All Chapters of Love Lost, Love Found: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
65 Chapters
Chapter 41
IrisI stirred from the bed to see him watching me with a smile on his face.“Thank you”. I muttered while I looked at his perfect, strong face. I reached up and allowed my finger to caress his face.“You look more angelic when you sleep,” his early morning voice played in my head, leaving a trace of goosebumps in my skin.I smiled and slipped out of bed, only to find out that it was already late in the morning. I gasped in awe as I turned to face him.“You didn’t wake me! I half-yelled while he smirked at me.“I wanted you to sleep more; I couldn’t bear to disturb an angel,” he smiled so purely, and I grabbed the pillow that was on the bed to hit him playfully in the face, then sprinting to the door.I toyed with my phone while trying to decide whether or not to call Brian based on the research. I finally dialed his number; this was going to be his last. I promised myself.“Hello Brian! I called over the phone, and as the call connected, I could hear Harmonae's voice in the back, the
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Chapter 42
Iris And for weeks, I lived in complete fear; I jerked at any noise. I stayed in my room until Ian came back to find me. I ate downstairs in the dining room only when Ian was back.  I didn’t know when my life had become this; this wasn’t the life I had planned for myself after Isak! I cry myself to sleep most days!  “I’m fine, Tracy. I promise you, I hope you’re good too...Thank you for calling.”I waited till the line disconnected. Ian and my friends had become my only solace this past week.  And on impulse, I decided to leave my room today without waiting for Ian since I had watched him leave for work this morning. I was still scared to step outside, so I indulged myself in walking around the mansion.  I went to study, jus
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Chapter 43
Iris I woke up to a ring on my finger, and with a smile on my face, I came close to admiring it. Despite being married before with different rings on this finger, I felt as if this was my first.  Ian had left for work before I could even wake up, and I was left alone with just my thoughts.  And as I got up from the bed to get ready for the day, I found out that my things had been moved to Ian’s. For the second time, I was going to get married to the man of my dreams.  One who wouldn’t treat me like the first or second, I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled, then spinned around in the room excitedly.  “You’re engaged! How did it happen?! Tracy's excited voice rang through the speaker. I laughed and shared the details.  “You mean
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Chapter 44
IanAre you okay? I asked when we finally walked into the house by midnight. I could see how stressed and tired she was, and it broke my heart.She turned without saying a word and wrapped her arms around me. My precious! Precious, Iris! She was so special to me.“I’m just so tired, Ian! So tired!” She whispered tiredly in my arms. And I held her close but was careful because of how delicate she was.“I’m sorry that you had to witness that! I kissed her forehead and saw her muzzle close just the way she always does whenever she is comfortable.“It’s fine; she’s just an old woman! What did you expect?Her innocency was what amazed him at times—the way she acts and speaks. Even when it wasn’t her fault.“You’re precious to me, Iris. So precious! I watched her place a kiss on my lips, then smiled. “Thank you, Ian, for this wonderful night." And what she doesn’t know is that she could have this night all her life if that was going to make her happy.“Let me go and freshen up,” she announ
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Chapter 45
Iris“What did you mean she’s dead? Tracy asked as she munched her food in shock.“The poor girl killed herself... like jumped into the river,” Brian shared in detail.“That’s so sad. I wonder what her parents would think. Tracy sympathizes. It was unlike Tracy to feel bad for her, but I just kept quiet and watched her.“You’re feeling bad for her? Brian asked as he widened his gaze in suspicion. “That’s very unlike you?!“What did you mean?! I’m not that heartless! She defended herself, still munching loudly on her food.It just occurred to me now that she was just doing all this to suppress her emotions since I was in the room.“Oh! I need to get something from the kitchen! Brian excused himself as he stood up and disengaged himself from our circle.We were seated on the floor in the middle of Brian's sitting room.Being around them was the only thing that has kept me sane for the past week. It has been almost a month since the incident, and Ian isn’t back.And it was also the first
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Chapter 46
Isak I stood by the door and watched her pick at her food. For weeks, she had been this way——sitting and allowinglife to life to pass by her.  Like she was seeing anyone else in the world but her in it,it, but that wasn’t what bothers me. What bothers me isis the reason she was here——back at his house.   When she doesn’t have any reason to return,return, and after that night...... I shrieked back, just atat the thought!  Just by the thought of that man!! Nobody has ever succeeded inin makingmaking me that scared before!  “Why are you standing there like that? Do you care to eatt? Isakt? Isak” Iris' voice distracted me from my thoughts as I looked to find her watching him.  “I don’t care for
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Chapter 47
Iris I sat by the magnifying mirror in my room and watched my reflection. And I couldn’t recognize the woman that stares back at me—a woman once with great passions and dreams.  But now! There was nothing to live for except for now, when there was a little creature inside of me. I raised my hand to rub my stomach, but I still didn’t know what to do with it.  Happiness and sadness were what I felt carrying this baby. I looked down at my empty finger where my engagement ring was supposed to be, and pain shot through my heart.  I wish this pain could end. I wish that I could live on and forget about the past! I wish I never fell in love again.  My body trembled voraciously in pain while I struggled and gasped for air.  But I lied. There was someth
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Chapter 48
IrisI put on the heavy silver necklace that Isak had gifted me! The heaviness felt as if my throat was going to fall out! And he had forced me into a skimpy dress just to satisfy his lustful desire.I stared angrily at my own reflection and hated myself! He had dolled me up just as a trophy; that was all I was to him.But this was the life I had chosen! The painful, controlling life that I’ve settled for! I gripped the golden candle flame and angrily smashed it against the mirror.I felt disgusted with my look; I never wanted to see myself again. I was looking like a stupid whore!! I stood there as I angrily stared at the broken mirror.“So much anger!” I snapped at the sound of his voice and turned to find Isak standing by the door. “It doesn’t suit you at all! You don't have to give in to that kind of emotion,” he said, shaking his head in pity as he approached me. “You look fat! He stopped as he scanned my body with his lustful eyes, and despite being my husband, I felt my skin
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Chapter 49
Chapter 49 Iris  What have I done?! I had rejected Ian! His request for me to follow him home. What in the hell do I think I was doing?!!  I felt a rip of bitterness and pain as I pressed my back against the bathroom door.  All this while, I have been anticipating his presence, hoping that there was a way to reach him…  But now he’s back and I had foolishly rejected him and the offer I had so dearly in my heart desired… To return to the place where I had found peace and solace.   “Iris! Open this door! I heard the heavy bang behind me but I pressed my back firmly against it.  “Open up, Iris! He banged more forcefully with my back stil
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Chapter 50
IrisI became a prisoner in my own home. Isak had given me a strict order to remain indoors, and the greatest pain of all was that my assets were seized.My only great source of happiness was taken away from me, and there wasn’t any way to contact Brain or Tracy. I just wallow in sadness and boredom every day.The only way to remain sane was to entertain myself with news before, but today, as I make it down the stairs,in my loose gown and messy buns.I didn’t feel like sitting in front of the television today. I made my way to the dining room to get breakfast, only to find Isak seated there with his paper and reading glasses.After the last scandal in the papers, I have avoided it like a plague. The morning after the dinner party, I had gone through the papers to see most of my pictures.The press called me a bad wife at some point and wondered why I could be so mean to my husband.Then they asked questions about whether I had repented and why a good man like Isak was still with me.
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