All Chapters of ENSNARED BY MY PROFESSOR'S FORBIDDE TOUCH.: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
121 Chapters
CHAPTER 91: Secret Revealed.
“Too late for what?” Erica asked, her heart beating.But there was no response. She turned around slowly to see if the stranger was still behind her, but the stranger had left without a trace.She picked up her phone immediately to dial Detective Jake’s number to report it when Lisa returned from the rest room and saw Erica shaking with fear.Lisa's eyes widened in alarm as she rushed over to Erica's side. "Erica, what's wrong?" she asked, a worried crease forming on her brow.Erica's hands trembled as she held the phone to her ear, her breathing shallow and erratic."I—I don't know. I just—the stranger...the stalker...he was here," she stammered, her voice trembling.Lisa's eyes widened even further, her face a mask of fear and confusion.“The stalker? What are you talking about?Who is stalking you, Erica?”Erica still trembling in fear didn’t reply as she kept on dialing detective Jake’s line. Her hands fumbling over the digits.Lisa’s fear turned to confusion and concern.“Erica,
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CHAPTER 92: The Complicated Relationship.
“I can’t explain much, Lisa. It’s complicated.” Erica said, her hands still trembling."Complicated? What's so complicated?" Lisa asked, starting to lose her patience."You've been keeping this secret for who knows how long, and now you're saying it's complicated? I don't believe that. You have to tell me everything, and you have to tell me now."Erica, feeling anxious, took a deep breath, realizing there was no turning back."I can't tell you everything. I promised Sebastian I wouldn't tell anyone. And I can't break that promise, not even for you."“Oh, really? You won’t tell me about the fact that you have been having secret affair with your professor and you never thought you should tell me?” Lisa tone angry. She stood up and paced back and forth.“You have someone stalking you and you think you should keep your affair a secret?”Erica's hands trembled as she struggled to find the right words to defuse Lisa's anger. "I know how it looks, Lisa, but I can't tell you everything. Seb
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CHAPTER 93: Detective Jake's Theory.
Erica was silent as she thought about what Lisa just told her. She knew Lisa meant well, but a part of her didn’t like the question she asked.Just then her phone buzzed and she realized that a message had entered her phone.She checked the message and realized that it was from Sebastian.“Hey, Erica. I heard from Detective Jake that the stalker tried to harm you. Are you alright? I’m so worried.”She couldn’t help but smile as those words were warm and relaxing.“Hi Sebastian,” Erica typed out, “I’m alright for now, thanks for checking in.”She thought carefully about what to say next, not wanting to cause alarm or appear weak. “It’s really unnerving, but I’m doing my best to stay safe. And Detective Jake informed me that he would soon be here so, I need to go out and see him soon.Will let you know what we’ve discussed later. In the meantime don’t worry about me and stay safe too.”Erica pressed send, a sense of relief washing over her at the knowledge that Sebastian was looking ou
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CHAPTER 94: Mark's Involvement.
Erica returned back to her dorm room and realized that Lisa wasn’t in the room.“Where could she have gone?” She asked herself as she dropped her coat and sat down on her bed.She was tired and exhausted from all the whole issues going on in her life. Ever since she had started dating Sebastian, things haven’t really been that smooth. Challenges here and challenges there. It was beginning to tell on her.******The next day, while she was in class with Lisa and James, Mark walked up to where she was sitting and gisting with her friends.Erica looked up at Mark, her face a mixture of disgust and anger. “What do you want, Mark?”Mark cleared his throat and then spoke. “We need to talk, Erica.”She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No, Mark. There’s nothing left for us to talk about. As you can see, I’m preparing for my next class.”Mark’s face turned red with anger and embarrassment. “We need to talk.” his tone commanding."You don't get to order me around anymore, Mark," Erica retor
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CHAPTER 95: A Date with Sebastian.
They packed in the back of the restaurant and went in through the rear door. The Bistro Garden had been Sebastian’s favorite spot ever since he came to California.The front door of the Bistro Garden swung open, allowing Sebastian and Erica to enter.Erica stepped into the Bistro Garden, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. The sound of cutlery clinking against plates and the murmur of conversation filled the air.Sebastian, walking beside her, pulled out a chair for Erica to sit. She smirked, her eyes scanning the room for potential threats."Busy tonight, isn't it?" she observed, her voice low and laced with danger."It would be a shame if something...unfortunate were to happen."Sebastian chuckled, his eyes flashing with amusement.She leaned back in her chair, her gaze still sweeping the room. “It’s good to be out of my dorm for a change. I’ve been so busy with school work I haven’t had a chance to enjoy a nice delicious meal in a while.”Sebastian let out a low chuckle, hi
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CHAPTER 96: The Past that Keeps Us Apart.
