Semua Bab The Lycan King’s Obsession : Bab 61 - Bab 70
194 Bab
The ambush II
MarthaShe pointed at me with hatred, blurting out nonsense. Everything she said was just how she felt about me and not actual facts on why she thought I was the problem of this coven.We heard quakes getting closer as we looked to the pack and found something land close to us before zipping into us.We split just as the creature followed me about.It had red eyes, its fists clenched and fangs out. The permanent scowl on its face seemed to cause my heart to shake with fear.I was done running. I was a witch. I could win this fight if I put my heart on killing it. There was no way I was running away from this alpha.Turning around, I readied myself for the attack it would give to me.My shields were usually doubled to ensure maximum protection but this time, I tripled it. That would give me enough time to enforce my offensive abilities on him.He appeared before me with his speed like he had just teleported and punched into the shield.Just like I had expected, the shield held up, but
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The ambush III
JaneI paced around the house not doing anything but worrying my head off.I wanted so much to join the fight but that would not be possible. I had to trust Martha and her magic. If she was not the strongest in the pack, then I doubted that the rogues would have much attacking the pack.I heard a door slam and minutes later the sleeping witch walked down the stairs to join me in the living room.“Where is she?” she asked, looking around.“Martha? She joined the fight.”“She’s going to die.”“I’ve seen Martha fight. She can hold her own against the wolves.”“No,” she shook her head. “I am one of the strongest in the coven and I got my ass handed to me by an elder of their pack. Those wolves are not normal. They are strong.”“How strong?”“Their leader tore through the gates with his bare hands.”“Any creature can do that.”“That gate was made from graphene. It’s hundred times stronger than ordinary steel. It was also fortified with magic to make it stronger. That man tore through it wi
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Sinclair is back
Sinclair“Sinclair!” I heard a distant voice. No, this was a trick, it had to be. Those witches must have implanted it into my head when they used their spells against me.My eyesight was gone just as my hearing was gone. All I could do was smell but nothing smelled the same. They were all smoke and fire.“Sinclair!” the distant scream came again as I tightened my grip on the neck of whatever creature I was holding.I raised my hand higher this time ready to slice through the creature before me but when I did so, it held my hand with exceeding strength.That was impossible. Nothing could hold me back. No one could rival my power.I let my wolf show as the tussle of strength between us increased with the land around us sinking under our combined weight.I tried to use my wolf to heal myself even quicker which I did and there in front of me was the last person I had expected to see.It was Jane.“Wha…” I released my hand from her neck just as she punched into my jaw, sending me flying h
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Forgiving the lycan king
Jane“What?!” he yelled in frustration. It was clear he didn’t understand why I was still rejecting his idea to get back with him.Sure I wanted to go home with him but it wasn’t going to be that easy. He had to earn it.I was living a wonderful life here in the coven. If I wasn’t in the coven I was in the valley. There I had formed a bond with the witch, Martha.She had taught me to be stronger than I would ever be and taught me to be able to hold my own against both magical and non magical attacks. She was the definition of power and strength. I was going to be stronger under her tutelage.However I couldn’t leave everything to follow him just because he apologized. His apologies meant nothing if they would happen again.I wanted him to mean it and stop the rumors from spreading and destroying the good name I had built for myself. “What do you want?”“I am hurt, deeply hurt,” I sighed. “I haven’t done anything but been there for you whenever you wanted me and all I got was rumors a
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A decision has been made
MarthaI walked away from the couple with Indigo, heading back to my valley to rest for a while before getting back to the coven, however the witch had other ideas.The wolves were still fighting against the witches and none would let up until we stopped them.We could not teleport as we were out of manna. So we flew, but that could only take us far enough to use the rest on foot.We got to the coven, ringing the bell and getting everyone’s attention.“All of you should stop fighting and listen up!” I yelled. This got their attention. “We’ve reached an agreement. The wolf pack and the witches should stop fighting for now. The alpha would brief you all tomorrow. Witches, tend to the wounded wolf and witch. Wolves, help pile up the dead for the pyre.”They all grumbled but complied with my words as I sat down with the witch.“So she’s dating that jerk who nearly took our heads off,” she laughed. “He’s a strong fella, I’ll give him that.”“He’s a Lycan. It’s not like we weren’t expecting
