Semua Bab Mr Maynard's Divorced Wife Is A Celebrity: Bab 91 - Bab 100
156 Bab
91 : Exposed
THAT MORNINGThe first thing Olivia did that morning was to drive straight to Maynard's house. Rushing out of the car, she raced inside to tell him the new information she got as that is the only evidence to exposing Vernes.At least now, She's sure Maynard would believe her, no doubt and for the information she got, Vernes needs to be arrested."Maynard... " She called aloud, rushing up to his room but she found nobody in and the entire house was empty.Going down the stairs she met Henry and inquired about his boss."He left in a rush last night Ma'am and hasn't returned home since then"" What do you mean he left home since last night? Where did he go too? Did he say a word? " She asked worriedly." Not a word ma'am, I asked to go with him but he declined my request. Seems like it was something really important"Confusion etched on Olivia's face. Where would Maynard rush off to at that time of the night? Why isn't he back yet?She pulled out her phone and placed a call through to h
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92 : Exposed
Vernes felt betrayed and maybe it was all a setup. However, her plan would have worked if Maynard had not knocked down the cup of coffee which was injected. The constant knocking on the front door by Olivia and the police made her heart skip and worse, Maynard held her hand. Is he really going to hand her over to the police?No, she can't go to jail, not when her plan did not work and she still had other means.Meanwhile, Maynard held her firmly. Regardless, he's not willing to let her go! She deserves to be arrested for almost injecting him with Katamine which is a dangerous substance.Vernes knew she had to escape, one way or the other. She can't get beaten in her own game. First, Olivia's suspicions made her hasten yo the plans, now she spilled out her secrets out of anger of loosing the coffee and now Olivia is downstairs with some policemen, about to get her arrested."Never!!" She snarled angrily and kicked Maynard at the place where the sun doesn't shine.Maynard groaned, lett
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93 : Plan B
Vernes slumped down on the bed, closing her eyes as her heart kept beating rest fast. That was really a close call, the police would have caught her red handed and imprisoned her for her crime.Not now! She'd never let herself get arrested, not until she succeeds in getting Olivia out, even if she can't get Maynard, Olivia doesn't have to be the happy one.She stood up and began to pace to and fro, thinking of what next to do. She managed to lodge at a motel, because lodging at an hotel, the police would easily trace her, that's if they're out there searching for her.She really can't go out freely anymore!!She has no choice but to get on with her plan B as soon as possible, without wasting anymore time. FEW DAYS LATERThings have been going pretty for both Maynard and Olivia and they both have moved on from Vernes, not completely tho but Olivia is still very vigilant about her surrounding.Stepping into the industry, Olivia got welcomed by her colleague. It's been quite a while
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94 : Raped
He kept thrusting in and out of her. Olivia couldn't help the tears the flowed down her cheeks. This wasn't like the movies where the male lead will show up and save the female lead from getting raped.. It's happening to her live.Why? Why is all of this happening. It's all her fault for believing a fake text message and rushing over without thinking things through!What would Vernes gain by doing this? What breaks he'd heart more is the fact that she's as helpless as a dog without it's legs. She can't run away, more like she's subjected to anything they want. Where's Maynard, why isn't he coming to save her like most hero in stories do? Oh, right?? This is reality and he must be home right now, probably sleeping.. Be wouldn't dare think she'd be in this situation!Feeling satisfied.. Vernes Stood up from the sofa and clicked her tongue."I almost felt bad for you Olivia! Too bad you're such a mess right now? Look at you... The all righteous Olivia Dalton whom everybody loves is righ
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95 : You don't trust me!
Olivia snapped her eyes open with a loud gasp, realizing that she's back to her room, she sighed in relief and closed she eyes, breaking into tears as the traumatic events of last night flashed through her mind.She couldn't take it.. It was all too sad and heartbroken. To think that Vernes lured her into getting raped.. What exactly did Vernes gain by doing this? just to have Maynard to herself, she'd go this extra miles?If only Maynard had picked up when she called? If only she thought about everything well to know that it was all just a trick. None of this would have happened.. She would not have gotten raped.Suddenly, the door pushed open and Maynard stepped in but stood by the door. They lock gaze and Olivia could only stare back at him and feel like disappearing into thin air. She lowered her head after a while, not being able to look at him anymore. She feels so embarrassed, more like she's the most filthy human being on earth. What could be going through his mind right now?