“I had a great time today, Sebastian.” Erica said, as she smiled holding his hands as they stood a block not far to the school dorm.“I wish we could spend more times like this, but it would be advisable for us to lay low a bit until detective Jake finds out who has been stalking us.” Sebastian responded, as he kissed her hand gently.“I also don’t want to let you go, but let’s just be patient and wait a little while.”Erica nodded and smiled as she snuggled up to Sebastian, enjoying being close to him.‘You’re right.” she said softly. “It’s best to be careful. And when we’re finally together, It’ll be even more special because we’ve waited.”Sebastian smiled at Erica. “You’re absolutely right.”Erica enjoyed being with Sebastian, feeling safe and loved, even though there was danger around them.“Do you think we’ll ever find out who’s stalking us?” she asked, breaking the comfortable silence.“Or why they’re doing it?”Sebastian sighed, pulling Erica closer to him. "I'm not sure. But
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CHAPTER 97: A Safe Place.
“What does it say, Seb?” Luke asked over the phone. But Sebastian was silent for a moment.“Hello? Sebastian are you there?”“The stalker came into my house while I was not home.”Luke's heart skipped a beat as Sebastian's words washed over him like a wave of icy dread."What? Are you okay? What happened?" Luke asked, the worry evident in his voice.Sebastian exhaled, his breath shaky and uneven. "He left a note. On my table. It said “YOU ARE MINE SEBASTIAN AND NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU. DON’T YOU EVER FORGET THAT.”~AdmirerLuke jaw dropped. “Wait a minute, Seb. Did the note say Admirer?” he asked to be sure he heard right.“Yeah…why did you ask?” Sebastian asked his friend over the phone as he stared at the note.“What if Seb? What if we are dealing with the same person many years ago? What if the real culprit that stalked you years ago isn’t dead?” Luke asked, his voice filled with concern.“That’s impossible, Luke!” Sebastian disagreed. “Detective Jake told me they found a body and
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CHAPTER 98: So Closed Up.
Chapter 98: So Closed Up.“Good morning students.” Sebastian greeted as he walked into the lecture hall. He dropped his books on his lecture table and faced the whole students who were looking at him with a serious expression.He wasn’t feeling so good since he had a situation last night at his residence, but he didn’t want to make it obvious that something was up with him so, he took a deep breath and then spoke.“So in today’s class, we will be discussing more about the American history. I don’t know if anyone as a question from our previous class before I move forward to today’s class? We will be discussing the revolutionary war and its lasting impact on our country’s foundation.”Sebastian paused, giving the students a moment to absorb the information."So any questions?"The students shifted in their seats, some exchanging glances. One hand tentatively rose from the back of the room."Professor Sebastian, you mentioned that the Revolutionary War shaped the foundation of America.
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CHAPTER 99: The Past Just Keeps Coming Back.
Sebastian couldn’t concentrate as he worked in his office. He was busy preparing for his next lecture the following day, but his mind was somewhere else.“How the hell did the stalker get a key into his apartment? Because there was no break in?” he asked himself as his hands were on his computer keyboard.Sebastian ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated by the enigma of the stalker’s behavior.“How does one gain access to an apartment without a break-in?” he wondered aloud.“They either have a copy of the key, or they’ve managed to tamper with the lock.”His mind raced through the possibilities, each one more unnerving than the last. Could the stalker have been someone close to him, someone who’d managed to obtain a key without arousing suspicion?*Ring ring ring*Sebastian jumped as his phone rang, its shrill sound breaking the silence of his office. For a moment, he was sure it was the stalker, but when he glanced at the caller ID, he saw it was detective Jake.He answered the
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CHAPTER 100: Strange Footsteps in the Hallway.
Erica gasped, her eyes widening in shock. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard and the weight of Sebastian’s revelation hit her hard. Her hand flew to her mouth in horror, and she stared at him with sympathy and concern.“Oh my god, Sebastian.” she breathed. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” she paused, trying to process the information.Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. “But…what if it’s not Danielle? What if it’s someone else who knew about her, and is using her memory to mess with you?”Sebastian’s face paled at the possibility, his features twisting into a mask of fear and confusion. The weight of the situation too much to bear, and he felt helpless and lost.“I…I don’t know.” he stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper. “I can’t think of anyone who would do that. But at this point, I’m willing to consider any possibility.”Erica nodded, her mind still racing as she tried to connect the dots. “Okay. Let’s think about this logically. Who else knew
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