All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Obsession : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
194 Chapters
JaneI stared at him for a few seconds, tired of hearing the same old excuses from him. He had tried all his creepy moves towards me and it had not worked, he had also tried to get to me by telling me that I wasn’t compatible with the alpha. He had told me we were a rare couple and I had ignored that. What was this new excuse he was bringing up? I looked ahead to see the gardeners working on the vast field. I couldn’t believe this was supposed to be a garden but it was. The flowers and rare plants were kept in tip top positions daily to make sure they retained this beautiful and healthy view.The colorful flowers gave the field a mysterious view which I admired.“Are you listening to me?” he asked as I nodded.“Listen… Ethan,” I was going to be straight with him. No cutting corners or anything of that sort. He was not going to tell me what I could or could not do. I was done listening to his silly excuses. I knew what he was trying to do and for that I would not tolerate it.“I unde
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EthanShe was as stubborn as a mule that wouldn’t work. It angered me when she defended that pig. Why would she do that?Who did she think she was to defend a man I had known my whole life? She was not going to take my advice as anything but mere words. I had to change tactics or else I would lose my edge.Brainwashing her wasn’t working, seducing her wasn’t working, there were other methods I would try and I was going to do them all no matter how long it would take.“I’m glad we had this talk,” she smiled at me before walking ahead of me to talk to the workers in the fields.She had no idea who she was dealing with. I would get what I wanted. I was not as kind hearted as so many men in the pack. I was a brutal wolf who would use any method in the book. I didn’t mind using the most brutal weapon in my arsenal, I would do it and make sure she was destroyed.When she was out of earshot, I exhaled slowly.“We could have made a great couple, Jane,” I sighed before shrugging and walking t
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VictoriaThe maids massaged me while I laid face down feeling their hands on my back and legs.It was good to be a Luna. I wouldn’t be able to get this kind of treatment as an ordinary member of the pack. It felt nicer too knowing they were at my beck and call.“Massage my right shoulder,” I told the maid who did that before the door opened. I looked up to see a maid getting in with a frantic look on her face. “What is it? Tell me you’ve got something interesting for me.”“Oh this is more than interesting,” she smiled. “You are going to love this.”I waved the maids away from me as I sat up with the towel over my chest.“Don’t let me stop you from telling me what I need to know. Let me hear them.”“A rumor has been spread across the entire pack about the Luna,” she put her hand to her mouth after calling Jane a Luna. “Forgive me my Luna, I didn’t mean to…”Rolling my eyes, I waved to her to continue.“They said she killed her parents and she is a homewrecker.”This was news to me. Who
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Jane After talking to her and going back to my room, Gail was there to comfort me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. She tried to motivate me and tell me that I didn’t need to disturb myself about anything. That I would be okay but these were just words. I was hurt inside by the rumors which were clearly not true. How was I a homewrecker when I had clearly been bought from my own home to join this pack? Taking in deep breaths, I focused on the rest of the day and tried to ignore the rumors. During dinner with the alpha and Victoria, I thought he would address the issues at hand but he didn’t. He didn’t even mention anything like it. I was certain he had heard of the rumors but he had not even asked me anything about the situation. Since he was going to sweep it under the carpet, I wondered if that was a sign for me to do the s
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Restless II
Jane “I heard that she killed her parents,” one of them said, with the other agreeing with her.  That rumor was the one which made me cry the most. I missed my parents because if they were still with me I would not be going through all of this. I cleaned my tears and decided to teach them a lesson. I rolled the trolley into the kitchen expecting that they would keep shut but this did little to stop them. Instead, they increased their volume as I knew they no longer respected me. “Can you all stop talking about me?” I said to them as the three girls turned to me. Their stares said a lot to me. It was obviously clear they no longer saw me as someone worth their time. If they did, they would not have stared at me the way they did. “Is it true that you killed your parents?” One of
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Restless III
Jane I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth about his tires or not but instead of calling him out to be a liar, I got out and started to walk home. I looked back at him to see him helping some girls into the cab. They seemed to have gone shopping and they were screaming at the top of their lungs. Even the man was telling them that he had enough fuel to last him for days and he would drive them anywhere they wanted. This had me fuming as I had been the first one in the cab but instead of me being halfway home by now, I was being ignored. I watched them get in and squeal as the driver zoomed off into the distance. I didn’t have any choice but to walk the walk of shame back home. Everyone stared at me with the rumors starting up again. This was even worse than the rumors I had in my former pack. At least in that one, the rum
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The Rumours
Sinclair The rumors had gotten to me and I had frowned at it. I had even called the elders and asked for the foundation of the rumors just to see that they were baseless. Whatever they were talking about was probably fake and I ignored it. I promised myself to tell her that she should not put her mind to it. She was not to worry about whatever they would say to her. She was important to me and no one was to tell her otherwise. However I did not have the chance to do so because of the meetings I had which overwhelmed me. All I could do was push it back till I had some time left to get back home. The meetings kept coming up because of the pack’s location to a dam which was threatening to burst open and flood the entire valley. If nothing was done, hundreds of thousands of people would either die or if they survive
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Restless IV
Jane Days turned to weeks and weeks into a month and the alpha had not been to the palace. No one saw anything wrong with it as they went about their daily lives without asking questions. To me it felt weird that he would still be out of the palace with no one asking questions as I was not used to that kind of life. Even my uncle in the pack was not this nonchalant with the throne. While I bothered about Sinclair, Ethan had taken over the pack, handling small business around the pack and it went well… until it didn’t. He started using tyrannical methods against people. He would flog the maids who didn’t respond to him and he would toss the food off the table if it wasn’t what he wanted. The once smiling Ethan whom I saw as a sweet and gentle soul was a demon in wolf form. No one could fight ag
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On the run
Jane  Staying in the wild was something I had not seen myself doing before. Now I had the chance to live on my own and live off the land, I could feel my wolf approving of this, however I felt sad that I had left a comfortable life for this. Being able to discern between poisonous fruits and good ones had not been my strongest suit before.  It was harder when I had not lived on my own. After my parents died, I had to live with my uncle who took over the pack. This was something that was considered normal, but the insults which followed it were not normal. Why did I have to be the runt of the litter every time? What had I done to deserve all of this? All I had done was try to be nice to everyone. People I knew and those I didn’t. From Victoria to the people spreading bad news and rumors, they were to know better.&nb
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On the run II
Jane  Something jumped out of the water behind me, getting me to shudder as I swam towards it.  The creature smiled at me but soon it noticed why I was coming to it and started to swim against the current. We were werewolves but not gods or flying aliens. There was no way we were strong enough to move against hundreds of tons of force. ‘Keep pushing!’ I heard my wolf groan within me. ‘We are going to die if you don’t keep pushing!’ ‘I’m trying,’ I grunted back, using everything I had in me but it was futile. I didn’t have a solid ground to hold onto. All I had was my strength which was failing the more I fought against the water. The beast tired out before me, falling backward as I heard it growl before falling to the bottom which was accompanied by a yelp. 
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