All Chapters of The Alpha's Triangle: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
202 Chapters
Heard A Voice
JAMES After helping the Alpha Isaiah of the Black Moon Pack, I waited until I got news about Victoria before rejoining Zack. She was broken up badly, but at least she was alive. I felt out of place, so I waited to help get my aunt settled before leaving with George to return to Zack’s pack. It was strange seeing Alaia again after so long. I didn’t get to see much of her, which was good for me, but what I did see will forever be cemented in my mind. Spidery black veins sprouted over her face, which told me whatever happened in that forest wasn’t good. I knew I didn’t want to be around that when she woke up. Who knows what state of mind she was going to be in. Seeing me might bring up things neither one of us wanted. I didn’t want to think about it, so I busied myself with Zack and helped him get his pack under control. It took hours to finally get control of the pack members, assess all the damage, tame the fires, and get rid of the rogues’ bodies. I took a break to ensure my m
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Second Chance Mate
JAMES I sat up, trying to control my breathing. Who was she? Why did she smell like Maria? I got up and went outside. It was early morning, and the crisp air was perfect for a run. A run that I really needed after yesterday. I have been wired since last night. I went to the woods and took some deep breaths. I love the cold air. It was refreshing. I weaved through the trees, following the routes I used to take when I was a kid. It was a scenic route where I could see most wildlife during their morning routines. Though around this time of the year, I usually see snow bunnies, deer, and hares skirting around the snow. I turned to head back when suddenly a gust of wind blew my way. It danced across the snow-covered ground, creating little snowy whirlwinds passing around the trees. I watched as it swirled in a specific direction. There was something familiar about it. Did it want me to follow? I wondered as I stood still contemplating. I decided against it and turned to go back to
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ZIRAI was so cold it hurt, and I could do nothing. Just lie here, floating in nothingness. Again. I thought this was another dream but returned to the dark when I closed my eyes, just like before. The only difference this time around was Nina. She lay right by my side, so I wasn’t alone. At least if I was dead, I was with her. I knew she tried her best and only wished I could be as strong as her. I could feel myself shaking. My body lay flat on the floor. So, I couldn’t wrap my arms around my legs to warm myself up. The cold never left me. It only seemed to get worse. Until I felt the warmth of someone’s touch spread throughout my body. Was someone holding me? Was I alive? “Did you feel that?” I asked, opening my eyes and finding Nina nowhere to be seen. “Nina? Nina, where are you?” Panic started to creep into my mind again. My breathing became ragged, and I felt like I was going under. Though I wasn’t sure if I could go further than this. I was still stuck on the floor as if some
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Bed Was Wet
NINA...but his scent was normal. Zira sighed. "Then we're mistaken. Besides, they were just dreams, right?" "No. Something's not right here, Zira." I didn't want to believe her. True, I would instantly know if he was my mate by his scent, but something had to be off. This couldn't have been the man who found me by the river. Even his touch did nothing for me. "Can I have my neck back now?" I realized I still had him hostage and quickly let him go, especially since we had an audience in the doorway. Heat began to rise to my cheeks from embarrassment, mostly from Zira. "I'm sorry," I grumbled. I didn't like being made a fool and felt foolish. "I thought you were someone else." "I get that a lot," the man smiled as he straightened his clothes. I noticed he was blushing as well. "Are you okay?" I could only nod my head. Something about him made me speechless, but I couldn't figure it out. If he wasn't my mate, we had to be connected somehow. He was staring at me, and I was caugh
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A Second Thought
JAMES The moment she pulled me in to pick up my scent, I could instantly feel the sparks running through my body. It has been a while since I felt them. I’ve forgotten what it felt like. So much so that I didn’t want her to let go. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and bring her closer. I wanted to bathe in her scent-juniper berries and fir. No, not fir, but cedarwood instead. Still, it was amazing. Even Deacon shared thoughts of marking her right then and there. “Her wolf would love it,” Deacon kept saying. He’s been running those thoughts in my head since we found her at that riverside. I almost did when she flat-lined minutes after I brought her in. It took Alpha Fiona and some fairy magic to calm me down. But it didn’t stop me from pacing in front of her door until I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to be near her, see her, and touch her. I ran in, begging Miss Emma to do whatever it took to save my mate. Then, a bright light filled the room, and her pulse returned. There was
