are really that close?" she asked surprised. Charles nodded in confirmation. "Witches are usually not the most forth coming lot," Charles said. He only had a handful of run-ins with witches most of which were not on the pleasant side. "Well, we cannot just walk up to their territory I assume," Aurora said. She was quickly learning that in
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