All Chapters of ENSNARED BY MY PROFESSOR'S FORBIDDE TOUCH.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
121 Chapters
CHAPTER 31: The Cruise.
Since it was the holidays, they went on a family cruise to relax since her family owns their cruise. She needed this to take her mind away from her annoying Professor who rejected her after raising her hopes.She didn’t like her father’s woman, Monica, but she was happy that her father was happy.After freshening up and changing into a blue bikini, I went to the deck where my father and Monica were. They were preparing for a barbecue lunch. There were maids to help out with that, but she guessed her father wanted to cook alongside his new woman.“Hey, Dad.” she greeted her dad with the brightest smile.Hey there, sweetheart!” her dad said, giving her a big hug. “How are you feeling?”“Hmmm…much better. I love this view!” Erica said, gesturing to the beautiful blue ocean in front of them. The ship was sailing through the Mediterranean Sea, and the sun was shining brightly. It was the perfect day for a cruise.“It is amazing, isn’t it?” her father said, his eyes twinkling as he took in
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CHAPTER 32: Love or Lust?
CHAPTER 32: Love or Lust?One Month Later,Erica groaned loudly in her pillow as the sun ray hit her eyes out of the blue mercilessly.“Wakey…wakey…” A voice cooed. She let out a series of incoherent sound. Wanting the annoying voice to shut up.“Come on, Princess Erica, you don’t want to miss your flight back to school.”Erica rolled on the bed to face away from such brutality so early in the morning. Covering her head with her blanket.The blanket was yanked away from her and she whine. “Leave me alone.” she bemoaned covering her head with her pillow.“Princess Erica, you have to wake up or you would miss your flight back to school.”The voice, which she now recognized as her father’s, continued to badger her.“Come on, Erica. You don't want to miss your flight and have to stay in this stuffy old mansion with me, do you?”Erica rolled her eyes. She knew her father was trying to play her, and she wasn't going to fall for it. “Go away, dad. I’m not getting up. I want to sleep.”“Eric
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CHAPTER 33: Forbidden Connection.
Sitting in his chair in his office, Sebastian leaned back. He couldn’t concentrate on the files on his table. His mind was wandering somewhere else.Closing his eyes, he tapped his pen at his temple and tried to avoid thinking about the way Erica had responded to the kiss.The way she had surrendered for him to kiss her not once but twice. The feel of her nipples hard against his chest and those delicious lips of hers made him go crazy.“What’s happening to me?”Sebastian hadn’t planned to kiss her during the college trip, but he couldn’t explain why he did what he did. Seeing her smile, and then those lips, just set his heart on fire.She just makes him lose control of himself whenever they are alone. It was like he was under a spell. Under a spell, he couldn’t resist.Only God knows how it has been so hard to see her walk into his class dressed so sexy without touching her.He had told her that the kiss was a mistake, but it was all a lie. He kissed her because he was getting more a
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CHAPTER 34: Dancing with Unknown Desire.
The dance floor glowed with different lights as people jumped and had fun. But Erica wasn't, as she sat down close to the bar table with Lisa and James.The smell of alcohol, sex, and drugs was everywhere in the club, but Erica wasn’t interested in the fun. Lisa and James had forced her to loosen up after Lisa found out about what Professor Sebastian did to her.While she was sitting there, she noticed a guy and a lady making out. She wondered why they were doing that in a public place.Don’t they have any shame? But well, the club is where people get to lose their morals and inhibitions. Erica thought to herself as she swirled the drink in her cup and watched the couple getting down to each other in a filthy way. She observed as the guy cupped the lady’s a**, and it seemed she loved it.Maybe they are strangers, she thought to herself, but she couldn’t be sure of her assumption.“See what those people are doing,” James said as he grinned and pointed at the couple. “It’s hot, right?”
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CHAPTER 35: Tangled Desires in the Night.
Erica didn’t know what she was thinking, but she felt she needed to move on from her stupid feelings for her professor.She followed him as he led her through the mass of people to a quiet place upstairs where there wasn’t a lot of noise or people.“Are you okay?” he asked her as he gestured for her to sit down where she could see the view of the city.“Isn’t it a nice view?”She nodded as she looked out at the black night sky. “It’s beautiful.”He sat beside her, and she realized how close they were when her hand brushed his.She pretended to be busy as she stared at the night sky. Her heart raced as she glanced at him.But she quickly turned away when he turned and noticed she was staring at him.“You can look at me, you know; I don’t bite,” his voice deep.Erica didn’t say anything as she wondered what she was doing here with him. She had agreed to loosen up a bit and stop thinking about her feelings for Sebastian, but she couldn't, and being with this guy here, she felt really unc
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CHAPTER 36: Uncharted Kiss.
