All Chapters of Becoming My Alpha Step-Daddy's Luna: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
71 Chapters
Chapter 41: War was over
Francesca's POVIt felt like coming home, being in his arms. I was only too happy to stay there and let myself be held. I didn't want to utter a single word because I was afraid the spell would be broken. It felt like we were cocooned in a beautiful dream and I wanted to stay there forever.Something in me settled the longer we held each other. My head was buried in his chest whilst my arms were around his neck. His face was buried in my hair and he was rocking us back and forth. War was over.From now going forward, I wanted us to work through our issues and build a healthy bond even though it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world. The anger and resentment couldn't continue. It was too toxic and it was corroding me from the inside. Pretending I didn't care about him wasn't working either. It was just me fooling myself and being in denial. There was constant tension in our home because Dominic and my mother were stuck in the middle. Whenever the Beta tried to talk to me about hi
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Chapter 42: A called-off bluff
Francesca's POVI spent a few more minutes with Alpha Ian at the shooting range, laughing and talking. He teased me about how Dominic won't be happy when he heard that he'd been replaced as my personal tutor. It was all in good fun though. We both knew Dominic would love the fact that Alpha Ian and I have decided to put our differences aside and reconcile. Or rather, I'd decided to stop being stubborn and meet his elder brother half way. It was something he has been begging me to reconsider for weeks now. I also knew I would finally get back in my mother's good graces. In some way, this was a win win situation.Our home would be more cohesive and this could only straighten our standing in the pack. Not that my mother and Alpha Ian weren't already revered as leaders but presenting a united front has never hurt. I knew it was one of the reasons my mother has been so angry with me. These are all things she taught me were important from a young age. And now she probably thought I was just
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Chapter 43: Goddesses and their mysterious ways
Francesca's POVAt first, I wasn't sure how to react when Dominic started sobbing. It was so unexpected. I couldn't have seen it coming in a million years. This was Dominic Astor. He wasn't someone who was easily overwhelmed by anything. Trust me, I've seen him put in all sorts of situations while we are in training. He was like a Buddhist monk, stoic and unshakeable. But now he was sobbing in front of me, tears running down his face as he tried to wipe them away as fast as they were falling. I think I knew what was going on but I also wasn't hundred percent sure.At some point, it snapped in my head that I needed to move and do something. I couldn't just continue to sit there with my mouth wide open. I left my seat and walked over to his side of the table. I wrapped my arms around him and he didn't hesitate to bury his head in my midriff. He cried for the next few minutes, soaking my shirt but that was the least of my problems. I couldn't care less about a piece of clothing when my f
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Chapter 44: Who knew an all powerful Alpha could be bullied?
Francesca's POVDominic's words kept reverberating in my head but before I could spiral down a rabbit hole, my mum and Alpha Ian joined us in the dining room. I got up from the chair I was sitting and moved back to my original place, opposite the Beta. Dominic had gone back to looking like his perpetual relaxed self. If you didn't look at him closely and notice his red-rimmed eyes, you wouldn't have been none the wiser that he had been sobbing some minutes ago. It made me think that over the years, he's probably gotten very good at hiding his breakdowns over Damien. The thought made something twist in my chest. It was unfortunate what he was doing to himself and his fated mate. Jessica Reginald didn't look surprised to see me at the dinner table. I was right in assuming Alpha Ian had probably told him about the change in status quo. It occurred to me then that I didn't even tell Dominic why I had decided to attend dinner tonight. Well, he hadn't ask either. My mother made her way ov
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Chapter 45: Francesca is a certified troll
Francesca’s POVAs the weeks progressed, everyone in the household got used to me attending family dinner, including the maids and chefs and they didn’t hesitate to express how happy it made them that their food was being enjoyed by us all as a family. It should be the norm. It made them sad that I always ate my food separately, most times in the privacy of my bedroom. This also made me consider one important thing about presenting a united front. Even the house staff were constantly watching. They needed to see us as a family that deeply loved and respected each other.A family that had no weak links our enemies could explore.There were times when family dinner wasn’t just the four of us. There were times when I invited Bianca and Patrick over. Those days were the most chaotic. Bianca and I were hard-pressed to keep our hands off each other. I would always endeavor to push my chair as close to hers as possible. All of this so our thighs can brush against each other. I could randomly