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96 : Let's do this
"Hello, kitten" Sage grinned from ear to ear staring at her.Olivia pulled herself out of the trance she was in, realizing that it's actually Sage in person. she didn't think she'd ever see him again, after he left the country without a word.However, she was clearly disappointed that it wasn't Maynard as expected. But she was happy to see her friend back.She threw herself at him in a tight embrace and he didn't fail to hug her back."Is this really you Sage? I've really missed you" She whispered."I missed you more Kitten" He said back.She pulled away from the hug, held his hand and pulled him inside. Letting him have a seat, she rushes to the kitchen and returned with a glass of juice then she sat beside him."Tell me, how have you been? You left without informing me, do you think it was that funny to do so?" She inquired, nudging his arms slightly."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you by leaving without a trace"She sighed "No, sage.. I should be sorry. I knew your feelings for
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97 : Shot
The press conference started in full swing, with the reporters lined up and cameras rolling.Olivia stood in front of the camera facing numerous reporters and journalist. She felt really nervous, facing those reporters and right now, she wished for the ground to open and swallow her up or perhaps, she could vanish into thin air.Somehow,she felt it was really a bad idea agreeing to the press conference, now she's too scared to begin. She has no idea what to say. Will these reporters believe whatever she says?Mr Harper noticed her quietness and he quickly rushed to her and whispered into her ears, reminding her that the reporters were waiting and she shouldn't keep them waiting further.Olivia looked at Sage and he gave her a curt nod and a thumbs up, urging her to go ahead and speak up.She closed her eyes, sucking in a lot of breath. This is a live stream and everyone is currently watching her. If she keeps fidgeting without saying anything then they'd believe the video completely.
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98 : Critical Condition
CHAPTER 98 :- Critical condition.Olivia was shocked beyond words as Maynard fell on her and she tried her best to keep him up but he was too heavy. They both fell on the floor as her lips hung open.Seeing the state he was in, her eyes watered as she realized he took the bullet for her. The hall was thrown into chaos as the reporters were beginning to scurry out for their dear lives while some were still filming and recording the events."someone call an ambulance now!!!!"she screamed at the top of her lungs as she sobbed, holding Maynard close to her.Sage rushed to Olivia who was already crying so hard.. He stopped on his track when he sighted a man through the window. the man was coming down from the roof of a building opposite to the press conference hall in a hurry. He immediately alerted the security guards and they chased the assassin.The ambulance arrived. Maynard was placed in a stretcher and wheeled into the van.Olivia accompanied them as they performed emergency first
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99 : More complicated Situation
CHAPTER 99 :- More complicated situation.Sage drove straight to the hospital, he jumped out of his car and entered the hospital. He was too busy getting the assassin and finding out who the killer is that he completely forgot Olivia would be alone.She must be really devastated right now.His eyes searched before they finally landed on a woman whose head was lowered and her knees curled up."Olivia?" He called out and she lifts her head up to look at him. Walking towards her in long strides he found her face coated in dry tears and her eyes red from crying so long.Without saying a word, he pulled her into a comforting hug and she burst into tears once again."it could have been me Sage, it could have been me lying on that bed in a the brink of death but he took the bullet for me " Olivia said sobbing silently."it's okay. shhhh shhhh. everything is going to be fine I promise, just calm down. am sure Maynard will be fine..."As soon as he said that, the door to the ICU opened and the
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100 : He is comatose
CHAPTER 100 :- He is comatoseOlivia snapped her eyes open but quickly shut them back as strong Ray's of light flashed through them.She slowly opens her eyes when she heard footsteps approaching."How are you feeling?" Sage asked, grabbing a seat beside her and holding her hands."Maynard... I have to go to him! Gosh, how long have I been asleep? Maynard needs me" Rather than replying to Sage's question, her thoughts were clouded around Maynard as she have to get up."Please lye down Olivia, you must still be so weak. The doctor said you collapsed due to shock and also being stressed out""please, tell me how Maynard is? He was in a really bad condition a while back. Please let me go to him.. he needs me, I have to be there for him, I have to know what's going on" She began to sob." I donated my blood to him, so now he's in a stable condition"Olivia stopped sobbing and looked at Sage.. "You what?""Found out my blood is compatible with that of Maynard and I just couldn't sit back
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