Erica’s heart sank as she realized it was her phone. She reluctantly pulled away from Adam and reached into her pocket to answer the call. It was Lisa.“Hey, where are you?” Lisa asked, her voice sounding concerned. “I’m waiting for you downstairs; we have to go. We have class tomorrow.”“I…I’m sorry.”She said she was trying to regain her composure. “I got caught up with something. I will be down in a bit.”“Okay…I’m waiting…” Lisa said that and then ended the call.Erica took a deep breath and looked at Adam.“I’m sorry, but I have to go,” she said, trying to sound apologetic.“I kind of have a place to be tomorrow, and I need to be there.”“Oh, it’s okay,” he said, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes.“Can I get your number then?”Erica hesitated; it wasn’t really a good idea. Yes, they had kissed, and to her, the kiss wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a mistake, and she hated herself for it.“Um…I’m sorry, I can’t. But I had a really great time tonight,” she said as s
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CHAPTER 37: Unsettled Hearts.
Friday. So far, so good. Erica didn’t think she would be able to move past the whole event of last semester, but this semester was different.These past few days after resumption, she had been so busy with assignments and getting settled into her new classes that she had barely had time to think about anything else. And it was a good feeling to be so absorbed in her work. It gave her a sense of purpose and satisfaction.And even though her mind would occasionally wander to the memory of Sebastian, she was able to push it away. She had a new resolve to focus on her studies and put the past behind her. And so far, it has been working.But then, on Friday afternoon, she went over to Professor Sebastian’s office to submit her assignment.She walked to his office, took a deep breath, and then knocked. She didn’t hear anything for a long time. She was about to knock again when she heard him.“Come in.”Erica walked into his office and stood in front of him. He looked stunning in his white s
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CHAPTER 38: Hidden Feelings.
Sebastian got out of his car after parking it. He was tired and frustrated with everything going on lately. Sarah had been consistently calling and visiting him, and Richard had also been sending him threatening messages to stay the hell away from his woman.A lot was going on in his mind, and now there is this student who won’t even let him sleep peacefully. She had walked into his life only a few months ago, and now, for some reason, he couldn’t get her out of his mind.He had told her coldly that he had no feelings for her, but why can’t he get her out of his mind?After Sarah, his ex-wife, cheated on him with his best friend, he told himself that he would henceforth be in control of his feelings. He had been in control of his feelings until he met Erica, and now she’s all he thinks about.He hated the feelings because they could affect a lot of things, especially his career as a lecturer. So he hated the feeling that was assailing him, making him lose control for the first time.A
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CHAPTER 39: Intoxicated Desires.
“What an asshole!”Erica screamed over the thundering, thumping bass music in the club. Lisa had taken her out again to blow off some steam.“I can’t believe he would say such a thing to me. He said what happened in the elevator should stay between us. So that I won’t read meaning in his actions. Can you imagine him?”“Wow, what a jerk!Lisa exclaimed. “It’s one thing to kiss someone and then not want to pursue anything further, but it’s another thing entirely to try to gaslight you into thinking that nothing ever happened! That’s just manipulative and not okay.”“I know, right?”Erica said, still feeling angry and hurt.“I can’t believe he would say that to me. I feel so betrayed and confused. Sometimes the look in his eyes tells me that maybe there’s something there, but when he said that, I felt so stupid for thinking that.”“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Lisa said, trying to comfort her friend.“You can’t help how you feel. It’s not your fault that he’s acting this way. You deser
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CHAPTER 40: The Dare.
Sebastian arched his brow as he heard the familiar voice.“Erica?”“Hmmm,” she slurred. He could hear that she was drunk. Really drunk.“Are you drunk, Erica?” He frowned in displeasure. He could hear the sound of music in the background.“Yes, I am!” he heard her chuckle.“Why would you be drinking at this hour when you should be at home studying?” he inhaled as he leaned back.“Why do you care, Professor Sebastian?” she slurred.“I’m an adult. I can do whatever I want!”He sighed deeply. “I know you are, Eric, but I think you should be responsible about it.Drinking too much can have serious consequences. You know that, right?” He frowned, feeling concerned about her.“Awwww, you care about me. That’s so sweet.” She giggled, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation.“Of course I care about you, Erica. You’re one of my best students. But I think you should stop that and return home immediately.”“And if I don’t, what are you going to do?”“Then I’ll have no choice but
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