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Chapter 46: Francesca was Dominic's Little Alpha
Francesca’s POVOn certain nights after dinner, we moved to Alpha Ian’s Study for a nightcap. This also meant spending at least a couple of hours talking about everything and nothing. Tonight for family dinner, we’d been joined by the Alpha twins, Michael and Gabriel. I’d mentioned in the past that they’d been our primary trainers when we were growing up in our pack, and this made them practically family to my mother and me. Denise had also joined us. She was our other trainer, and we referred to her as Dominic’s evil partner in crime. Denise might have the coolest shoulder-length purple hair but she was also a sadist who always put us through hell during training. She never went easy on us. Not even when Dominic and the twins wanted to slow things down.The words that always fell from her lips were, “Did we think the rogues were taking it easy?”Right after dinner tonight, my mother decided to retire to bed. She claimed she had a headache and was in no mood to listen to Michael, Gabr
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Chapter 47: Ian and Ezekiel (cradle brothers)
Alpha Ian’s POVAs I closed my eyes, I was immediately transported back to when I was but a mere toddler. I never moved as a unit. Wherever I went, there was a shadow serving as my companion. I never had to wonder what it was like to do anything by myself even though as young as I was, I wasn’t responsible for taking care of myself. My ability to make friends was determined by the company my parents kept. There were a few wolves around my age that I met regularly because our parents would bring us together. Among these kids, there was one who always stuck to me. The one I’m currently referring to as my shadow.It was none other than Ezekiel Aitken.We were cradle brothers. Growing up, almost all the important milestones I experienced were with Ezekiel by my side. And vice versa. As early as when we were both four, our parents always struggled to separate us when it was time to put us to bed. Ezekiel and I would burst into tears, clinging to each other for dear life. Many a time, our p
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Chapter 48: Medieval period and supernatural creatures
Alpha Ian’s POV “Well,” I prompted. “Tell me, what did you discover in that book?”Ezekiel continued to play with the ground at our feet, sly grin still in place. He was dragging this out because he knew my interest has been peaked. He was that kind of boy. I didn’t know where he got that from. His parents were the kindest people I knew, but Ezekiel was happiest when he was torturing some poor creature. There was this glimmer of excitement in his eyes when someone was under his mercy or he was withholding something you wanted.This went for everything from our favorite toy to the girls we had crushes on. Everyone was well aware of Ezekiel’s mean streak.“Do you know what the humans in the past used to do to us?” Ezekiel asked, cocking his head to the side, gaze intense on me.“You’re referring to our ancestors?” I said.Ezekiel nodded.“How far back?”“As far back as medieval Europe,” Ezekiel answered.I knew a little about that period thanks to our history lessons. We had an amazing
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Chapter 49: The True Nature of Ezekiel's Feelings
Alpha Ian POV’s“So at age ten, Ezekiel was already developing radical ideas?” Francesca said, pulling me back to the present.Back in my Study, every gaze was on me. I knew they’d all been engrossed by the tale I was narrating. I wasn’t exactly known for being someone who talked about Ezekiel easily. So this probably came as a surprise to everyone. “I was too young to decipher everything that was going on with him, but yeah, pretty much,” I said. “He was always an incredibly intense child, he hated losing and he was quick to retaliate or inflict hurt without mercy.”“But he was never like that with you,” Dominic said, as Francesca burrowed deeper into his side. The bond they shared pleased me to no end. I shook my head, confirming his words. “No, he wasn’t. I was the exception to his cruelty and impatience. I think that was one of the reasons I was blinded to it for so long. He was protective of me and he never failed to sing my praises.”“Yeah, that fucker had it in his head that
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Chapter 50: The Aftermath of Ezekiel's Banishment
Alpha Ian’s POVTravelling back to memories of my childhood with Ezekiel wasn’t something I was especially fond of. The reasons should be very obvious. Our relationship crashed and burned, right alongside him growing into the monster he was always going to be. There were many nights after Ezekiel left when I laid in bed, wondering what I could have done to prevent his banishment. I thought incessantly about how I should have tried harder to make sure he never got to that point, to prevent the innocent murder of that human. I hated myself for scarcely disagreeing with him as we grew up. But more than that, I hated myself even more for never speaking up when I did disagree with him. I never intervened when I felt he did something wrong. Whenever my gut instinct told me Ezekiel had crossed a line, I never did to make him see that.At age sixteen, when my best friend was banished from our pack for a heinous crime, I was devastated, I was heartbroken, but above all, I was filled with sel
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