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ZIRA The man from before was back and holding my hand. I was more like gripping it, but he didn’t seem to mind. He was handsome, from the sparkle in his green eyes to the gentle expression on his face as he spoke to me. I wasn’t even sure what he was saying. I noticed his hand grabbing a necklace and wondered if he was the praying type. I needed all the prayers I could get. I have yet to have much luck with necklaces, and how he held this one must’ve meant it was important. Another contraction took me away from my thoughts. “They’re coming a bit faster than usual,” I said through gritted teeth. “Isn’t it too early to be this far?” “There’s nothing normal about a werewolf pregnancy. Everything comes faster,” Miss Emma told me. Great! The baby is coming, and I’m nowhere near being strong enough. “But I’m... I’m not strong enough. Can’t we hold him back or give me more time?” “Now, now, sweetie. Looks like this little one is ready to come out, whether you like it or not. Thi
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ISAIAH I woke up stretching my arm to the other side of the bed. As usual, it was cold. Something I had been getting used to since that fateful night two months ago. That day, I lost more than I bargained for. I got up and went through my morning routine. I took a quick shower and picked out some training clothes. I dressed and took a moment to look at myself in my full-length mirror. I looked like shit. My five o’clock shadow was turning into an actual beard, and my eyes were a bit sullen due to the lack of sleep. I looked at my clock and realized it was only five am. So, I had a good four hours of sleep. That should be enough to get me through the day or at least through training. I went outside to take in the cold air. It was just the kind of weather I needed for a quick run. There was something therapeutic about running. Feeling the ground underneath your feet. I look forward to these runs, especially with Devon being MIA (missing in action). Ever since Alaia left the ro
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Missing You
ISAIAHSo now we are back here where my best friend, more like a brother, was afraid of saying ‘baby’ in front of me. Afraid of celebrating the life he helped create. I couldn’t allow this. My pack, my people, should be able to come to me about anything. As Alpha, I needed to rise above my trials and tribulations to better serve them. “Hunter, I am excited for you, man. Really, I am. We should celebrate what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t.” Hunter smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He really did look like he had just risen from the dead. “So, is the baby news why you look like this?” Hunter laughed a bit while rubbing the back of his neck. “Not exactly. With everything going on, Ashlee worries that something might happen to her. So, I’ve been busy making her feel safe while trying to fulfill my duties as Beta and-” “Say no more, Hunter.” I quickly mind-linked Jace and Chris. “If you need this time to be with her, take it. I still have Jace and Chris. They
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ZACKIt’s been a few months since the attack on my pack. With the help of Alpha Isaiah and Alpha Gregg of the Whispering Winds Pack, I was able to get control of the damage. We still had a long way to go to return to where we were before, but the people were optimistic. I wish I could say the same for myself. Mirja, my mate, was still in a coma. Harry, James’ warlock friend, finally figured out what was wrong with her. She was trapped inside her mind. So, everything she saw felt natural to her. The only way to break it was to go inside to convince her it wasn’t real. I volunteered myself, but Harry refused. He felt he would be more experienced if something happened. So here I was, pacing back and forth at her door. Harry insisted I stay out of the way so he could concentrate. I said-well Alexi told him he was out of his witchy mind if he thought he was leaving his mate alone with another man. I tried to explain to Alexi that Harry was batting for a different team, but still, he w
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Kill Her
ZACK This bond was completely taking over my senses, making me pull her close to inhale her wild berry and honey scent. I was happy that she was returning the favor. I slowly but reluctantly helped her back to bed. “You should probably take it easy.” She shook her head. “We have to find her. She has completely lost it and is tapping into the magic beyond her control.” “That was the plan. I just needed the proof. You,” I said, pointing to her. “Now I can bring Alaia back to the Elder Witches and-” “No,” Mirja said firmly. “You tried that before, and look at what’s happening. If she has found a way to access the power in my family’s grimoire, this is beyond the council. She has to be stopped.” “What do you suggest?” I asked, knowing the answer. I knew eventually, it might come down to eliminating the problem, but it was still hard to come to terms with it. Alaia was still my little sister. At that moment, Harry entered the room with a glass of water and gave it to Mirja.
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