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My baby
SinclairWe entered as a woman sitting on the couch got my attention.“This is where we live,” Jane said, ushering me in as I marveled at how cozy the place was.The woman got up from the bed, shivering to a corner as she raised her hands up in an offensive manner.“I’m not here to hurt you,” I said, raising my hands to show that I didn’t want any trouble.She didn’t believe me but Jane walked to her. They whispered while I walked into the dining room to see that the patterns on the table were old.Soon she joined me. “Do you want tea?” she asked.“Yes please,” I smiled, sitting in a chair which was too small for my frame.I watched her work around as she knew where everything was kept.“How did you end up here?” I asked. “You can’t tell me you found this place on the first day. It took me a while to find you.”She put the water for tea and turned around to face me.“Well, let’s see,” she pulled her head back to remember her journey through the rough terrains. “I ran out of the pack a
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I missed Sinclair
JaneHe was right. I had missed him really badly. The scent he gave out after having his shower, his beating heart pounding beneath his chest, his strong muscular arms that made me feel like a prisoner each time I laid within it.I had missed all of that. Was I ready to get back into it yet? No. I was not going to waltz into his arms just because he came back to me. He was going to beg for it.I had tried by accepting his pleas, but that was where it was going to end. Anything else and it was over.“I’ll take you to your room,” I stood to my feet, leading him up the stairs.We entered and I pointed to the bed.“It’s good enough for two people but you’ll feel comfortable laying in it.”He nodded. “I’m guessing you’re not staying with me,” he guessed right. I was a bit mad at him.I had spent more than four months without him, I could go a little more. He had taught me how to live on my own. He would try harder to get me back into his life.We walked into the room as I headed for the ba
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I would do anything for my Luna!
MarthaI got them two different cups, created the tea and gave it to both of them.“Are we happy now?” I asked, but indigo was not satisfied. “Who gets the tea I made?” she asked.“Nobody but me! Do you want to sleep outside? Because it can get pretty cold in these parts.”She gulped and settled down to drink her tea.I, on the other hand, had had enough of their nonsense and was heading for my room.***Sinclair’s POVWe sipped our drinks noisily while staring into each other's eyes like we were going to rip each other apart.She did not trust me, neither did I. She was just another egotistical, maniacal witch who could be deadly if she wanted but from what I could see believed she was the only law around.“What do you want?” I asked, dropping my empty cup down. “You seem to hate me for some reason. If it’s because I attacked you in your coven, I apologize, but I was only trying to protect my Luna. I was not trying to do anything harmful to you for no reason. I got reports that she
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My family
JaneSoon enough he was called with Martha and indigo to go before the entire pack and coven to make their treaty.“Let’s go,” he said to me but I wanted to stay with the burning bodies a bit.“I’ll stay here a while longer.”“Inhaling that is bad for you and the baby.”He was right but I wanted to stay with the bodies.“I’ll stay here for a while and then go into the hall.”That sounded right for him before he kissed my cheek and walked with the others.I heard cheers and applause from the people in the hall.It must be nice having the power to do anything one wanted. But these guys burning on the pyre didn’t have that choice. They followed orders.They were just extras in my story. They had died for reasons they didn’t even know. Just because Sinclair had been feeling powerful, he had attacked a coven that just the last time had been a wonderful civilized city.I looked at the fallen palace, walking toward it.The windows were shattered so I entered through it, walking on the walls
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Welcome back my Luna
JaneOur journey started with everyone riding along with us. It was not an easy one but we rode through the rough terrain and entered the packlands .Throughout the ride I could feel his cogs turning as he thought of what he was going to say to the pack. It was unlike him to be scared but he was afraid. This was something he had never done before. I knew he was doing all of this for me… for peace.The trouble was that even as he wanted peace to reign, the pack was going to be a tad bit reluctant, but he was a dangerous man. He could figure out how to treat the subjects that refused to listen.“How is the baby?” he asked. “I don’t know,” I smiled leaning back. “It’s just there.”“Your skin is thicker, he said. “I noticed when you punched me yesterday.”“I already told you that it was from the magic. I doubt I could punch you hundreds of miles away like I did last night.”“But what if it wasn’t from the magic. What if that was your natural strength? You did say you had been training f
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